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Health News


Doctors told football-loving teen his migraines and panic attacks were caused by using his

Oscar Fairs, from?Benfleet in Essex, was an otherwise healthy teenager. But in 2022 the now 14-year-old suddenly began experiencing?panic attacks, severe headaches, and even heart palpitations. His worried mother, Natalie,?took him to the GP but claims she was told Oscar's issues were mental health related and he was referred to counselling. Over the course of eight months further appointments blamed his symptoms on headaches and he was advised to sit 'in a dark room'. It was only after she then took him to A&E that scans revealed he had a 7cm tumour, known as an?ependymoma - a rare cancer affecting the brain and spine.

Smart ring worn by Prince Harry and hailed as England's Euros 'secret weapon' could detect

Researchers found sleep tracking data measured by Oura Rings could detect chronic conditions including diabetes as well as illnesses like flu or Covid. Fans of the fashionable Finnish tech already include Gwyneth Paltrow , Cristiano Ronaldo and even Prince Harry. The scientists, who tracked the sleep patterns of more than 30,000 Americans, identified five main types of sleep, which they dubbed sleep phenotypes. They discovered how often someone switches between phenotypes could provide up to ten times more information relevant to predicting the condition than relying on someone's average phenotype alone.

Jade Rossiter had just changed antidepressant medication when she started suffering vivid delusions, believing that she was various characters she had seen on TV, including a Viking.

Leafy greens contain lots of nitrate, which can reduce bacteria and acidity in the mouth that cause gum disease and tooth decay. It comes after alcohol mouthwash was linked to cancer this week.

Global alert issued over dangerous fake Ozempic jabs found in the UK, US and Brazil...

The once-a-week jab, made by Danish pharma giant Novo Nordisk, is offered on the NHS to help type 2 diabetes patients control their blood sugar levels. Semaglutide - the generic name for Ozempic - also triggers weight loss , earning it praise as a 'miracle' weight loss injection. But World Health Organization (WHO) bosses have announced three counterfeit batches falsely claiming to be manufactured by Novo Nordisk have entered the market. The UN agency detected the fake injectable pens, which could prove 'life threatening', in Brazil and the UK last October, and the US in December.

A clinical trial of overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes has found the approach can improve blood glucose levels and boost weight loss more than taking common medication for the condition.

While hard at work on the campaign trail ahead of elections in November, US President Joe Biden has been filmed more than once apparently freezing and becoming seemingly oblivious...

I discovered 20 tumors in my body after using a popular beauty tool and was diagnosed with

Helen Bailey, 28, was picking up a new self care routine in 2022 when she felt a small lump at the top of her neck, tucked right under her chin. It grew quickly, moving from the size of a gumball to a plum. Little did the Alabama-based realtor know, the lump was a warning sign of the 20 tumors that had invaded her body, spawning from a mole on her back. She was diagnosed with stage four metastatic skin melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer, shortly thereafter.?She had had a cancerous mole removed seven years before, but found out it had metastasized and returned.

Experts at Exeter University found people with a faulty gene called SMIM1 burn less energy while resting, giving them a massive disadvantage when trying to maintain a healthy weight.

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'He's living in a fairy world': Doctors slam Wes Streeting for backing controversial

Top medics have long raised the alarm over the health service's growing reliance on the group, dubbed 'cut-price doctors', amid growing patient safety concerns,?including three deaths. PAs do not go to medical school and instead do two years of post-graduate training on top of a degree in a subject like biomedical sciences. The shadow health secretary, however, said while concerns needed to be 'seriously' addressed, he was 'depressed by the state of debate' around PAs and the NHS should not 'slam the brakes' on their recruitment. Medics accused Mr Streeting of 'living in a fairy world' and said he was attempting to silence the concerns of doctors.

He once struck terror into the hearts of politicians with his incisive and relentless interviewing. But Jeremy Paxman cut a softer figure while quizzing shadow health secretary Wes Streeting yesterday.

GPs said surgery staff who aren't doctors, such as the controversial physician associates, may not be able to spot earlier signs of serious illness, especially in children.

