Dozens of MPs unanimously called for a timetable of a planned compensation scheme for women born in the 1950s who have been affected by changes to the State Pension age, during a debate on the findings of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s (PHSO) final report last week.

A similar call was made to the Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride during an evidence session in front of the Work and Pensions Committee on Wednesday by Conservative MP Siobhan Baillie. The Stroud MP urged the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to do the “kindest thing” and announce a timeline for when it plans to respond to the report and if compensation will be paid.

Chair of the cross-party group of MPs, Sir Stephen Timms, had also previously written to Mr Stride pushing for a compensation timetable to be announced before the parliamentary summer recess on July 23.

Ms Baillie said: “One of the greatest impact issues for 1950s WASPI women (Women Against State Pension Inequality Campaign) is their inability to plan and their lives being kind of turned up on their heads when they thought they were going to be able to retire and look after their grandchildren, all of those things.

“I’ve made this case repeatedly on behalf of Stroud WASPI women and I said it in Parliament as well, the kindest thing that Government can do is to allow these women to do is plan and publish a timeline - even if it’s a long shot date - to be able to be told what is happening.”

Ms Baillie added that she understood the complexities of compensation and the findings of the report, but said that “coming up with the timeline and finding a way of sticking to it” is the best thing the DWP could possibly do as a Department “regardless of what happens with elections”.

Earlier in the meeting, Mel Stride said he did not yet have a timeline for responding to the PHSO’s report. He told the Committee he was still working through some of the issues thrown up by the report published on March 21.

Just a few hours after that meeting ended, Rishi Sunak called a General Election for July 4, saying it was “the moment for Britain to choose its future”.

The Prime Minister has gambled that improved inflation figures of 2.3 per cent for April announced on Wednesday and a recovering economy will help him overturn Labour’s 20-point opinion poll lead.

However, a July election is earlier than many in Westminster had expected, with a contest in October or November widely thought to have been more likely and it could also have an immediate knock-on effect for pending legislation and upcoming cross-party committee meetings.

This is because Parliament will be suspended on Friday May 24, before it is formally shut down on Thursday, May 30 ahead of an official five-week election campaign.

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