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Catalog Record: Ueber die hypergeometrische Function.... | Hathi Trust Digital Library
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Catalog Record: Ueber die hypergeometrische Function. Vorlesung, gehalten im Wintersemester 1893/94 | Hathi Trust Digital Library


Ueber die hypergeometrische Function. Vorlesung, gehalten im Wintersemester 1893/94,. von F. Klein. Ausgearb. von E. Ritter.

Main Author: Klein, Felix, 1849-1925.
Related Names: Ritter, Ernst 1867-1895. , ed.
Language(s): German
Published: Gottingen, 1894.
Subjects: Hypergeometric functions.
Note: Autographed; t.-p. and table of contents printed.
Physical Description: 3 p. L., 571 p. diagr. 22 x 18 cm.
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