'Tens of thousands' of NHS patients have their names, dates of birth and private

NHS patients have had their names, dates of birth and other private information published online by a?gang of hackers who targeted a blood testing firm at London hospitals. The cyber attack has caused chaos in the capital after IT systems were effectively made useless, with the group demanding a £40 million ransom. Cyber criminals Qilin hacked testing firm Synnovis on June 3 and have been attempting to extort money from them ever since. The group previously threatened to publish stolen data if it was not paid $50 million (£40 million). The data, almost 400GB of it, includes patient names, dates of birth, NHS numbers and descriptions of blood tests, but it is not known if the results of the tests are also available.

I was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer. Little did I know my nasty cancer would earn me extra cool points among some of the competitive cancer cliques.

The team, from the University of Manchester, unexpectedly discovered the link in a lab experiment where they were testing a drug to see if it boosted human scalp hair follicles.

GP told mum-of-two she had muscle ache but seven months later she was diagnosed with

Jane Hogan, from?Cheshunt in Hertfordshire, was at one point unable to move because?doing so would leave her in agony. Despite visiting her family doctor in 2019 who prescribed her morphine, she was still in 'horrendous' pain. The now 58-year-old was even rushed to hospital in February 2020, where doctors discovered her back was fractured in 12 places. But after sending her home with a back brace and painkillers, she returned to A&E a week later in March in excruciating pain. Tests later showed she had myeloma, a blood cancer that arises from plasma cells within bone marrow - the 'spongy' substance lurking within bones.

Scientists from Washington DC, claim to have found significant reductions in the brain size of infants born to mothers who scored high stress scores in the pandemic.

Thousands of cystic fibrosis patients finally get access to 'life-changing' drugs on the

UK regulators reached a deal with drug-makers Vertex over three 'miracle' drugs which can extend lives by decades, one of those set to benefit is little Rufus and his family. Like?any child about to turn two, Rufus doesn't like to sit still. But a simple cough or cold can mean he's out of action for weeks at a time, unable to play or go to toddler groups. He must endure gruelling physio three or four times a day when poorly, with little energy for anything else. Diagnosed when just days old, his parents Alex and Ben, both 31, described weeping with relief at the news he will now be eligible for the triple therapy, Kaftrio, from next month. They say the drug - which significantly improves lung function, helping people with cystic fibrosis to breathe more easily - will give him a normal life with his older brother Henry, four.

Eyelash extensions are becoming more and more popular, but doctors warn that they can cause a host of eye problems - from allergies, to bacterial build ups to parasitic infestations.

Be careful what sun creams you buy as products from Asda, Calypso and Bondi Sands 'don't

If you're making the most of the warmer weather, be careful which sun cream you slap on. Three popular products have failed an annual safety test by consumer group Which?. Products from Asda, Calypso and Bondi Sands all failed the watchdog's tests to assess their SPF (sun protection factor) and UVA protection. The Calypso Press & Protect Sun Lotion, costing £8 for 200ml, 'barely mustered' two-thirds of its claimed SPF 30 in both tests. Asda's Protect Moisturising Sun Lotion SPF 30 High (£2.80 for 200ml) failed both rounds of testing. And the Bondi Sands SPF 50+ Fragrance Free Face Sunscreen Lotion (£7.99 for 75ml) 'did not come close' to the claimed SPF or minimum required UVA protection.

Experts from the?University of Minnesota, paid fat teens up to $700 (£550) to lose weight, though the average actually handed out was $330 (£260).

In a world-first, 36 healthy people who had never had Covid were deliberately given the virus that causes the disease with scientist from University College London then tracking who got sick.

Cheshire man, 66, left 'unable to walk' after catching E. coli from £4.99 wrap he bought

John Daniels, from?Macclesfield in Cheshire, said he suffered?severe diarrhoea and passed blood two days after consuming the £4.99 chicken and bacon Caesar wrap from Boots in May. After rushing to hospital the 66 year-old was diagnosed with the bug. But just five days after being discharged he suddenly experienced severe bouts of dizziness, weakness and could not even walk unaided. Tests later revealed he was suffering?the nerve-damaging condition,?Guillain-Barre Syndrome, following his E. coli infection.

Are people in YOUR area dying needlessly? Our map reveals the locations across England and Wales with highest 'avoidable' fatalities... so how does your area fare?

