Starbucks isn't content with merely adding to its menu for pop-up events like the Unicorn Frappuccino craze of April 2017, this brand is dedicated to bringing new beverages to its customers regularly.

This week, the coffee chain dropped two new drinks in its UK stores which the brand claims are both lower in calories than the average drink it sells.

Enter: The Cold Brew vanilla sweet cream and the Cappuccino Freddo, which we won't lie to you, don't sound particularly healthy but there you go.

The Cold Brew vanilla sweet cream is a cold - shock - combo of coffee, vanilla syrup and semi skimmed milk and sounds like spring's answer to the frappuccino.

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The Cappuccino Freddo, which sounds like a mash-up of everyone's favourite chocolate - is in fact a dark espresso brew poured over ice and topped with cold skimmed milk foam.

There's also good news when it comes to Starbucks' 26 calories Nitro Cold Brew coffee, which will reportedly be rolled out into some stores across the country after a successful launch in London.

Maria Sebastian, senior vice president for brand at Starbucks for Europe, the Middle East and Africa told The Independent : “London is one of the most competitive coffee markets and so we’re delighted to bring this to our customers here first, with plans to bring it to more stores around the country this summer”.

BRB, just going to Starbs...

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Jess Edwards
Executive Editor (Digital)

Jess Edwards is the Editor of, overseeing all things digital.