The Council on Foreign Relations launched the Independent Task Force Program in 1995 with a Task Force on nuclear nonproliferation, chaired by Stephen J. Hadley, who most recently served as the national security adviser in the George W. Bush administration. More than seventy reports later, Task Forces have become a trademark of the Council. For more information about Task Forces, please contact .

76 Independent Task Force Reports

Recent Independent Task Forces

The Work Ahead

The world is in the midst of a transformation in the nature of work, as smart machines, artificial intelligence, new technologies, and global competition remake how people do their jobs and pursue their careers. The Work Ahead: Machines, Skills, and U.S. Leadership in the Twenty-First Century focuses on how to rebuild the links among work, opportunity, and economic security for all Americans in the face of accelerating change. To prosper and to lead, the United States must find new ways to meet the workforce challenges of the twenty-first century.

Arctic Imperatives

With the Arctic warming at twice the rate as the rest of the planet and melting sea ice opening up the resource-rich region to new trade routes and commercial activities, the Arctic offers both opportunities and challenges for the United States and other countries. Composed of twenty experts from a wide range of backgrounds, the Independent Task Force on U.S. Strategy in the Arctic was convened to assess U.S. interests in the region in the face of changing conditions there.

A Sharper Choice on North Korea

For over forty years, the Korean Peninsula has been trapped in a familiar cycle of provocation. Yet in some ways, developments of the past year have altered the North Korea problem in important ways, offering the next U.S. president new opportunities to halt the cycle of provocation and increase pressure on North Korea to resolve its nuclear and human rights problems.

Contact Us

Anya Schmemann

Director of the Independent Task Force Program

Chelie Setzer

Assistant Director