Manchester recorded the highest avoidable death per head of population in both England followed by South Yorkshire and the Black Country in the West Midlands. Avoidable deaths are those classed by the UK's statistics body as either preventable or treatable among people under the age of 75. Examples include fatalities from vaccine-preventable disease like whooping cough or cancer cases where a patient might have had different outcome had they received care earlier. Higher rates are seen as a damming indication of the population's general health as well as a sign that people are struggling to access timely healthcare. Nationally the rate of such deaths per 100,000 head of population, a figure that allows statisticians to compare results between different areas, was?238 deaths per 100,000 people in England, and 274 deaths per 100,000 in Wales.

Researchers in Spain found those who worked out at 6pm - doing running, cycling or another activity - had lower blood sugar levels than sedentary people.

Hay fever alert: Maps reveal if YOU are in a 'pollen bomb' location, as asthma experts urge patients to watch out for life-threatening allergy-triggered attacks

The Met Office forecast predicts a 'very high' pollen count will sweep across the UK as hay fever sufferers brace for a 'pollen bomb'. This week a 'very high' pollen count has been forecast to hit most of the UK by Thursday. For the south of England and Wales pollen levels will be sitting at 'very high' all week with high pollen levels moving north throughout the week.

Exactly how heat stroke gradually destroys the body - and causes organ failure in just 15

As temperatures soar across the US, experts are warning of the dangers of deadly heat stroke - which can spiral in as little as 10 minutes. This week, meterologists sounded the alarm as swathes of the Northeast, Midwest, and even parts of Canada are set to face a 'dangerous' heat wave and heat indexes over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Already the leading weather-related killer in the US, the heat is leading officials to warn the millions in the heatwave's area to take the next few days' climate 'seriously,' or risk becoming one of the 700 Americans who die from it each year. Experts have told that the 'cascade of events' leading to heat stroke start within seconds of being exposed to extreme heat, including sweating, fast heart beat, and dehydration.

A third of vapers used high-strength nicotine in January this year compared to just 3.8 per cent on average between July 2016 and June 2021 with the biggest rise among 18-to-24-year-olds.

Doctors have said that bumps under the skin on the face and swelling in the hands and legs can indicate that one's bad cholesterol has reached levels that raise their risk of heart attack and stroke .

Doctors mistook my deadly sepsis for anxiety and sent me home from the hospital...I'm

A young California man is warning healthy Americans not to ignore alarming symptoms after he was diagnosed with lethal sepsis , despite being ultra-fit. In late April, Joe DuPont, 28, noticed red blotches dotting his neck, chest, and other parts of his body. At first, Mr DuPont, who is regularly active, assumed that the fast onset rashes were just a normal skin reaction. But when the spots failed to heal after a day and started oozing, he grew concerned. 'When I realized that it just wasn't going away, that's when I went to the hospital,' Mr DuPont, who works on the business side of the clinical lab industry, told The worst of it on the left side of his neck was filled with pus and fluid and continued opening up more.?On April 29, doctors at the local hospital, however, dismissed the symptoms as anxiety and a skin infection, prescribing steroid cream and oral antibiotics. It was a critical mistake as, less than 24 hours later, Mr DuPont suffered a life-threatening cardiac event as a result of sepsis, an immune system overreaction that kills one American every 90 seconds.

Researchers have discovered a link between common prostate medication and a lowered risk of dementia with Lewy bodies the same form of the condition comedian Robin Williams had.

While around a quarter of the UK population uses mouthwash, there's growing evidence to suggest it may do more harm than good. So what is the truth - and should you be using it?

Diabetes-linked amputations and complications cost the NHS £6bn every year

Diabetes UK estimates that more than 4.4 million people in the UK are living with diabetes, and a further 1.2 million could have undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity. Every week, diabetes leads to 2,990 cases of heart failure, more than 930 strokes, 660 heart attacks and 184 amputations. To reduce the risk of complications, patients must self-manage their condition with regular support from healthcare professionals. However, 1.6million people with diabetes in England did not receive all eight checks they were entitled to in 2022/23, figures show.

I was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer at 28 having never smoked.. here are the warning

When Aurora Lucas, 31, started feeling chest pain in August 2021 she initially brushed it off as stress. She was busy. She had just moved to a new state, started a new job teaching and was in the second year of her doctorate program. But when the pain didn't go away, she went to the ER. From there, an exhausting odyssey of doctors visits ensued for three months until she was finally diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer at just 28 years old.

Researchers wanted to explore the long-term effects of a one-year supervised resistance training programme, using heavy weights.

Swedish researchers find mothers and mums-to-be diagnosed with depression had a significant increased risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease in the years that followed.

