A woman has been left confused and disgusted after her husband bought her a 'gift' to wear when his friends come to visit. The 26-year-old became a stay-at-home wife after the Covid pandemic , since her partner earned enough to support them both.

To balance out his financial contribution, she began taking on more of the workload in the home, even though she never imagined being a "traditional" wife. She admitted she isn't the most talented cook, but she's chatty and enjoys hosting.

Her husband, who she called Harry*, often has his pals round to watch the football, and she dotingly brings them beers and snacks, while having a bit of chat with the friends. Harry's mates are always impressed and tell him he has "such a great wife".

While she has enjoyed this role, the mood recently shifted when Harry came home with a present. The fuming wife took to Reddit to tell the tale, The Mirror reports.

She wrote: "I never thought I'd end up being a 'traditional' wife, but given that he's the breadwinner, I sometimes feel as though I should pick up a lot of the slack at home.

"I'm not a great cook, but I'm sociable and enjoy being the hostess. When my husband, Harry, has friends over to watch soccer, I prep a huge tray of snacks, keep the beers on ice, and pop in with drink and food top ups during the game.

The wife often serves snacks and drinks when his friends come round to watch football (STOCK IMAGE)
The wife often serves snacks and drinks when his friends come round to watch football (STOCK IMAGE)

"I don't stay to watch, but I do ask the guys how they're doing etc, just polite chit chat. They all seemed into it and often comment that Harry has done well to have such a great wife. It's a nice set up."

Harry brought his wife a "beautifully gift wrapped box" and said that it was something special he wanted her to wear next time the lads were round for the football. The woman continued: "I do my best to dress nicely when they're round, so I figured it would be a pretty dress or something. He had this huge grin on his face so I was so excited."

When she saw what was inside, however, she did not join her hubby in smiling. She wrote: "I opened the box to find a red latex mini dress and a ball gag. The gag was designed to look like a soccer ball and the dress is in his team's colour.

"I didn't know what to say at first, I was so confused (he's never been into anything like that, he's very vanilla). I asked if it was a joke and at first he said no and told me his friends wouldn't believe how lucky he was if I walked in with the snacks like that.

"I can't remember what I said next, but then he told me it would be hilarious if I wore it and I should lighten up. I gave it a nervous laugh and told him I thought it was funny too."

When the woman woke the next morning, Harry had laid out the S&M-style outfit on her dresser and said that he was "looking forward" to seeing her wear it when his friends visited the following day.

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The woman continued: "I reminded him that he said it was a joke, he got a bit sulky and said he can't believe I don't have a sense of humour. But from what he's saying, it sounds like he's expecting me to wear it?

"I'm so confused because I don't know if he's done this as a joke because his friends think I talk too much, or If he'd get off on me being humiliated. He says I'm being uptight and called me out for being an a***hole, but I honestly don't think I'm unreasonable."

In response to the shocking story, one Redditor replied: "If it's something he's into, this is not the way to introduce it. And if humour is really the goal, tell him that his friends would find it even funnier if he wore it (undeniably true).

"Then you can get upset if he doesn't go along with that, because that would make him uptight, and where is his sense of humour?"

Another user replied: "I think you need to go back to work - and never make snacks for your husband's friends again." A third commented: "Your husband is weird. Or maybe he is testing your limits and will become more abusive once you are fully financially dependent on him.

"Consider staying away during the next party. And definitely consider getting a job and a 'backup' bank account that he doesn't have access to."

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