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Can't get to the store? Download your favorite knowledge magazines straight to your cell phone or tablet | Space
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Can't get to the store? Download your favorite magazines and save 45%!

knowledge magazine subscriptions
(Image: ⓒ Future)

Beat boredom and isolation with your favorite ?knowledge magazines, without even having to leave your front door. Over on MyFavouriteMagazines there are a huge range of titles available on digital subscription, meaning you can get every issue straight to your tablet, cellphone or other smart device.?

Digital subscriptions to any of our best-selling magazines are now available from just $2.38 per month ??saving you 45% on the standard price!?

This can help you and your household stay up-to-date, educated and entertained all without having to go out to the store.?From the mysteries of science and technology, to the dramatic real stories from world history, we have you covered. ?

See below for more details on the world-leading magazines you can enjoy today.

Feed your curious mind with How It Works?

How It Works is the action-packed magazine filled with incredible facts about pretty much everything in the world. Every issue is stuffed with fascinating trivia and stories on science, technology, transport, the environment, the universe and history. With easy-to-follow diagrams, tantilizing explanations and all the essential answers to questions you didn't even realize you had, How It Works is the perfect companion to banish boredom and feed curious minds. You can start a digital subscription today for just $2.38 per issue!
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The mysteries of the universe unravelled with All About Space ?

Ever been inspired by the sheer beauty and mystery of the cosmos? All About Space is the ideal companion to your journey of discovery, from the secrets of our Solar System and beyond. Each issue the All About Space team uncover the amazing technology and spacecraft that enables humanity to venture into orbit, and explain the latest complexities of space science. At $2.38 per issue with your digital subscription, there's never been a better time to launch into a new passion.? View Deal

Unlock the secrets of the past with All About History

From the scandals of Ancient Egypt, to the dark plots of the Stuart court and heroic tales from the First World War ? each issue All About History takes you ?on a voyage across the eras, and leaves in all the drama and entertainment our fascinating past has to offer. Each issue is stuffed with gorgeous illustrations, and engrossing stories written by leading historians. Start your own journey today without even leaving the house, for just $2.38 an issue!? View Deal

Join History of War and reconnect with your military heritage

From the brutal clashes of the Civil War, to inspiring stories from the Korean frontline, History of War magazine takes you through the stories, strategies, heroes and machines of armed conflict through the ages. Every issue explores the critical battlefields and most influential military minds from across the centuries, and includes in-depth interviews with war veterans who share their unique ?and humbling memories of warfare. Get going with your digital subscription for only $2.38! ? View Deal

There are dozens more magazines to choose from too, check them all out at MyFavouriteMagazines .?

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