Kylian Mbappe's broken nose: Plastic surgeons say star striker may need surgery in coming

French professional footballer Kylian Mbappe was forced off the pitch with a broken nose in Monday night's Euro 2024 tournament. But the 25-year-old is said to not need surgery despite medics initially believing he could be side lined for at least ten days after the accident in the?Austria-France match in?Dusseldorf. London-based NHS plastics surgeon Mark Mikhail said in most cases surgery is not needed if it hasn't caused any breathing problems.

I spotted a pea-sized 'freckle' on my penis, months later it had to be amputated. Now I'm

Just the thought of a surgeon cutting into my penis made me want to squirm, and I felt queasy even thinking about it. I was terrified about having the operation as it would change everything, from peeing like most men, to ending a sexual relationship with Colette, my partner of 33 years.

The test uses AI to predict the chances someone will develop Parkinson's, which is caused by the death of nerve cells in the part of the brain that controls movement.

Researchers found the density of sweat glads reduces in line with breast size, making it more difficult for bustier women to keep cool. They said new sports bras that assist with cooling are needed.

'I've been to hell and back': Teen who burned hole in her lung after vaping equivalent to

Kyla Blight, 17,?from Egremont, Cumbria, who began vaping at just 15, tells other young people 'it's not worth it' after her 4,000 puff vape habit burst a hole in her lung. The teenager admitted to smoking the equivalent of 400-cigarettes a week before underwent a five-hour surgery to remove part of her lung after her heart nearly stopped beating.

Ohio State University researchers have found the hepititis E virus in sperm samples, suggesting it can pass via sex. It was previously believed to only spread via contaminated water.

Worldwide more than a billion young people are at risk of hearing loss. While you can't reverse hearing loss, there are ways you can improve hearing sensitivity and prevent further decline.

I was born with two vaginas thanks to ultra-rare genetic's how I live as

A young woman born without an anus has detailed her medical ordeal from birth, noting that the condition is far less unusual than one might think. Anja Christofferson [pictured] also has two uteruses and vaginal canals as opposed to just one of each. She was born with a condition called cloaca She was rushed into surgery to correct a congenital condition in which the urinary, genital, and digestive tracts converge, leaving her with a single opening in the pelvis where there should be three.

New E. coli alert: Lidl chicken contaminated with faecal bacteria, listeria and

Results showed 23 of the 40 products analysed were positive for MRSA and extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL),?bacteria that no longer respond to antimicrobial treatment. Diarrhoea-causing bug E. Coli was also recorded among 19 of the chickens bought from UK stores. The retailer argued it had not itself recorded any 'deviations outside of legal levels', with no concerns flagged by regulatory bodies. The results also do not imply a specific health risk for consumers. But animal welfare charities, who commissioned the research, today labelled the results 'unacceptable' and called on the poultry industry to curb its use of antibiotics.


Figures come amid record dissatisfaction with GPs and long waits for diagnostic tests, with patients often struggling to be seen. Cancer Research UK described the situation as 'unacceptable'.

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has demanded a health warning be placed on social media apps saying parents feel 'helpless and alone in the face of toxic content and hidden harms.'

Experts SLAM Usher for promoting 'harmful' starvation diets as singer reveals he 'doesn't

Pop icon Usher has been praised for being in peak shape following his iconic Super Bowl performance. The singer, 45, is now preparing for an upcoming world tour, which will see him performing 80 concerts across six countries. The 'Yeah!' hitmaker revealed in an interview last week that to get in shape, he fasts for 24 hours at a time every week, drinking only water. He also nixes coffee in favor of celery juice and a concoction of lemon, ginger, and cayenne pepper water and claims that a morning yoga session 'activates' his organs. Experts told that while some of Usher's peculiar habits could have small benefits, most are largely 'unnecessary' and potentially 'harmful,' leading to dangerous malnutrition due to a lack of vital nutrients like carbs and fiber. They also warned that practices like sitting out in the heat to raise his body's 'natural heat levels' could promote unsafe levels of sun exposure, increasing the risk of skin cancer.

