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SM Entertainment's lawsuit history over 'unfair contracts'
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SM Entertainment’s lawsuit history over ‘unfair contracts’

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We have been covering the story about EXO-M’s Kris filing a lawsuit against his company, SM Entertainment but this?isn’t the first time an artist from SM has taken the company to court.

SM Entertainment is no doubt, a powerhouse label that have produced very big names in the K-pop industry. They can boast about creating iconic groups/artists such as S.E.S, H.O.T, SHINHWA, BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior and Girls’ Generation but how well do they treat their artists?

By taking a look into the lawsuits that have been made against SM, we can gather some good insight into how the company looks after their singers.

1. EXO’s Kris?vs. SM Entertainment (2014, ongoing)

It was confirmed that EXO-M’s leader Kris had filed a lawsuit against his company earlier this week to have his contract annulled.

In the lawsuit, Kris claimed that his label never considered or respected his opinion and health when scheduling for the group’s promotional activities in South Korea and China.

“The company has treated me like a machine part or as an object of control rather than presenting a vision as an entertainer,” the 24-year-old singer whose real name is Wu Yifan was quoted as saying.

The singer,?who was recruited into the company at the age of 16 in 2007 said that his contract should be annulled because he wasn’t in equal position when negotiating the terms of his contract.

SM Entertainment has since responded to the lawsuit by telling the media that they were surprised by the filing.

“We are perplexed by the incident … we will do our best to keep EXO’s activities on track.” An S.M. Entertainment spokesperson told Yonhap.


EXO’s Kris filed a lawsuit against his label for treating him ‘unfairly’ earlier this week.

You can follow our coverage here.

His band members have also responded with Tao reassuring fans that the group will continue on without Kris.

“We won’t give up because one person left us, we will work harder and become stronger than before,” Tao posted on Weibo.

He went on to asking fans to ‘stay strong’ and ‘don’t cry’.

EXO-K’s leader Suho was quoted on OSEN news criticising?that Kris acted irresponsibly.

“I cannot understand Kris’s actions. All the members are very shocked right now.” He was quoted saying.

Suho also said that it wasn’t too late for Kris to cancel the lawsuit and apologise to the group and SM.

The story continues.

2. JYJ vs. SM Entertainment (2009)?

In the morning of November 28 2012, SM Entertainment and JYJ came?to a mutual agreement on their ‘unfair contract’ lawsuit which begun in 2009.

The lawsuit begun when JYJ, who was currently part of the five-membered group TVXQ, decided to take their label SM Entertainment to court regarding unfair contract agreements.

SM Entertainment announced in November 2012: “It has been decided that the three (Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu) do not want continue to be active with TVXQ, and therefore we made a decision that there is no need for us to manage the three.

“So, we have concluded that we will not be further involved with them,”

The statement continued, “We thought this would be the best decision, so that the remaining members U-Know Yunho and?Max Changmin who are working very hard, will no longer have any issues holding them back.”

JYJ's lawsuit against SM has brought 'slave contracts' into light.

JYJ’s lawsuit against SM has brought ‘slave contracts’ into light.

JYJ said that their 13-year-long contract was “no different from a binding lifelong contract”. They also said that profits were not distributed fairly by the agency.

Jaejong, Yoochun and Junsu who have since released two #1 albums in Korea, said that their former management didn’t acknowledge their health and were always working them excessively on four hours sleep each night.

“(They) have had health problems and finally reached their physical limits, but SM Entertainment continued to send them abroad and plan excessive activities,”

“Thus, the three members have started to hope they will be able to continue their careers as they wish, instead of being used as tools for the agency’s profits.”

3. Han Geng vs. SM Entertainment (2009)

SM was hit with another lawsuit in 2009 when former Super Junior member Han Geng filed a lawsuit against the company.

His lawyers alleged that his 13-year long contract with SME was unlawful and like JYJ/TVXQ, the profits made from Super Junior’s successful albums and singles were not fairly distributed among the members.

A statement released by Han Geng’s team at the time said that the singer was forced to do things against his own will, fined when he disobeyed the company, was refused sick days off when he developed gastritis and kidney problems.

Han Geng’s manager also added that the company discriminated the singer. He named an example when the company turned down Han Geng’s opportunity to appear in Ariel Lin’s music video and instead permitted two other Super Junior members to appear instead.

However, the court ruled in favour of Han in December 2010 but SM Entertainment submitted an appeal to reverse the decision.

