Disabled fans

Reserved areas and maximum accessibility

The Matmut Atlantique is a highly accessible stadium, with 125 reserved spaces for fans with limited mobility and 125 seats for those accompanying them.

These zones are sheltered from the elements and right in the heart of the action. Located on level 3 of the stadium walkway, they offer a panoramic 360° view. The stadium has a total of 6 access ramps and 4 elevators reserved for visitors with restricted mobility. At the foot of the stadium stairs, there are four dedicated access points in the West and East stands.


Wheelchair users

Dedicated spaces for wheelchair users and the person accompanying them, for all Girondins games at the MATMUT Atlantique. For reservations, please contact Fabien LUCBERT in the week preceding the match on 06 88 61 22 77.

The stadium walkway also has reserved spaces for wheelchair users and those accompanying them. These spots are all sheltered from the elements and accessible by an elevator in the Virage Nord.




Fans with limited mobility holding a 80-100% disability card

Free tickets for all Girondins games at the MATMUT Atlantique, reservations via:


Tickets can be collected at the box office window marked Billetterie Groupes (Virage Nord) before kick-off. Please bring the corresponding badge/card.

Holders of cards in the categories "Assistance required" or "Guide required" are entitled to an extra ticket for the person accompanying them: please specify this when making your reservation.


Centres, institutes, homes etc.

  • Centres Medico-Psycho-Pedagogiques (CMPP),
  • Instituts Educatifs, Therapeutiques et Pedagogiques (ITEP),
  • Foyers et Maisons d’Accueil Medicalises (FAM et MAS),
  • Etablissements et Service d’Aide par le Travail (ESAT),
  • Foyers de Vie accueillant des personnes handicapees,
  • Instituts Medico-Educatifs (IME),
  • Foyers d'Hebergement,

can visit the MATMUT Atlantique with their residents by contacting the Group Ticket service (subject to ticket availability for certain matches):



Free, reserved parking for disabled fans is available on the north side of the stadium. Access via Rue Micheline Ostermeyer, on the east side of the stadium. Follow the signs to reach one of the four elevators which will take you to your seats.

For more information on getting to the match, please refer to the "Access & Transport" page.


Enjoy the game!