E. coli outbreak: DR ELLIE CANNON answers all your questions, including what to do if you

'Do not eat' alerts have now been placed on more than 60 products sold in the likes of Asda, Morrisons, Tesco and Sainsbury's. None of the products have been confirmed to contain?Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) - a strain that can cause severe, and even bloody diarrhoea -?but the products have been pulled as precaution. Food safety chiefs have said they are 'confident' a type of butterhead lettuce, named Apollo, is behind the outbreak. More than 200 people, however, are now known to have been infected with the bacteria up from 113 in the previous week. So what are the signs of an E. Coli infection? How long do symptoms last and what should you do if?you've already bought one of the now-recalled items?

More than 60 sandwiches and salads sold in 11 shops have already been slapped with?'do not eat' alerts over fears they could contain contaminated salad.

Food safety chiefs have said they are 'confident'?a type of butterhead lettuce, named Apollo, is behind the outbreak of. Exactly how they became contaminated is yet to be established, however.

EXCLUSIVE I went for a Brazilian butt lift in Turkey... this is what REALLY happens: JOHN JAMES books cut-price cosmetic surgery in Turkey - and what happened will shock you

EXCLUSIVE: MailOnline went undercover in Istanbul posing as a BBL patient. We signed up on WhatsApp and were invited to Turkey without seeing a doctor. Once we arrived we were pressured to sign contracts over Google Translate. The fashion for travelling to Istanbul for beauty treatments has surged after being endorsed by social media influencers and reality TV celebrities like Lauren Goodger, Amber Dowding, Georgia Kousoulou and Jemma Lucy. But cheaper prices can also mean lower surgical standards - and some 28 Brits are thought to have died in Turkey after having elective procedures in the last five years alone.

Chiropractors are again banned from giving babies spinal treatment after health ministers demanded a regulator reverse its controversial decision.

When I walk I often feel 'woozy' - as though I'm about to faint. I think it's called presyncope. Could it be related to my medications (apixaban, Forceval, bisoprolol, atorvastatin)?

Gym fanatic, 22, thought her hip pain was a pulled muscle - but scans revealed blood clots

Holly Whitehall, 22, from Nottingham, first felt her left hip aching in October last year, but she just blamed it on going to the gym too much. Later tests revealed she had multiple deadly blood clots in her lungs, stomach and left leg. It's thought the blood clots were a side-effect of taking the combined contraceptive pill.

Scientists from the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium, found that two species of bacteria were more prevalent after three months of daily mouthwash use.

Vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes for those trying to quit - but it's not necessarily safe itself. Here are ten potential health risks associated with the devices used by 4.5m Britons.

How to pick the trendy 'healthy' waters that really ARE worth paying for and avoid

Can water do more than simply hydrate? Apparently yes, with a range of water-based drinks with health benefits now available in supermarkets and on the High Street. CHARLOTTE DOVEY asked experts to assess a selection which we then rated (and tasted).

American and Australian used brains cans to help break down anxiety and depression into six subtypes with both issues effecting almost 10 per cent of people in the UK and US.

Dr Abdulaziz Balwi, a hair transplant surgeon at the Istanbul based clinic Elithair in Turkey, warned excessive energy drink consumption could cause men to potentially lose their hair.

Gordon Ramsay's massive 'purple potato' injury reignites bicycle helmet debate and if they

Some research has shown that helmet use drastically reduces your chances of suffering a serious injury and slashes the number of people killed in crashes. But other studies claim that they actually increase your chances of having an accident and make it more likely you will suffer a life-threatening spinal injury. Others say ordering cyclists to wear helmets is akin to victim-blaming and detracts attention from what would really improve safety - better cycle lanes and safer driving.

The Frances Crick Institute in London has developed a type of personalised vaccine which can cause moles to 'self-destruct'. It's thought to help patients at a heightened risk of cancer.

You may be more likely to develop Alzheimer's if your mother had the disease at any time in her life, a study suggests. But those whose father's suffered from early-onset Alzheimer's - Alzheimer's before the age of 65 years - may also be at risk.

35 scientifically-backed tricks to live longer and give your brain a boost, by DR MICHAEL

Dr Michael Mosley's greatest skill - and his lasting legacy - was his ability to distil complex scientific concepts into simple, actionable advice that everyone can understand and try out for themselves. He made it his mission to unearth small changes which can have a big impact on our mental and physical health. Here, in the final part of our tribute series highlighting 160 of the life-changing tips he gave the nation, are a selection of insightful tweaks and tricks he shared for boosting body strength and brainpower.


Like weight loss, sleep held an enduring fascination for Dr Mosley who resolved his sleep issues through judicious application of his own methods.


