About this Website

Website management

This website is managed and maintained by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Contact the Web Administrator for all enquiries regarding site management, performance or technical issues.

Archived information from Australian Prime Ministers

The PM Transcripts website has a collection of transcripts from former Australian Prime Ministers, and contains approximately 23,000 individual speeches, media releases and other transcript items dating from the early 1940s through to August 2018.?

Archived websites for former Prime Ministers of Australia (from 1998), can be found on the Australian Government Web Archive .

The National Archives of Australia maintains Australia's Prime Ministers , a website with detailed information and archival records about?past Prime Ministers.

Guidelines for linking to this website

The Prime Minister welcomes links from other websites to the Prime Minister's website.

If you intend to create a link, we request that you adopt the following guidelines:

  • When linking to the website, link to main collection level pages wherever possible.
  • Deep linking is permitted, however this can create maintenance overheads as the page to which you link may become unavailable or move.
  • Where appropriate to the context of the link, it is good practice to indicate the website to which the user will link.

The correct name of the website is the Prime Minister of Australia .

Please note that permission to link to this website is not granted if:

  • Inclusion on the requesting site implies the endorsement of the site or product.
  • The requesting site uses the Prime Minister's website solely for commercial purposes.
  • The material linked to is changed technically (e.g. the material is framed and users are unable to determine the location of the original material).
  • Linking to the site is deemed to be in contravention of government policy or not in the public interest.