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Western Australian wildflowers bloom › Nature Features (ABC Science) [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Western Australian wildflowers bloom

Western Australia has one of the most spectacular displays of wildflowers anywhere in the world. At least 12,000 plant species live across the state, with more discovered every year. Yet the soils here are among the most barren in the world, and it hardly ever rains. What's going on?

Wreath flower

The wreath Leschenaultia (wreath flower) (Source: Alan Tinker, Western Flora Park)

We begin our story with some strange brown rocks called stromatolites.

Stromatolites (see image in the slideshow) are the ancestors of WA's stunning wildflowers and still grow in WA today. In fact, they are the great-great-great grandparents of all plants and animals.

These strange cauliflower-shaped boulders are formed by millions of blue-green algae skeletons building upon each other's dead bodies. This has been happening for billions of years; today's stromaolites have hardly changed from their three billion year old fossil ancestors.

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Now blooming

WA seems an unlikely place for wildflowers. Much of the state is harsh and dry with very low nutrient soils. Yet amazingly, the flowers here are among the most colourful and abundant in the world.

Wildflower season in Western Australia begins in June, and lasts through until December. During this time, many of the state's 13,000 species of plants will be flowering, although many also bloom in late summer and autumn.

The best-known wildflowers are the fields of everlasting daisies that form yellow, pink or white carpets, kilometres wide on the side of the road. These are most spectacular along the Great Eastern Highway inland of Perth, and north and east of Geraldton growing on red sands.

Some of Australia's more familiar plants take on a dazzling new palate in the west, such as eucalypts with blood-red blossoms, orange-flowering banksias, pink boronias, red-and-green kangaroo paw, red poker and Royal hakeas, and magenta paperbark blossom.

Also popular are the bizzare wreath Leschenaultia, and the Geraldton Wax flower, that now pops up in florist shops around the world. There's even a particularly pungent plant called the Smelly Socks Grevillea.

Fact file:

When: June (in the north) to December (in the south) but the best time is September to November.

Where: Exmouth to Esperance, Western Australia

Other info: WA is known at the Wildflower State because of its world-famous wildflowers that emerge every spring. The southwestern corner of WA has more species of flowering plants than almost anywhere else in the world.

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Heathland heaven

The vistas of daisies across the interior of the state are certainly spectacular and a real crowd pleaser. But what gets the local botanists really excited are the less well known heathlands, 200-400 km south and north of Perth. This vegetation type is incredibly rich in species such as orchids, kangaroo paws, banksias, feather flowers, trigger plants, and over 80 species of carnivorous plants.

The striking Queen of Sheba orchid. (Source: WA Tourism Commission)

The heathlands grow within an area known as the South West Botanical Province. This region has been identified by an international team of biologists as one of only 25 biodiversity hotspots on earth. The area is bounded by a line running from Kalbarri (on the coast, about 600 km north of Perth) south east down to Esperance, and includes all the land to the south and west of this line.

At least 8000 species of plants occur in the Province, three quarters of which are found nowhere else in the world.

To give some idea of how many species, imagine marking out a patch of ground 10 by 10 metres. Within this small patch you would most likely find over 100 species. This compares with only 40-60 species in the same size patch from the Sydney sandstone ecosystem.

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WA's biodiversity

Mt Lesueur National Park, north of Perth is a particularly good example of the biodiversity of the area.

There are two hills here with dramatically different ecosystems, which are just a few kilometres apart. They have similar soils, rainfall and aspect, yet their biodiversity is so different, the two hills only have about 40 per cent of species in common. This may not seem that much, but if you wanted to see the same change in biodiversity across the landscape in western NSW, you would have to travel 300 kilometres.

To see the same degree of difference in the United States, you would have to move over a thousand kilometres, virtually from west to the east coast.

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It's old out there!

Why does WA have such an amazing variety of plant life? One reason is the immense age of the area.

Another is that during the past few hundred million years, much of the land surface of Australia has been bludgeoned by mountain-building, ground up by glaciers or swamped by inland seas. However, Western Australia has not been subject to such massive forces of change. It has remained relatively stable for 250 million years, compared with 100 million years for South Australia, and even less for the east coast.

The oldest rocks in Western Australia are 4.3 billion years old, almost twice that of the rocks in South Australia, and seven times older than the oldest rocks of the east coast. With such stability comes a slow accumulation of species. As time passes, species evolve and join the pool of those already living.

Without the normal events which lead to mass extinctions, species accumulate, with those from the past being preserved and new ones being added all the time.

Selection pressure has also played a part in creating the diversity of flora we see in WA today. As the accumulating species compete for resources and pollinators, they change over time.

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An uneasy co-existance

However, competition is never so intense that species are eliminated. The soils are so dry and infertile that trees cannot dominate the landscape and shade out smaller plants.

Instead, all herbs and dwarf shrubs can survive under the larger shrubs as these have open canopies. They all live in an uneasy co-existence.

The soils are too poor to allow annuals, such as the everlastings, to take hold here, and perhaps prevent slower growing species from taking root.

So as a result, we have the amazing showy flowers of many west Australian plants, which crowd each other out in spring when water and nutrients are abundant and pollinators are most active.

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A little help from a furry friend

The honey possum is uniquely adapted to gather its food from flowers. (Source: University of Western Australia)

Some wildflowers are pollinated by mammals, which is unusual for Australia.

The honey possum, for example, is uniquely adapted among marsupials to obtain food from flowers. It prefers nectar from banksias, bottlebrushes, hakeas, dryandras, melaleuca and eucalypt, foraging deep within flowers with its long snout and brush-tipped tongue.

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Conserving the blooms

Today many WA wildflowers are grown for export and now appear in floral arrangements all around the world.

Meanwhile, their habitats are still under threat from land clearing and noxious weeds, and the WA Government has a research program to preserve the most endangered species.

The Western Australian Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority has a tissue culture program for 300 critically endangered species and another 1700 in need of conservation action.

The Department of Conservation and Land Management has a Threatened Flora Seed Centre. It is hoped this will give some breathing space so there is time to re-establish significant areas of wildflower habitat for the future.

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Wildflower events

There are many individual wildflower festivals held in towns across WA - check the Wildflower Society of WA website for more details.

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Wildflower facts

• WA is known at the Wildflower State because of its world-famous wildflowers that emerge every spring.

• The southwestern corner of WA has more species of flowering plants than almost anywhere else in the world.

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Australian National Botanic Gardens

FloraBase A search engine developed by the Western Australian Herbarium, CALM, providing names, maps, pictures and descriptions of Western Australian plants.

The Wildflower Society of Western Australia

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Special thanks to:
Professor Byron Lamont, Plant Ecology Group, Curtin University
Alan Tinker, Western Flora Caravan and Tourist Park
Ken McNamara, Senior curator of Invertebrate Palaeontology, Western Australian Museum
Stephen Hopper, CEO, Western Australian Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority WA Tourism Commission

Tags: science-and-technology , botany

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Published 02 August 2002