Fast forward to September 2011, Han Geng then retracted the lawsuit and then announced that he had reached a mutual agreement with his former-label. Han was released by SME and now has a successful solo career in China.

Han Geng is now successful in China.

Han Geng is now successful in China.

Ironic? SM: “We will lead in protecting celebrity rights”

Since Han Geng and JYJ’s lawsuit against the company, SM has been under much pressure to improve the terms of their contract.

In 2010, SM announced that it would be making progressive changes into improving celebrity rights and to make the entertainment industry standard better.

SM representatives and government auditor Jo Moonhwan promised to promote continuous discussions about establishing improvements in contract terms.

Kim Youngmin, who is currently the CEO of SM Entertainment said that the company’s promise to improve standards is a ‘win-win situation’ for celebrities and their management.

“We’ll do our best to improve the culture industry, which causes Hanryu’s expansion, and add national value to it.” He said.

Are there more?

This then raises the question: how many more artists under SM Entertainment are being treated this way if EXO’s Kris alleges that there is unfair treatment from the company? Why is there not more government intervention to protect celebrities from these ‘slave contracts’?

K-pop celebrities deserve to feel like they’re being treated properly by their label. Just like how we expect to have a good working environment we go to work from our boss, celebrities expect their record label and management to have standards when it comes to managing them.

Kris Wu is the latest artist to take SM to court over 'unfair' contract terms.

Kris Wu is the latest artist to take SM to court over ‘unfair’ contract terms.

What is common with these three lawsuits is that they all mention SM not distributing money fairly. So, are some members favourited more than others?

What do you think about the whole Kris vs. SM Entertainment lawsuit? How do you think it will play out in the next couple of months. Tell us below.


  1. kim na na

    May 17, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    i really can’t believe this is happening ……some people thought Kris betray their own member and agency and some people pity him ..i really can’t understand…i don’t want to have misunderstanding between them …… every one believe in each other

  2. WeBeliveInYouKris

    May 17, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    i can’t believe that tao said that and suho omg…..We are One? Were did that go ah? If they were really ONE they will say to kris bro we’re with you but no, they’re acting like chickens. Respect for shinwha and other groups for staying together.

    • addie

      May 17, 2014 at 6:26 pm

      What if the SM staff told them to say that?? Knowing how controlling they are…
      It makes sense that the others will be confused but I don’t think they’ll turn their back on him just like that. They were friggin close a couple of days back, for goodness sake!

  3. -

    May 18, 2014 at 1:18 am

    Jus a few days ago exo are still ” we are one we are one ” fk ? Srsly ? If they are really are one than they will not say things like kris betrayed them and even more is suho saying they didn’t understand his action , they didnt understand his action yet they can say him bring irresponsible or being a betryer? Wtf they are like a fking 2 face ppl, at first they can be as close as a family and if something happen, they only care abt themselves, their reputation and their popularity. And they really change their face really fast , the matter only happen few days ago and now all the members alrd unfollow kris on all the other social network eg. instagram WOW SO THIS IS WHAT THEY CALL WE ARE ONE

    • Chloe

      May 18, 2014 at 3:36 pm

      Let’s not be too hasty here and start judging the other members. You have to see things from their perspective too right now. They’re hurt; out of the blue a member has just left them a few days before their first big concert, which they’ve probably been looking forward to for God knows how long! I know i would feel hurt and angered, wouldn’t you if someone you thought was with you bailed at the last minute? They might be feeling that way now, but that doesn’t mean to say that they aren’t still with Kris, they just need some time to come to terms with it. However, keep in mind that it wouldn’t be completely out of SM’s nature to put words into their members’ mouths and to make them elaborate on their feelings about the situation because right now, they want to do all they can to stop Kris from looking like the good guy (which clearly isn’t happening since everybody can see that he’s a victim in this as well as a bit irresponsible – yes it was a rather irresponsible, but clever idea).
      Remember who the real bad guy is in this if you really want someone to blame – as the article explains, this is not the first time SM has gone through this and i highly doubt it’ll be the last. You can’t turn on the members though, true fans have to see things from all of their idols’ points of view. Kris is going through a tough time right now and it was very brave of him to do this when he did, albeit a little irresponsible. But the other members are going to be having a rough time of it right now as well; remember, they’re only human, it’s only natural to be angry and upset by this since they’ve been working so hard for this concert for so long. In times like this, we need to remember that ‘We are on’ doesn’t just have to apply to EXO, but to us as a fan base. We need to all realise that they’re all victims in this – not just Kris/not just the other 11 members.

