Religion August 2, 2018

5 facts about the death penalty

Pope Francis has changed the Catholic Church’s teaching to fully oppose the death penalty. Read key facts about the death penalty in the U.S. and abroad.

June 13, 2018

7 facts about American dads

Fatherhood in America is changing. Ahead of Father’s Day, read key findings about dads in the United States.

U.S. Politics June 12, 2018

5 facts about the Supreme Court

As the court enters a period in which it is expected to deliver high-profile rulings ? and with speculation mounting over whether one or more justices may soon retire ? here are five facts about the U.S. Supreme Court, based on surveys and other recent research by Pew Research Center.

February 13, 2018

8 facts about love and marriage in America

The landscape of relationships in America has shifted dramatically in recent decades. Read eight facts about love and marriage in the United States.

Global January 10, 2018

5 facts about Iran

The public unrest that swept across Iran starting in late December began as a protest against poor economic conditions, but it quickly turned into a call for an end?to the country’s theocratic regime.

Religion December 18, 2017

5 facts about Christmas in America

Read five facts about Christmas in America and how people celebrate the holiday.

Global November 29, 2017

5 facts about the Muslim population in Europe

In the coming decades, the Muslim share of Europe’s population is expected to grow ? and could more than double. Read five facts about the Muslim population in Europe.

Pew Research Center August 17, 2017

5 facts about the national debt

As of July 31,?the federal government’s total debt stands at $19.845 trillion. Read a primer on the U.S. national debt, the debt limit and interest payments on the nation’s credit line.

Religion June 26, 2017

5 facts about same-sex marriage

Read five key facts about same-sex marriage, two years after U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling that granted same-sex couples the right to marry.

Pew Research Center April 20, 2017

For Earth Day, here’s how Americans view environmental issues

The 1970s were an important era for American environmentalism. Congress passed the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, President Richard Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency, and the nation observed its first Earth Day?? created by Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson ??on April 22, 1970. Nearly a half century later, Earth Day has expanded […]