The Ruins | How Netflix gave this forgotten horror a new lease of life

Carter Smith’s 2008 horror film The Ruins is now streaming on Netflix and it has become an unlikely success, 15 years after its release.?

the ruins

Much has been said and written about the streaming wars and how streaming is posing a threat to cinemas. Much of that writing is correct and insightful, but streaming does have its upsides too.?

The Ruins, an underrated and certainly under-seen 2008 horror film by Carter Smith, dropped on Netflix a couple of weeks ago. Since then, it has steadily climbed to the service’s ten most watched films and people are falling head over heels over this little gem.?

I don’t want to brag, but I’ve loved The Ruins since its humble beginning. I believe I still own a busted-up DVD copy of it, stored somewhere in my mother’s flat, along with classics such as Contact , There’s Something About Mary and The Grudge .?

the ruins poster

Credit: DreamWorks/Paramount Distribution

In the film, four American tourists find themselves in a tricky spot as they explore ancient Mayan ruins. They’re forced up the ruins by the aggressive locals, unaware that they’re afraid of the plants which shroud the temple.?

Stacy, Amy, Jeff and Eric as well as their new friend Mathias soon discover that the plants are deadly.?

The film is based on a novel of the same name by Scott Smith, who also penned the script for the film. If you look at the film’s credits, Darius Khondji is listed as the film’s director of photography. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Khondji has worked with some, if not most, of the Hollywood’s elite directors, including David Fincher, Wes Anderson, Bong Joon-Ho, Alejandro G. Inarritu and Nicolas Winding Refn.?

There’s nothing that makes The Ruins particularly amazing or groundbreaking. It’s simply a very effective 90-minute film with some great scenes and a truly horrifying vibe. A killer plant that digs itself under your skin, driving you mad? Genius.?

In one of the standout scenes, Stacy, who has been infected, sneaks outside the group’s tent with a knife, convinced that she’s still infected. Her friends wake up to find her mutilating herself, cutting off pieces of flesh, completely oblivious to the fact that she is, in fact, killing herself.?

It’s a rare scene of heartbreaking cruelty and shock value that you rarely see these days in horror films outside of the Saw franchise . Horror has always been very profitable for studios and while we have been getting some incredible horror films in 2023, it all feels a tad tired and safe.?

This isn’t to say that The Ruins is the epitome of originality, but to highlight that we rarely see films like it anymore. This is where Netflix comes in.?

How many people would have ever actively sought out The Ruins without it popping up on the Netflix algorithm? You watched [insert appropriate film here], so now enjoy The Ruins . It feels almost coincidental how a film like The Ruins becomes a success on the service this late in the game.?

the ruins temple

Credit: DreamWorks/Paramount Distribution

We can certainly accuse Netflix of ruining the theatrical experience and we’ve even had writers arguing about the pros and cons of the binge model , but this is where streaming services are almost invaluable today. Usually, for less than a tenner a month, you have an ever-changing library of films and TV shows at your fingertips.?

Sure, it can be a mixed bag, and Netflix’s own content has been very hit and miss, but it has the potential to give films a new lease on life. Upon its release in 2008, The Ruins was a box-office bomb. It managed to gross only $22.9 million on a budget of $25 million and the critical reception was lukewarm at best.?

Horror fans were generally pleased with the film, which is why social media is now full of people sharing their joy for seeing the film get recognition. This week’s treasure and find is The Ruins , but the more fascinating question is, what film will get its own renaissance next week??

The Ruins is now streaming on Netflix.???

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