Lea DeLaria is an actress and comedian, who’s currently best known for her portrayal of inmate Big Boo on Netflix original series Orange is the New Black . Earlier this year she took on the role of Miss Fritter in the Disney/Pixar film Cars 3 . She will be reprising that role in a new short exclusively made for the Cars 3 DVD release. Cars 3 was released on Digital HD on October 24, 2017, and will be released on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray on November 7, 2017.

Screen Rant got a chance to chat with Lea DeLaria on press day, where we discussed who her favorite car is in the Cars Universe, what it was like reprising her role of Miss Fritter, and what she is excited to see in the behind-the-scenes footage of the Cars 3 DVD release.


When you get the call from Disney/Pixar, what goes through your head knowing that you got this role?

Lea DeLaria: Well, I didn’t want to work for Pixar.


Lea DeLaria: I mean, what goes through my head? Are you kidding?! I squirted like a watermelon seed out of the universe. I was like vroom, man. It was so amazing to me and such bucketlist stuff for me. I’m a huge fan of animation and a big ol’ Pixar fan. Like big time Pixar fan. So to get that phone call, please, I was dancing around in my manager’s office. So exciting!

Were you familiar with the Cars Universe beforehand?

Lea DeLaria: Oh heck yeah!



Lea DeLaria: Oh, I know all of the Pixar movies.

Okay. You as yourself, if you had to choose which car to drive? Jackson or McQueen?

Lea DeLaria: McQueen.

Lightning McQueen in Cars

Really? Why?

Lea DeLaria: Cause he’s the star of the movie.

That’s true. That’s true. But Jackson’s a little bit faster.

Lea DeLaria: [laughs]

Yeah. It doesn’t matter.

Lea DeLaria: McQueen’s awesome.

Now you have the driving school short, which I loved…

Lea DeLaria: Yes. Miss Fritter’s racing school! Love it!

How was that? How was it returning when you knew you were going to reprise that?

Lea DeLaria: I couldn’t believe it. Again, we were so excited when we got the phonecall. I was like, “Are you kidding?” And then we had to go to O Network. We had to go to Oprah’s network. [happy dances] I had so much fun that day. So I was doing Miss Fritter and I was getting my picture taken in front of Oprah’s network. It was amazing and to have them say we love you. We want more of you, so here. Please go talk about the demolition derby and here’s a short. Come on! Come on!


I know. It’s like you are living the dream.

Lea DeLaria: It’s ridiculous. I’m totally having a ball.

Mater was a big part of Cars 2 . Now what are the chances we get to Miss Fritter in Cars 4 ?

Lea DeLaria: Oh! Oh, I got so excited. I hope!

I hope so too.

Lea DeLaria: Look right into the camera and tell Pixar to keep writing for Miss Fritter?

Keep writing for Miss Fritter.

Lea DeLaria: [laughs]

There’s a lot of Easter eggs in the Cars Universe. Have you been able to pick up on any in Cars 3 ?

Lea DeLaria: Uh, no.


Lea DeLaria: No.

Well there’s one on Miss Fritter. I’m sure you know about that right?


Lea DeLaria: No. Tell me about it.

The rainbow lightning bolt.

Lea DeLaria: Oh! Yes.

I have that pin. I got it from Pixar.

Lea DeLaria: That’s so cool. Yeah. Well I have this shirt that I’m wearing and she’s got the rainbow on it somewhere.

Oh, that’s amazing!

Lea DeLaria: Isn’t that great? I love that they did that.

It’s the coolest pin that I have. I should have worn it.

Lea DeLaria: I would have gotten excited if you had because I would have recognized it immediately.

What are you most looking forward to on the behind-the-scenes features on this?

Lea DeLaria: Well, first of all, the short that people are going to see. I have not seen the deleted scenes. I’m really excited to see that and, of course, the backstage stuff. I can’t wait to see all of that because I’ve seen none of it. I’m like a kid in a candy store when I see stuff like that.


Watching yourself in the booth recording.

Lea DeLaria: I want to see everyone recording in the booth.

Were you able to ad lib?

Lea DeLaria: They are great at Pixar. They just, you know, say here’s the line. You say the line. They go, “Give it something else.” And you give it something else and they throw lines at you and you do those lines and then they’ll go, “Hey. Just do ten things.” And then I just do ten things. Some of those things end up in the movie. Some of them don’t. Some are them in the deleted scenes I think, so yeah I think there’s a lot of ad libbing going on.

MORE: Our Interview With Cars 3's Director

Cars 3 is available on Blu-ray November 7, 2017.

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