His genius was giving simple nuggets of science-backed advice that made a BIG impact. As a tribute to our much-missed columnist, we've compiled the best.

I lost my mom, 3 siblings and nephew to early-onset cancer...years later I discovered a

Lawrence Ingrassia discovered his family was plagued by an extremely rare, little known gene mutation that causes different cancers - and kills many before they reach 50. His nephew was first diagnosed at age two, while he lost his mom, his older brother, and both his sisters to devastating cancers.

Scientists found that mice feed made up of one of two types of protein were associated with having less body fat than a standard diet.

I regularly have a perfumed, flowery taste in my mouth. I have recently been treated for anaemia but my levels are now apparently back to normal.

'I woke screaming in agony': New mothers reveal how they were sent home with only

The new mother who woke up 'screaming in agony' after being sent home from hospital after a caesarean section with nothing more than paracetamol. The women left exhausted from traumatic labours - and in so much pain they couldn't walk or look after their newborn babies - told by NHS staff they could not have stronger painkillers because 'you've just had a baby, what did you expect?'. The mum who sobbed and begged for morphine days after an emergency C-section but was refused as she 'might get addicted' - and others in a similar state simply discharged and told to pick up some tablets from the supermarket on their way home. These horrifying tales, from postnatal wards across the country, have emerged after a prominent GP wrote on social media of her outrage that women having caesareans were routinely being discharged with only the most basic pain relief.

It was the news that many had been waiting for. Earlier this month, world-renowned medical journal The Lancet published a study that 'proved' antidepressants were not as risky as feared.

Men could slash their risk of prostate cancer by exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet, according to Dr Declan Cahill,?Consultant Urological Surgeon at London Bridge Hospital.

Is YOUR lunch a potentially deadly E.coli risk? See the full list of sandwiches, wraps and

Food safety watchdogs have stuck a 'do not eat' alert on the products made by Greencore, who produce 1.7million sandwiches daily making them the world's largest manufacturer. It is feared some batches sold in seven different stores could be contaminated with E.coli. These include Asda, Amazon, Boots, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Co-op and Aldi. The bug - which can kill - usually causes a fever, sickness and diarrhoea. Its symptoms typically fade naturally within days.

A study in the prestigious British Medical Journal that suggested Covid vaccines drove a rise in deaths has been labelled with an official 'expression of concern' - casting doubt on its findings.

Mother-of-one, 39, thought she had the flu... in fact it was incurable cancer, just like

Kelly Bawcombe, from Watford in Hertfordshire, was clueless about her disease until she discovered a?grape-sized lump in her armpit while showering one evening in March. But the 39-year-old believed the mass was just a sign of her being 'under the weather'. Instead she took vitamins in an effort to boost her immune system. It was only after the lump grew to the size of a golf ball just two weeks later that she visited her GP. Scans later revealed she had?triple negative breast cancer that had spread to her bones and liver, meaning it was stage four and incurable - like Girls Aloud 's Sarah Harding. The singer was 39 when she died from the disease in 2021, a little over a year after being diagnosed.

While the red, sore, bumpy bites are bad enough the buzzing assailants can also spread a host of dangerous pathogens, and are an increasing health risk in Europe.

Scientists found eating UPF plant-based products is linked with 15 per cent higher risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes. But not all UPF vegan food is bad for you says dietitian Dr Duane Mellor.

Young slim women are landing in A&E after abusing Ozempic or Wegovy, say medics, as NHS's

Emergency medics, who spoke anonymously, warned they are seeing cases of 'young, beautiful girls' with potentially deadly complications from using the drugs for weight-loss 'almost every shift'. Both Ozempic and Wegovy contain semaglutide which can help people lose weight by mimicking an appetite suppressing? hormone. While effective, the drugs are increasingly being used by normal and even underweight people without a clinical need for them, with potentially deadly consequences. Brits illegitimately obtaining, and using, the drugs was recently highlighted by NHS England's medical director Professor Sir Stephen Powis.

Researchers from Soochow University in China found workers who sat for at an least six hours a day had a lower chance of death if they drank coffee compared to those who didn't.

After viral TikTok claims 'cracks' on the tongue means you shouldn't drink coffee, we

After a TikTook video from an 'acupuncture physician' claimed people with cracks in their tongue with a thick yellow coating shouldn't drink coffee we reveal the real tongue symptoms you should keep an eye on.

