Novelist Marlon James: ‘A lot of really bad people are going to feel they have impunity if Trump wins’

The novelist talks to Alex Clark about the US election. his kinship with the Irish and the 10th anniversary of A Brief History of Seven Killings

‘Immense daring’: Marlon James

Alex Clark

When Marlon James visited Ireland in 2016 after his novel A Brief History of Seven Killings won the previous year’s Booker Prize, he felt a sense of homecoming: “Within two weeks of being in Ireland, I said to somebody, ‘You know, if I wanted to be around white Jamaicans I could have stayed in Jamaica’.”

It’s a kinship that he imagines might well be reciprocated by Irish visitors to Jamaica, for “all sorts of reasons, including the mess the British left us in, but I’m not going to go there!”