    • happy light

      June 4, 2016 at 10:52 pm

      i think the quote ‘we are one’ is not complete it has should be said ‘ we are one and we leave one by one’

  4. -

    May 18, 2014 at 1:35 am

    Tao said ” we wont give up … ” more like they wont give up on their popularity and reputation . They only think for themselves they nvr think for kris urghhhh fuck them . I jus hope things will get better for kris

    • Chloe

      May 18, 2014 at 3:48 pm

      We can’t start blaming the other members, this is in no way their fault and they most definitely do not deserve all of the hate that they’ve been receiving right now. And honestly, they deserve every right to feel angry and ‘betrayed’ right now – i’m not saying that this is Kris’ fault (he may be able to share a bit of the blame since he filed the lawsuit, but it’s not for selfish reasons). The members have worked so hard for this concert that is coming up and all of a sudden, with no former warning, one of their members goes and leaves them in the lurch to recreate their choreography, to fill the void that Kris left when he filed that lawsuit. And honestly, like many other fans i expect, i wasn’t surprised when it was Tao used the word ‘betrayed’ because it seriously seems in his nature to react in that way to something like this (although, it could just be the image made for him). But if you think about SM and their previous lawsuits, i wouldn’t rule out the theory that they may have put words into the EXO members’ mouths.
      But honestly, they have a right to be angry – they’re only human! Anyone would be angry in this situation. And it doesn’t mean they’ve turned their backs on Kris completely, it just means that they’ve been left with a few days to recreate their performances on stage and they’re probably angry right now. Be a true EXO fan here – you have to understand the feelings of ALL of the members, not just Kris. And you can’t start blaming any of them, that’s how the other 11 members got bashed on other websites and had their names come up relating to extremely awful internet searches or whatever. None of EXO are the bad guys here – if you want someone to blame, it should be SM for mistreating their members in this way and the government over there for not putting a stop to the way companies treat their artists.

    • Yoyo

      May 20, 2014 at 1:18 am

      Lol and kris didn’t think for himself? Wow you must be dumb. Kris is filing this lawsuit at the worst time. A) he didn’t even tell the members early on and did this behind their back b) he should have done this before the new album was released. A there hard was is ruined. C) the sm lost so much profit because of the way they handled the situation d) this is causing wars and rumours. I think there was a mature way to handle his situation but kris chose to be careless and self centred.

      • Jersey Zhang

        May 21, 2014 at 1:49 am

        My oponion… if he really fell so sick and cannot do the activities anymore.. can you still think about other things.. how about if he wait to quit after concert but in the middle of concert he just colapse.. no one now about how sick he is.. so stop blaming.. non of them are wrong.. the one you could blame just the management.. i just remember one name zhang yi qun.. chinese artist of SME.. in one of reality show.. she said.. its already 3 years since she sings on stage.. what do you think about it??!!

  5. StayStrongKris

    May 18, 2014 at 1:38 am

    i hazard a guess that SM is the most malicious when it comes to contracts. however, the abuse of an idol’s civic rights could have become a cultural norm in Korea and this exploitation works in favour of the country in general because of tourism and the expansion of kpop culture across the world. therefore, the govt has not bothered to make sure all entertainment contracts are valid/ legal (especially in the case of SM) because the govt gains revenue too from this because foreigners are interested in kpop/ want to visit korea (tourism => economic progress) because of the whole kpop thing. i’m making an assumption that some kpop entertainments make their idols work for unreasonably long hours and that so far SM has been the hardest on their idols, hence this entertainment is the more notorious. But on a larger scale, i honestly don’t understand why nobody (with authority) is standing up against this exploitation? what is the govt for? ):

