Last night Sophie Turner walked the red carpet of the 2017 British Academy Film Awards , and we had the chance to catch a few updates on what the actress has got coming up. Two of the biggest franchises she’s currently involved with are about to move into uncharted territory with X-Men entering a new decade and Game of Thrones moving even further past the currently published material.

With the legion of Throners maintaining their watch while George R. R. Martin continues work on The Winds of Winter, the show has already moved on in style; HBO waits for no man. On the carpet last night Turner offered a brief update to the projects she’s working on. The new X-Men film is in her immediate future and there are rumours that the Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix storyline might be revisited. If the tradition is held then this new X-Men film would take place in the 90s, following on from their adventures in the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

From 0.52 on the video below she discusses what’s next for her,

“We’re about to start shooting the next X-Men, we’ve just finished shooting Season 7 of [Game of] Thrones, and I’ve got a couple of movies to do before X-Men starts. And then we go on to Season 8.”

Let’s be clear. She’s not saying that Sansa Stark will tear through the Westerosi sky on the back of an ice dragon while Cersei becomes a feast for the White Walkers (though, in all fairness, we’d love that…). But this does confirm that Sansa Stark will make it to the final season. This will be consolation for any Throners who took this interview with Sophie Turner last year to mean that she might not make it to the final season.

Game of Thrones returns this summer with a truncated seventh season, it seems that Sophie Turner will be with this show until the end. We’ll find out next year…

Sophie Turner Game of Thrones & X-Men update

  • Diana

    Can’t wait for Game of Thrones to come back!