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Forbes Finance Council | Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for senior-level finance executives.
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Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for senior-level finance executives.

Select Council members include...

Member Testimonial

The ability to reach out to industry thought leaders with ease is invaluable.

Having a platform to talk about trends and relevant finance topics has been a huge part of our continued success. Louie Balasny Managing Director at Botkeeper

Enjoy these exclusive member benefits...

Get published on

As a member, you can write and submit expert business articles and short tips related to your industry for publishing on After submitting, our in-house editorial team will guide you through a hands-on professional editing process to ensure that your content meets the criteria.

Personal service from our concierge team

At the core of everything we do is our member concierge team. Our team is committed to connecting you to the right people and resources at the right time ? which is why you should consider them an extension of your own team.

Access to volume discounts and members-only rates

Through our marketplace, you can access volume discounts and members-only rates from pre-qualified service providers in nearly every industry (including travel, credit card processing, back-office services, PEOs, financing, accounting, marketing solutions and many others). Our member concierge team can connect you to the right services for your needs.

Insights and advice from peers in your industry

Get peer insights and advice anytime through our online support forums and member-led webinars. Connect with your peers to share expertise, learn from each other and solve business challenges in a private setting. You can also explore our library of webinars to further your professional development.

Access to your benefits, anytime, anywhere

Members-only web and mobile dashboards help you stay connected to the community and our team. Request introductions to fellow members and enjoy on-demand access to your member benefits anytime, anywhere. You can even live chat with our concierge team right from the dashboard.

Prestige of association with the Forbes brand

After you join, our concierge team will provide web badges, decals, press release templates and blog posts that you can use to share your affiliation with the community at your location, on social media, and in your newsletters and websites. You can use these materials to build credibility with potential customers, hires, partners and investors.

Forbes Finance Council is a highly selective, quality-over-quantity organization.

Before we can connect you with a member of our team to further discuss Forbes Finance Council, we must verify that you are a senior-level finance executive at a company that meets the following minimum criteria:

  • generates a minimum of $1M in revenue, or...
  • has a minimum of $1M in financing
  • and, your business has an office or headquarters located in North America.

Benefits Of Membership

Hotel, Car Rental
& Travel Discounts

24/7 Peer
Support Forums

Members-Only Web
& Mobile Dashboards

Contribute Content

Trusted, Vetted
Peer Community



Marketplace with
Volume Discounts

A Message from Forbes

This team has a deep understanding of high-touch community management

and is uniquely positioned to support the types of individuals who are accepted for membership.

Mike Perlis, CEO, Forbes Media

Read more about the Council at

Forbes Finance Council is an innovative community built to help the world’s most influential finance executives.

This is our Story

This is our Story

Forbes Finance Council is an innovative community built to help the world’s most influential finance executives.

Forbes, one of the most iconic media companies in the world, and the team behind YEC, one of the most world-class entrepreneurship organizations, have partnered to create a new kind of professional community for senior-level finance executives that proactively connects them to each other as well as best-in-class resources based on their specific business needs. The end result is Forbes Finance Council, a new and innovative community for executives to discuss and solve pressing business challenges with their peers, share their insights via thought leadership articles on, and get personalized support from the Forbes Councils concierge team. Concierges work with members on a regular basis to learn about their specific business needs and challenges and use that information to connect them to the right community resources.

Some of those exclusive benefits and resources include the opportunity to share expert advice with’s tens of millions of monthly readers; a business services concierge team to connect members with curated resources like travel, financing and accounting, back-office services, PEOs, marketing solutions and volume discounts from dozens of vetted vendors; and peer-to-peer learning and educational content, to name a few highlights. And because Forbes Finance Council has a rigorous selection process, every member can be assured that they are part of a vetted peer community of the highest caliber. We invite you to see if you qualify for Forbes Finance Council.


Forbes Finance Council
745 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02110


Forbes Finance Council
745 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02110

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