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Musical "Catch Me If You Can", 6 casts for one role @ HanCinema :: The Korean Movie and Drama Database
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Musical "Catch Me If You Can", 6 casts for one role

2012/10/25 | 1380 views |   |  Permalink | Source

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Hollywood musical "Catch Me If You Can" is performing an encore set and the main casts have been reinforced.

Frank will be played by Uhm Ki-joon , Park Kwang-hyun , Key from Shinee, Gyu-hyeon from Super Junior, Kim Dong-jun from ZE:A - Children of Empire and Son Dong-woon (Beast).

It is unusual that six people play one role. According to the actor's way of acting the flow of the play differs and there are going to be international fans.

Carl Henerty, the FBI agent of tenacity who chases after Frank will be played by Kim Beob-rae and Lee Gun-myeong. Brenda, the woman Frank loves will be played by Sunny from Girls Generation and Dana from Cheon Sang Ji-hee. Singers Jeong Min-joo (Joo) and Oh Sang-eun (Nemo) will also be on board.

This musical which is a true story of the chase of a fraud from a former generation is famous as a movie by Tom Hanks and Leonardo Dicaprio.

This musical was first seen in Seattle, US in 2009 and made it to Broadway in March, 2011. It recorded 96% of ticket sales during the preview week and gathered a profit of over 2 million dollars. It was awarded the Tony Award Best Actor in 2011, the Drama Desk Awards Best Actor and Broadways Best Choreography.

It's the first premier in Korea and tickets booked up to more than 10,000.

"Catch Me If You Can" can be seen at the Seong-nam Art Center Opera House from the 14th of December to the 9th of February.

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