Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona on March 16, 1954 · Page 17
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Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona · Page 17

Phoenix, Arizona
Issue Date:
Tuesday, March 16, 1954
Page 17
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Ai-L. uulVlONS Tuesday, March 16, 1954 .The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Arizona. .Page 17 KOOL Buys KOY's Share Of Channel 10 Iaricopi Broadcasters, Inc., owner of KOOL radio and television stations, yesterday became the sole owner of television channel 10 as the result of a $400,000 purchase of station KOY's half Channel Chuckles Guest Violinist Warmed By Valley . Sun By BLL KEANE HEV-CQDS-LOOK BOYS RANCH CIRCUS SIEBRANO BROS. Julian Olevskv. puest violinist with the orchestra in January 1953. For his solo, he will play Lalo's "Symphonie Espagnole" with a recently-acquired Guarneri violin. He purchased the rare instrument, made in Italy in 1738, in Switzerland during a tour of the continent last fall. T had known for several years that it existed," he said, "but I didn't learn until last year that it was for sale." His tour took him to Switzerland, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, and Austria. This fall he will appear again in recitals throughout Europe. While there he will record two Brahms sonatas with internationally-famous orchestras. His recordings In this country have Included Bach solos, favorite Krelsler numbers, and the Brahms concerto which he played here with Dr. Leslie Hodge and the Phoenix Symphony last year. From Phoenix, Olevsky will go to California as guest with the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra. He has other concerts planned in California and Washington. with th Phnoniv Svmrhnnv to night, stepped out of the cold of Boston yesterday to the warm Valley of the Sun. The noted young violinist said he played a recital Sunday in 3-Ring-CIRCUS-3-Ring Boston's Garden Museum while 4 it rained and snowed alternately MARCH 15-2814 DAYS ADMIT ONE CHILD Main Entrance and Circus outside." I am pleased to come to Phoe nix after that kind of weather," Under 12 Tr NO CHARGE FOR SEATS sKviW he added. "The trouble is. I nev interest. er seem to be able to take prolonged advantage of what I consider the most beautiful climate Fire Blamed To Lighter r : CLIP THIS According to Charles Garland, general manager of KOOL's radio and television activities, the sale will be final when approved by the Federal Communications Commission. Until the approval is granted from four to six weeks the television channel will continue operation under the $2 TU CALL $2 Day, Nite, Sunday Immediate Rervlee All Kepaira Gaaraatee M Dara AM 6-9031 TEE VEE SERVICE CIRCUS COUPON anywhere." CHEJU ISLAND, Korea, Monday (AP) A carelessly filled cigaret lighter was -blamed yesterday for the fire that ravaged Cheju City Saturday night, leaving 3,500 homeless. There were no casualties. Four hundred homes and business Olevsky said he plans some day buildings burned. Police said a man spilled gasoline from an open can while fill i ing his lighter, then touched off: the blaze when he sparked the lighter. He Is being held for pos-l sible arson charges. ( I Thla Coapoa a4 te Aamita Oh Child at Mala Katranr aa dual I BKI.Xtt Mora aa Pop ... Bi tlreworka Ouaiajr Kl. JtlTC ... I Marc ltta aad Zf t. I . . to biing his family here for "a long vacation." Tonight's concert in Phoenix Union High School