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成均館大 社會學科는 1976年 設立된 以來 獨特한 學問的 傳統과 內實 있는 敎育課程을 통해 韓國社會學과 高等敎育에 크게 寄與해 왔다. 社會調査, 社會階層, 經濟制度, 産業 및 職業構造, 人權, 老年問題 等 社會學의 核心 領域에 對한 經驗的인 硏究를 바탕으로 實事求是的인 敎育 프로그램을 運營해 왔다. 人間과 社會制度에 對한 實證的·經驗的 接近을 통해 健實한 社會理論을 構築하고 이를 敎育에 善循環 시키려는 關心은 學科의 40年 傳統에 綿綿히 이어져 왔다. 1997年에 學科 敎授들의 主導로 創立된 서베이리서치 센터(SRC)는 지난 10餘 年 間 韓國의 代表的 社會調査로써 韓國綜合社會調査(KGSS)를 成功的으로 遂行해 왔으며, 多樣한 國際社會調査 프로그램과 파트너십을 발전시켜왔다. 特히 最近에는 KGSS를 世界 最高의 아카이브人 미시간 大學의 ICPSR에 登載시키는 快擧를 거두었다.

最近 硏究

Living Arrangements and Suicidal Ideation among the Korean Older Adults
-Jibum Kim, Yun-Suk Lee and Jinkook Lee
Objectives: This study examines how living arrangements are associated with suicidal ideation for older adults in South Korea, which has the highest suicide rate among OECD countries, and a particularly high suicide rate for older persons. Methods: Analyzing a sample of 5795 women and 3758 men aged 65 and older from a nationwide representative cross-sectional data-set, we examined how many older adults think about suicide over a one-year period, why they think about suicide, and whether living arrangements are associated with suicidal ideation. Read More
The construction of human rights actorhood: Findings from the Korean General Social Survey
-Jeong-Woo Koo (2017) The construction of human rights actorhood: Findings from the Korean General Social Survey, Journal of Human Rights, 16:3, 261-275,
This article investigates the sources of human rights “actorhood”?the extent to which people understand, support and implement human rights?by examining a novel human rights survey that was embedded in the 2011 Korean General Social Survey. My research uses ordinary-least-squares regression analyses to explore the factors that lead to individual differences in awareness and engagement. Read More
Working Overtime in East Asia: Convergence or Divergence?
-Tsai, M. C., N. Michio, S. W. Kim, & W. D. Wang. “Working Overtime in East Asia: Convergence or Divergence?” (2015, Journal of Contemporary Asia)
Working long hours has been a routinized part of life in East Asia. The different patterns of overtime across this region are understudied, however. This study represents a first systematic attempt to anatomize overtime and its determinants in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China by testing hypotheses that specify the distinctive influences of employment status and job contracts on work hours.  Read More
韓國 大卒 經濟活動人口의 勞動市場 成果
-유홍준, 정태인, 전은주. 韓國 大卒 經濟活動人口의 勞動市場 成果, 韓國人丘壑 第37卷 第2號(2014年), pp. 49-69.
이 硏究는 韓國 勞動市場에서 求職에 成功한 大卒 就業者와 求職에 失敗한 大卒 經濟活動人口의 個人的 背景要因의 差異點을 살펴보고, 大學生活에서의 就業準備 程度와 求職方式이 勞動市場에서의 隔差에 미치는 影響을 賃金, 賃金滿足度, 職場滿足度의 세 側面에서 分析하였다. 본 硏究의 資料는『2010년 大卒者 職業移動經路調査』資料이며 分析對象은 2010年 9月 基準 全日制 常傭職으로 就業狀態에 있는 現職者로서 求職活動을 經驗한 7,663名이다. 分析結果, 正規職 與否에 有意味한 結果를 나타낸 變數는 性別, 學校 所在地, 系列, 大學敎育 滿足度, 語學硏修 經驗, 求職方式이다. Read More

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