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We are

What We Will Create

① We will create a just society

New Politics Alliance for Democracy

By dispersing political and economic power and resolving the collusion of power in each sector, we will ensure that the principles of check-and-balance system, as the fundamental principles in a democratic society, will function well. We will protect the rights of the people, and resolve social discrimination and inequality to establish social justice. We seek for democratic market economy centered around human beings where capital and labor can coexist. For a healthy market economy and democratic order, we will reinforce the government’s role in establishing a just and fair order.

② We will create a unified society

We will establish a just welfare nation where security and life of a citizen are protected from natural disasters as well as crimes or crises/incidents under a social security system. We seek for human-oriented society that people are respected, and a safe society protecting and valuing lives of the people.

③ We will create a prosperous nation

An unfair economic order, economic polarization, inadequate welfare, lack of jobs, aging society and youth unemployment have divided our society, while conflicts between classes, different regional backgrounds, generations, ideologies and gender have made the unity and prosperity in our society difficult. Therefore, we will establish a just welfare nation where a certain level of citizens’ lives is ensured by the government faithfully serving its role as a provider of welfare and a social safety net, and a mediator between different interests.

④ We will create a prosperous nation

We will strengthen global competitiveness of Korean economy in preparation for globalization, knowledge turning into information and an era of artificial intelligence. We will enhance the competitiveness of Korean economy by investing much in fostering creative, talented people and scientific technology, heightening a healthy corporate spirit, and creating an environment in which a venture start-up company could fail and yet revive soon. We will strongly support a social economy where everyone could live well together by revitalizing cooperative associations, social corporations and social investment.

⑤ We will create a peaceful Korea

We will alleviate the tension on the Korean Peninsula under a strong national defense system and establish a peaceful regime for denuclearization on the Peninsula. We will pursue reunification as a process and gradually strengthen the community base between the South and the North for reunification. Also, we will actively engage in the cooperation of international society and contribute to the peace and development of East Asia and the global community.