auditorium will be the concert star's second Sports fans get the inside dope by reading Amott Dun-1 can's "Dunkin with Dune" joint arrangement between Vet appearance here. He. was soloist nti iw scw laa II KOOL and KOY. ALBERT D. JOHNSON, gen eral manager of KOY radio and television, said yesterday, "joint operation of the facility has been most amicable and successful, and the original purposes of the time-sharing arrangement have been accomplished. Experience hasi shown, however, that the channel could be more effectively and economically operated in the public interest under single management. Garland said that the proposed complete ownership of the television outlet is in accordance with the expansion program of Maricopa Broadcasters, Inc.. and Its principal owner, Gene Autry. TOM CHAUACEY, managing director of Maricopa Broadcast ers, said that in line with this trend of progress, channel 10 to day will effect a new broadcast ing schedule beginning at 2:30 p.m. instead of 4 pan. No change in station personnel is contemplated witii the grant ing of the FCC approval, KOOL officials said. Channel 10, an American Broadcasting Co. affiliate, is Phoenix's newest television sta tion. It began operation in Octo ber of last year. j For PAX! AS Safe Economical Fireproof Weatherproof Permanent Install KooIYent now for permanent, all-weather protection at lowest cost per year. Beautiful colors. They stay up all year! They last a lifetime. KooiVrnt Alaminam Awninr Co. 109 West Jefferwm Please send me, without obligation, full color brochure on Ventilated Aluminum Umbrellas ANOTHER GREAT KOOL VENT PROBUCfi 22 TV Highlights At 6:30 pjn. today (channel 5) Dagmar tops list of guest panel ists on This is Show Business . At 7 pjn. (12) a veteran newspaperman writes one last top news story in "Ringo's Last As signment ... At 7:30 p.m. (10) "The Muldoon Matter" involves a small town doctor and an inhabitant of a nearby hobo jungle . . . At 8 p.m. (5) Red Skelton in the guise of Clem Kadiddlehopper is a newly-drafted army recruit . . . At 8:30 p.m. (12) Pam and I- and "South Pacific" Jerry North delve into murder and mystic voodoo in the "Death Doll" . . . At 8:30 p.m. (10) a William Penns story is drama tized in The Splendid Dream' . . . At 9 p.m. (5) Bishop Fulton J. Sheen speaks of public partici pation in programs working for the betterment of society . At 9 pjn. (10) Hollywood Music tian spouignts tne top tunes Irom Show Boat," "The King and 10 pjn. (5) Suspense features a! drama of the first woman juror in the United States. On This Day March 16, 1954 By ESTEY T. REED On this day, in 1621, Samo-set, an Indian, paid a surprise visit to Plymouth Colony, greeting cheerfully, "Welcome, Englishmen." He had learned English from fishermen at Penobscot, a village on the present Maine coast. He told of Massasoit, Wampanags chief, nearby with warriors. The chief signaled for a conference. Captain Standish sent diplomatic Edward Winslow. Result: Massasoit's friendly tribesmen taught the settlers many things for survival. On this day. In 1751, James Madison, future fourth UJS. President, was born at Port Conway, Va. made me scream at my husband" NAME . STREET CITY .- PHONE ZONE-.-STXTE ...... Paste on Postcard i 3 II I 71-3 i x .aw-' -------- .of .