Jul 7th 2007

The trouble with private equity



The trouble with private equity

Private equity has come in for much political criticism, but its more serious problems are financial

Language and terrorism

Don't mention the GWOT

A new vocabulary is needed to confront terrorism

Global poverty

Are we nearly there yet?

Mid-way through, the UN's drive against poverty remains half crusade and half charade

“Scooter” Libby and the president

Justice is not blind

By giving a crony a get-out-of-jail-free card, George Bush has further tarnished his presidency


The virtues of isolationism

Robert Mugabe should be a pariah, not a regular feature on the summit circuit


On air travel, liberalism, terrorism in Britain, rational voters, the government supremo


Millennium Development Goals

The eight commandments

In 2000 the world set itself goals to cut poverty, disease and illiteracy. It will take more than aid to meet them

Public v private equity

The business of making money

Private equity's strengths and its increasingly apparent weaknesses


Papua New Guinea

A feast for the voters

India's Sikhs

Heresy and history

North Korea


China and its Catholics

Cardinal principles

United States

The bald eagle

Downgrading an icon

The candidates: Mitt Romney

Mr Smooth of Massachusetts

Election finance

Of cash and crushes

Pre-natal testing

Wanted: perfection

Illegal immigration

Nowhere to hide

Citizenship drives

Staying in America


Supreme success

The Americas


Boring on

Middle East & Africa

The Palestinians

The labours of Fayyad

Female circumcision in Egypt

A little less purity goes a long way


Eastern Europe's economies

Worrying about a crash

Ukraine's future

Viktor ludorum

Viktor Chernomyrdin

A Russian in Kiev

French universities

Shaking them up

France's establishment

The rise of the lawyers


The two-speed myth


Terrorist attacks

Three times lucky

The British army

Out of step

Constitutional reform

The king is dead

Interest rates

The bank decides


America and Russia

Days of fishing and poker

International justice

How the mighty are falling

Global public health

More money than sense


Snuffed out


Europe's railways

A high-speed revolution

Chinese manufacturing

The diddle kingdom

The music industry

A change of tune

Marketing the iPhone

Where would Jesus queue?

Theme parks

Roll up, roll up

Finance & economics

America's mortgage giants

Fannie and Freddie ride again


Bomb proof

The economics of renewables

Cheap alternatives

Valuing urban trees

Green gold

Insurance regulation

Two thumbs up

The Big Mac Index


Economics focus

Home truths

Science & technology


Grey-sky thinking

Synthetic biology

Expanded vocabulary


Money isn't everything

Books & arts

Arab conquests

For the glory of Allah

Ronald Reagan

The instinctual man

Economic & financial indicators
