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Situation Report: Expert analysis, briefings and
commentary from across the political spectrum.
  • China Moves Toward Military Hegemony in South China Sea by Grant Ferowich, 2 Jul -- "China is expanding and enhancing its military presence in the South China Sea, seeding the Spratly Islands with air bases for fighter jets, radars and missile posts with retractable roofs able to fire long-range surface-to-air missiles. View image "New missile shelters, radar/communications facilities, and other infrastructure are going in on Fiery Cross, Mischief, and Subi Reefs" in the island chain, AMTI posted on Thursday. ..."
  • Shifting Gears on Afghanistan by Ed Corcoran, 3 May -- " For fifteen years US support for Afghanistan has heavily emphasized military action and this has been clearly ineffective as vividly underscored by the recent Taliban massacre in Mazar-i-Sharif. Yet it seems we have learned nothing and now we are apparently considering sending an additional 5,000 troops to Afghanistan. ..."

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