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The Wayback Machine - is where over 35.4 million unique browsers a month find stories, from the biggest world news events to the most talked about trends. [1]

Around half’s audience is under the age of 30 ? and the writers focus on maintaining and growing a loyal, largely UK, millennial audience. is in the unique position of being able to harness the power of the social web and a young audience while still having the journalistic rigour of a legacy newspaper brand.

It’s a site that has a heart and soul. It is a site that cares, a site that can be funny, take risks and campaign about the issues it cares about, while making sure that no viral trends are missed.

With nearly 75% of its audience visiting ?on mobile, these audiences find their content on their mobile through Facebook, through Twitter, through Instagram, through YouTube – and we’re there to greet them.

[1] Discover, Apr 17 has 12.8m monthly browsers.

That’s more than the amount of UK adults who have visited a cinema in the last month (8.4m) .

Source: Discover, Dec 16 / TGI

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