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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. KBS World Radio (“we” or “our” or “us”) complies with personal information and digital network usage laws. Please familiarize yourself with our privacy practices as we lay out how and for what purpose we use your information. We strive to protect your personal information.
Our privacy policy applies to each page of our Web site unless otherwise noted. Please review our privacy policy carefully and check back frequently as we may revise our policy without prior notification.
This privacy policy is effective November 1, 2012.


1 . What personal information we collect
A. We collect the following information:
name, e-mail address, user ID, password, sex, age, date of birth, nationality, mailing address, phone number (home, mobile, fax), job.
B. We may collect the following non-personally identifiable information in the process of providing our services:
Internet Protocol address, cookie, browser type, operating system, time of visit.
C. We may collect your information in writing, by e-mail, fax or when you use our services.


2. How we use your information
We use your information only for the following purposes.
A. To verify the user and to record the usage of our services to identify any faulty service.
B. To provide marketing information and opportunity to participate in events; to understand the demographics of our users and to compile other statistics about our users to provide a better service.
C. To analyze usage of our sites by listeners worldwide in order to improve our content and service.
D. Miscellaneous. To obtain essential information as set forth by company rules.


3. How long we keep your personal information
We dispose of your personal information as soon as we fulfill the objective of collecting the information. But we keep the following information for the below mentioned duration.
A. Per company policy: faulty service records for one year in order to provide better service to our users.
B. To comply with applicable laws: identity verification records for six months, site visit records for three months.


4. Disposal of your personal information
As a rule, we dispose of your personal information as soon as we fulfill the objective of collecting your information. We follow these procedures and methods in discarding your information.
A. Procedure: We move your information to a separate database (to a separate filing cabinet in the case of paper) as soon as we fulfill the objective of collecting the information. We keep and dispose of the information in accordance with our retention schedule and applicable laws (refer to 3. How long we keep your personal information). We don’t use the information for any other purpose than as specified by the law.
B. Method of disposal: Personal information in electronic form is destroyed using technology that precludes reproduction of the data. Information on paper is shredded or incinerated.


5. Sharing your information with third parties
We do not share your personal information with third parties unless
A. You agree to share your information.
B. We are complying with the law or if there is a request from investigative agencies following procedures and methods as set forth by the law.


6. Rights of users and legal representatives
A. Users and legal representatives of children under 14 may review, correct or make a request to delete their personal information at any time.
B. If users make requests to make corrections in their personal information, we don’t use or provide such information until it is corrected.
C. Information deleted at the request of the user or legal representative is processed as set forth in “3. How long we keep your personal information” and prohibited from access or usage for any other purposes.


7. Cookies
We use “cookies” to enhance your online experience. Cookies are very small text files placed in your computer browser to store your preferences. We use cookies for the following purposes:
A. We use cookies to analyze the frequency and time of visit to our site and to understand the preferences of our users to improve and customize our content.
B. You may opt to block cookies by changing your privacy preferences regarding the use of cookies on your browser. However, you may experience difficulty in using certain services if you block cookies.


8. Protecting your personal information
We take security precautions to prevent the loss, theft, unauthorized access, alteration or damage to your personal information.
A. We encode your password so that only you know what it is. We also protect other important personal information by encrypting the file.
B. We strive to prevent your personal information from being intercepted or damaged due to hacking or computer viruses. We have set up a firewall to protect your information and have encrypted our communications system to enable safe transfers of your information. We have also placed our servers in a restricted area blocked off from trespassers and have put in place all possible technical controls to ensure Internet security.
C. We have established a reasonable companywide system regarding authority to process personal information and have set rules about creating passwords and the frequency of changing them. We are doing all we can to restrict access to personal information.
D. We have minimized the number of employees with access to your personal information. We have staff training sessions to instruct personnel on the latest Internet security technology and personal information protection responsibility. We also maintain passwords to restrict access to personal information.
E. We are not responsible for personal information disclosure that occurs because of your carelessness. Please also be aware that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Be extra careful about safeguarding your personal information when using public computers.


9. Other Issues related to the protection of personal information will be dealt with in accordance with the Privacy Policy of KBS.


10. Contacting KBS World Radio about your privacy
Please contact KBS World’s Internet team at with concerns or questions about protecting your personal information. Also refer to the following Web sites for counseling on personal information matters.
1. Korea Internet & Security Agency
2. ePrivacy Mark Certification Committee
3. Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Internet Crime Investigation Center
4. Cyber Terror Response Center

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