Kate Middleton Once Had A Server Job And Says She Was 'Terrible' At It

The Duchess of Cambridge held a few jobs before becoming a royal.

Before becoming a royal, Kate Middleton used to wait tables.

The Duchess of Cambridge revealed in the BBC special “A Berry Royal Christmas” with Mary Berry that she held a food server job during her years at the University of St Andrews, where she met Prince William .

She recalled the fun fact about her old life while helping make nonalcoholic drinks to serve to people at a dry bar in Liverpool on behalf of the charity Action on Addiction .

“It reminded me of my university days when I did a bit of waitressing,” Kate told Berry, who asked if she was any good at it, according to BBC .

“No ― I was terrible,” the duchess replied.

While the two were mixing drinks, Kate also shared a horror story about a soup gone wrong.

“I did this with a spinach soup once, and forgot to put the lid on it,” the duchess said as she prepared to shake a drink, according to the Daily Mail . “I ended up with spinach soup on the ceiling.”

Kate said she does the majority of the family’s cooking now, though Prince William used to whip up dishes in the kitchen back when he was trying to “impress” her.

“In university days he used to cook all sorts of meals,” she told Berry, the former “Great British Bake Off” judge.

“I think that’s when he was trying to impress me, Mary! Things like Bolognese sauce, and things like that,” Kate added.

Now, William mostly sticks to cooking for one meal. He’s “very good at breakfast,” Kate said.

Kate also held some jobs after graduating with her art history degree in 2005.

She worked at her parents’ party planning company, called Party Pieces, where she helped with styling and started an initiative called “First Birthdays.” Later on, she became a buyer for the British design brand Jigsaw Junior.

The co-founder of the brand, Belle Robinson, said she was “so impressed” by Kate’s poise.

“She sat in the kitchen at lunchtime and chatted with everyone from the van drivers to the accounts girls,” Robinson said in a 2008 interview with the Evening Standard , adding that she “thought she was very mature for a 26-year-old.”

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