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Expect another interest rate hike from the Fed

Expect another interest rate hike from the Fed

Some of the economy’s statistics (like home sales and durable goods) are weakening. But that’s probably not going to dissuade the Federal Reserve from raising interest rates on Wednesday. The...
Proof that bitcoin still can’t be trusted

Proof that bitcoin still can't be trusted

Bitcoin has dropped about 50 percent in value this year. But even at around $6,740, the cryptocurrency is really a bitcon. Recently, Bloomberg News reported that the Justice Department has...
Auction for Noosa Yoghurt not going well

Auction for Noosa Yoghurt not going well

The auction for high-in-fat Noosa Yoghurt is not going well, The Post has learned. The Bellvue, Colo., company has been on the block since the beginning of the year, but...
Comcast shareholder labels Seth Meyers a Trump basher

Comcast shareholder labels Seth Meyers a Trump basher

Seth Meyers got called out in Comcast’s annual shareholder meeting Monday morning. The “Late Night with Seth Meyers” host was called a “professional presidential basher” by an angry shareholder ?...
Roger Federer is about to get $290 million richer

Roger Federer is about to get $290 million richer

Roger Federer could ditch Nike to sign a $29 million-a-year, decade-long deal with Uniqlo, according to reports. The Swiss star has sported Nike clothing for his entire career, and the...