- I' I i 709 WEST JEFFERSON 4 If you are suffering from the irritable feelings and hot flashes of change of life listen! In doctors' tests, Lydia Pinkham's gave complete or striking relief of such functionally-caused distress in 63-80 of the cases! Lydia Pinkham's Compound or Tablets give glorious relief from Jumpy ''out-of-sorts" feelings due to change of life. Wonderful, too. for monthly pains. Get a bottle today. TONIGHT 7:00 P.M. FIRESIDE THEATRE fivy HOLLYWOOD MUSIC H ALU 9:00 P.M.- With LUCILLE NORMAN The Arizona Republic makes every effort to publish accurate radio and television logs. At 5 pjn. each day, The Republic makes a second daily check with the radio and television stations. They bear the responsibility if programs do not appear as scheduled. KPHO-TV I KOOL-KOY-TV I KTYL-TV CHANNEL, g CHANNEL. 10 ) CHANNEL 18 AJVL. TUESDAY. MARCH 16, 1 954 8:30 (Test Pattern ( lOtlSjMatinee Theater 11 :45,S'rch for Tomorrow I' " P3L 12:00 Love of Life 12:15;Brighter Day 12 :30 Rural Roundup 13:45jTV Music Shop Afternoon Edition l:00!Big Payoff (c) ITest Pattern Kate Smith (c) l:30 Bob Crosby c) I " 2:00:Garry Moore j Welcome Traveler (c) 2:30;Strike It Rich jMovie Matinee On Your Acc't (c) 3 :00; Cook's Corner J - Pinky Lee (c) S:30 m IChannel 12 Calling " 4:00The Secret Storm Stan Norman Show 4:15;Say it with Spanish " " 4:3oj Chuckwagon 4:45 GoId Dust Charlie " 1 8:00, Mr. Five jHandy Hints Big 12 Posse 5:15 " IThat's 5 for You Captain Video 5:30 D. Edwds News (c) (Big 10 Ranch Gang Dinah Shore (c) S:45;Everyman's Bible News Caravan (c) " 6:00,Weather-J. Green - BobHope Show (c) 6:15!News In Focus " I " 6:30.This Is Show Charlie Chase I " 6:45 Business Public Serv.-News 7:00 Ranee Rider 7:30 Drew Pearson 7:45 Range Rider Inter. jMake Rm for Daddy ;TV Theatre iFireside Theater (c) JCircle Theater (c) 8:00 Red Skelton 8:30,Laberace ICavalcade of Am. IJudge for Yourself (Mr. & Mrs. North (c) 9:00;Life is Worth 9:15 Living 9:30 I've Got A Secret Hollywood Music Hall Feature Film Headline Edition Camera College Favorite Story 10:00 Suspense 10:15; 10:30 Movietime 10:45 - jXews Sports First Run Theatre IWrestling l' f umiw iani a.nm.iiii iiiuj.11,1 1,1 m. 111 .K j . .. .-. . . - ., ( : : s A Y. :: - .y.-y : . :: : y-: -yy-ir-y yy . -xy y- y- . y-. w. . . : . : , . . . - y - . .v- . -A y-.- . ; ' - - -M ' ' - - y " v ' - ,j s , . ' - , , t ' v . . y.:. s .;. . y. y ,y- . ... . ? . t-y . . V :y. . y'.y ; . .. y yy .. :. . .V. ". . .' -.-... '. .'- r. .nj. . y ' . A '. ' " V - " . , ' ' t- -' r y , ... m, -iW V : - . " ( ' IU 'ill! " r : J y . t - f , 4 , ' ' y ' - ' ( , E f ' i :' ', . , J it . : '.. y VP f . i . - , - " n-i vif' V ill it - - . ' , ? ; y y- '- ft' z yS, y 4 x ? y, ' t ' 4 whenyouVe really got to pass... - Hey" v V" v y-i r wA "ys y '- y y . . . '.''y- y. r.. S' .. Z ? y y. ' , - y , y y e y ' 4 r -y.yxA t , t y y y'-yyy.'yyyyy 'y-. ' r r t e s " ' ' ' " (" ' ' 1 ' ' ' '" 1 ' "rev"- ' " . -"' I x:- ,y y S y A y 4 y " ' - ' s , l 3 , - y I 4 -tai'rttfi it i iaririV.-iYi.f rim nvrn iti Willi i' w i fi 1 1 r yy 4 ry yy y i , y" .y. yy' y yy. : J y? 'y ' ' 'v - nj ( ' " ' , j y' ' - J ' ' "'' I tfnt'f WMi4m . ..if . f i y 5- ' y y, ' y v - - y y -y, y ' yy ' yy , y yd y y. in ii'imfifXi rnirrii) mi 'iftmrf'-r- itou ,-, r rum r v y,-'v,y v y.'y'.'yyty y . . y? YOU PA increases jour cars RESPONSE-iiBIUEr i Try a tank-full of The Finest in your car and enoy the difference it makes when you're at the wheel. Drive in at the sign of 76 and fill upl raOC3 OIL (SMDRAMY OF CALIFORNIA The West's Oldest and Largest Independent Oil Company tr- 1 1 11 . a - : . ' fy r y v . y' 11:001 Final Edition

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