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  1. 5 ??????? ?????

    Does Pres. Trump believe human activity contributes to warming of the planet? Sean Spicer: “I haven’t asked him"

  2. 15 ??????? ?????

    Cruise missiles launched by the Russian Navy hit ISIS targets in Palmyra, Syria, Russian state media says

  3. 21 ??????? ?????

    United Airlines allegedly flew an unsafe plane on 23 domestic and international passenger flights

  4. 23 ??????? ?????

    "I went way too far." Kathy Griffin apologizes for anti-Trump photo

  5. 35 ??????? ?????

    Actor Robert De Niro tells graduates in commencement speech that they are graduating into a country that is like a "tragic, dumbass comedy.”

  6. 42 ??????? ?????

    Yemen is spiraling toward "total social, economic and institutional collapse," the United Nations warns

  7. 51 ??????? ?????

    Uber fires self-driving car exec at the center of a legal battle with Google over stolen intellectual property

  8. 1 ???? ?????

    US Sen. John McCain called China a "bully" and criticized President Trump's foreign policy in a speech in Sydney

  9. 1 ???? ?????

    CNN's writes that President Trump is turning climate policy into a "game show"

  10. 1 ???? ?????

    Three Mile Island has stood as a symbol of nuclear energy's promise and peril. Now, its owner plans to shut it down.

  11. 2 ?????? ?????

    A man with a gun at Orlando Airport has been taken into custody after standoff, police say

  12. 2 ?????? ?????

    An explosion near foreign embassies in Kabul on Wednesday has left at least 67 people injured, Afghan officials say

  13. 2 ?????? ?????

    Researchers amplify an antibiotic considered to be of last resort in the hopes of halting superbugs

  14. 2 ?????? ?????

    Court rules against Penn State in two fraternity hazing lawsuits

  15. 2 ?????? ?????

    Princess fires starter pistol, Prime Minister suffers hearing loss at road race in Belgium

  16. 2 ?????? ?????

    Toxic foam floods the streets of Bangalore, India

  17. 2 ?????? ?????

    The man accused of killing Bella Bond thought the 2-year-old was a demon, county prosecutors said as the trial began

  18. 2 ?????? ?????

    President Trump's paid family leave proposals sound good but could hurt women, this contributor argues

  19. 2 ?????? ?????

    Sen. Al Franken on Kushner back-channel reports: "This is very suspicious"

  20. 3 ?????? ?????

    Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has dropped his bid to buy the Miami Marlins, source says

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