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Barmaid, 20, left with third-degree burns and blisters assumed it was because she'd been

Chloe Douglas, 20, from?Sunderland, Tyne and Wear woke up with a red rash which turned into painful blisters which she assumed was a burn from a sun bed. But it was caused by giant hogweed. Giant hogweed sap stops the skin protecting itself against the sun, leading to gruesome burns when exposed to daylight. Often it causes no immediate pain, and its victims can continue to burn in the sun heedless of any problem. What's more, the plant can spread its sap with only a moment's exposure.

Scientists in Warwick found the option to 'cash out' for a smaller amount before the end of a match 'nudged' gamblers into placing bigger wagers and take bigger risks than they might have intended.


The patient was shot with a handgun at a range of about 30 to 50 feet, with the bullet blasting the left side of his brain and becoming lodged near the back of his skull. He was shot in Crete, Greece.

Here's why I'm getting Botox at 26 - and why so many other young women are following suit

Ten years ago, at the age of 16, I noticed my first wrinkle. When I smiled, my skin crinkled along one stubborn line that stretched determinedly out from the side of the eyes to my temples (says Clara, pictured above left and right). It would disappear when I relaxed my face, but I took it as a disturbing sign that the inevitable ageing ­process had already begun. A couple of years later, I noticed another line beginning to develop. Then another. Now I have six or seven 'crow's feet', depending on how wide I'm grinning, as well as ­several horizontal lines on my ­forehead. I fixate on them when I look back at beaming photos. I used to observe this process with fascination, rather than horror. But now, aged 26, I'm ready for those creases to stop multiplying. And I definitely don't want them to start appearing when I'm not smiling.

ADHD was the second most viewed health condition on the NHS website last year, with celebrities including Lily Allen sharing that they have recently realised they have the condition.

Julie McFadden, a hospice nurse in California, shared on the Problem Solved podcase this week two of the most devastating diseases to die from, as well as the most 'gentle' condition.

Could traditional Chinese malaria herb help ease symptoms of hormonal condition that

Artemisinin,?an ancient Chinese herbal therapy, has long been proven to swiftly reduce parasites in the blood of patients with malaria. But a study on animals now suggests the treatment could also help alleviate polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) a condition affecting celebs including Victoria Beckham and Daisy Ridley. Tests on mice and rats by researchers in China showed it could reduce the amount of the hormone, androgen, produced in the ovaries by targeting?a crucial enzyme in androgen production. Experts today labelled the discovery 'promising' but warned further research was vital to pinpoint the treatment's long term effects.

Mark (pictured), a 36-year-old from Denver, Colorado, is warning people to advocate for their health after his health concerns were dismissed for years only to be diagnosed with a rare cancer in February.

Doctors reveal how antidepressants can PERMANENTLY destroy your sex life, cause

It's widely accepted that sexual side-effects happen while people are actually taking antidepressants. There is now growing recognition that sexual problems can continue after stopping the drug. Rebekah is one of thousands around the world who report experiencing permanent sexual dysfunction as a result of taking antidepressants. 'These drugs have wiped out my sex drive,' the former student told Mail+. 'I have total genital numbness, zero libido and have no response to sexual stimuli.'

According to scientists in the US, combining weight loss jab treatments could be the most effective way to shed the pounds quickly before surgery.

Around 6.33 million patients were waiting for treatment by the end of April, up from 6.29 million at the end of March, despite repeated promises to get NHS waits under control.

'I thought it was just the flu': 27-year-old influencer reveals how she dismissed symptoms

Emma Cox, 27, had been on the tropical island in Indonesia for just 10 days before coming down with?classic dengue symptoms but only learnt the truth upon returning back home to the UK. She experienced muscle and joint pain, a full-body rash and a severe headaches so painful she had to wear sunglasses indoors. Urgently booking a flight home to the UK she she burst into a full body rash shortly following her arrival and the 'terrified' West Yorkshire-native rushed to A&E where medics confirmed she had been infected with the mosquito-borne virus. 'The virus gave me a rash that spread right across my body - I felt horrendous, and thought it wasn't ever going to go away,' she said. Experts warn Ms Cox's experience could be coming much closer to home with the dengue cases having exploded in Europe last year as the?mosquitos which carry the virus become increasingly common on the continent.


