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Gifts, visits and presentations begin ahead of Queen Mother’s 90 birthday - Kaniva Tonga News

Gifts, visits and presentations begin ahead of Queen Mother’s 90 birthday

The gates at the Tufum?hina royal residence have been open to the public as gifts were brought in and presented to Her Majesty Queen Halaevalu Mata?aho, the Queen Mother of Tonga.

Born as Halaevalu Mata?aho ?Ahome?e on May 29, 1926 she is the oldest daughter of Lord ‘Ahome?e known as Manu-‘o-Pangai and his wife Lady Heu?ifanga, a great granddaughter of the last King of the Tu?i Tonga line.

Her Majesty’s immediate family from both her paternal and maternal sides visited and met her since last week to show their appreciation on her 90th birthday.

They presented Tongan goods such as precious mats, ngatu, food and pigs.

Some presentations were followed by prayers and entertainments.

This is the cultural practice of fatongia and has been mainly performed by those who are linked to the Queen Mother in blood, responsibilities and friendship.

Her Majesty married her husband, the late king T?ufa??hau Tupou IV on June 10, 1947. ?Taufa’?hau Tupou IV died in 2006.

They have four children. The Late King George V, Princess Salote Mafile’o Pilolevu Tuita, Late Lord Ma?atu and King Tupou VI.

Her Majesty?Queen Halaevalu Mata?aho became the Queen of Tonga from 1965 ? 2006?and since 2006?she was the Queen Mother of the kingdom.

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