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PlayStation Vita Slim confirmed for US [UPDATED] - GameSpot
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PlayStation Vita Slim confirmed for US [UPDATED]

At a Sony event today, Sony confirmed that the slimmer version of their portable device will also be coming to the US in a bundle along with Borderlands 2

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The story below has been updated with information from Sony's VP of marketing John Koller via the official PlayStation Blog .

Sony confirmed today that the PlayStation Vita Slim (also called the PlayStation Vita 2000), a lighter, smaller version of the Vita handheld will be coming to the US sometime "this spring."

We've had hands-on with the device since it's European launch last week, and we also have a photo comparison between the OLED original and the LED update right here. But what exactly is different?

  • 15% lighter and 20% slimmer than the original
  • LCD instead of the OLED of the original -- our UK editors haven't noticed a significant difference in visual fidelity, but we're putting together a more in-depth photographic comparison
  • Longer battery life: 4-6 hours versus the original Vita's 3-5 hours
  • 1GB internal memory (same as the original)

In addition to the standalone hardware we're already familiar with, the wi-fi-only system will also ship in a Borderlands 2 bundle. This bundle will cost the same as the current Vita model ($200), but it will come packaged with:

  • Borderlands 2 for Vita
  • 8GB memory card
  • Borderlands 2:
    • Will let you cross-save with Vita, comes with
    • All of the Borderlands 2 DLC packs (though this is likely packaged with all versions of the Vita game)
    • Four-player online multiplayer
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