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STORIES | World Migratory Bird Day
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WMBD around the world

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World Migratory Bird Day in Focus at UN Day Celebrations in Bonn

The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and its associated Agreements also called the CMS Family took part in the annual UN Day celebrations on Bonn's Market Square on 12 October.? Acting Executive Secretary joined the CMS Family team, meeting with Mayor and other city officials, heads other UN agencies, members of the diplomatic corps, and representatives of other organizations participating in the event.??


Thousands Gear up for World Migratory Bird Day’s Second Peak Celebration on 12 October

The second peak day celebration of World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2019 is taking place on Saturday, 12 October, and an astonishing number of events have been registered around the globe.??

A Laysan Albatross feeds its chick, photograph by Pete Leary

The Albatross and the Cigarette Lighter

You are going on a bird-watching holiday.  You travel to a seabird island, say in the North Pacific.  On arrival you are delighted to see thousands of albatrosses spread right across the island.  Your guide tells you the albatrosses are nearly at the end of their breeding season and that nearly all the birds before your admiring gaze are chicks that have lost their downy feathers and will soon fly away to sea, not to return for four years or more.


World Migratory Bird Day 2019 Sparks Major Support

Awareness-raising activity for children in Misurata, Libya ⓒ Abd Alati Elsowayeb/Libyan Organization For Conservation Of Nature (LOCN)


World Migratory Bird Day 2019 - Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution

Bonn, 6?March 2019 ? Every year, World Migratory Bird Day presents an annual theme aiming to raise awareness of issues affecting migratory birds and to inspire people and organizations around the world to take measures for their conservation. This year’s theme ? “Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution!” ? will put the spotlight on the negative impact of plastic pollution on migratory birds and their habitats.