    • Maxine

      June 8, 2015 at 9:25 pm

      THANK YOU! Very few comments here are looking at THE BIG PICTURE here:/
      Everything those artists say or do that’s being broadcasted is being controlled.
      Do REALLY think that artists (which in Korea are basically just gorgeous employees) can speak their opinion FREELY about how they view a lawsuit that is against their own company? Of course whatever they say is going to be beneficial to the company and against x-members (because money talks that’s why). You want to keep your job, you say what they want you to say.
      Honestly….when is someone going to stand up for these artists? Can no one do anything about these slave contracts and malicious companies cheating them out?
      And its sad to say, that for most of the fans who “want better” for groups, really just contribute to the issue in supporting companies like this in their wrong doings by buying the albums and going to concerts. As if they forgot these malicious companies earn the benefits from. Boycott or something.
      If anyone truly cared about the well-being of these stars, then companies wouldn’t go as far as to neglect the artists health in an attempt to mass promote them just to meet the fans demands.
      Artists seriously are being treated as products rather than people. And some of the members have even come out and spoken about that and hit those companies back with lawsuits for all the pain they’ve caused them.
      But even when they muster up some courage to do that “fans” only hit them with hateful words and questions like “WHY’D YOU LEAVE THE GROUP IN THEIR TIME IF NEED” as if they don’t want to believe the reason why they left had to deal with something as important as neglect. Time of need? They’re producing music not water no one NEEDS anything.
      Ugh. Nonetheless this is seriously just disappointing-_-

  6. EXOWeAreOne

    May 18, 2014 at 9:21 am


  7. Mina

    May 18, 2014 at 9:59 am

    Everyones so angry that people are against Kris but tbh I think Kris deserves it. We are one applies to Kris also, not just the other EXO members. They have a concert, their FIRST ever concert, in 5 days. The amount of practice and effort gone into it by all the members must be incredible bt now they dont know whats going to happen because of this situation. If Kris really truly thought and cared for everyone else he should have filed the lawsuit after the concert. I may sound really harsh and ppl may bash me bcus Kris has health and financial problems, but this isnt the first time hes disappeared and disappointed exo. After Mama he vanished for 3 whole months jeopordising exo-ms comeback with wolf. Did u guys know that wolf was supposed to come out in march 2013? But it got delayed because Kris disappeared. Eventually SM decided to conjoin k and m so that Kris’ missing place wouldnt leave too big a hole. But as they decided this and filmed the mv Kris came back. How am I so sure of this? Because Kris wasnt there when they made the wolf dramatised mv. You can replay the video and find that Kris only comes out in one scene at the beginning and then once at the end. Exotics from then should remember this happening (alot of us were angry cus this was the reason why exo had such a ridiculous inactive time compared to other new idols) He disappeared a second time oct/nov 2013 for a week which was why in one of the fan meetings only 11 members were present when at the same time photos from canadian fans came up showing Kris at arcades and karaokes. I understand that SM isnt exactly the best company to work for but there is a certain price you have to pay in earning respect and love as exo do. The work ethics may not have suited Kris and by all means if its difficult for him then he should be allowed to want out. But the timing of when hes asking for it in my opinion just crushes all empathy I could have had for him and to me just looks like he has no consideration for the other members. Which is why i dont have trouble believing that Taos weiber posts are actually from him not the SM staff.

    • ry

      May 18, 2014 at 1:23 pm

      i’m pretty sure the whole “wrong timing” thing was planned. any idiot will know the backlash for wanting to file a lawsuit right before a concert. it’s probably to force sm to settle the lawsuit fast and to make them give him a new reasonable contract because if it was done after promotions and the attention of the public is directed at other bands, then the impact of kris’s potential leaving because of the lawsuit is no longer there. i think this whole timing thing was planned so that SM will prefer to settle it fast to give him a new contract rather than nullify it and let him leave.

      • Chloe

        May 18, 2014 at 3:21 pm

        I’m completely agreeing with you here. The fact that this concert is so close will completely blow this story up and i would even speculate that Kris may have done this, not only for himself but maybe even for the other EXO members and current/future SM groups. Although, i feel sorry for the other EXO members right now. I’ve heard (although this could be rumor) that they’re on some kind of lockdown and aren’t allowed to talk to Kris right now? (although, as i said, this could be rumor and so i’d look a little more into that) And they’re angry, they probably want to talk to him about this and get it sorted out – maybe even see if he’s ok. Plus, if Kris is saying he was pushed and pushed by the company then if that’s true (which it most likely is) imagine how hard SM will be pushing the other 11 members right now to redo the choreography for their songs for the upcoming concert! This is all one big mess, but i really hope, whatever Kris’ reasons for doing this, he gets what he’s after – maybe a miracle will happen this time and SM might ACTUALLY realise that they seriously have to change their ways.

      • meow

        May 18, 2014 at 9:31 pm

        But it seems like Exo members have to suffer even more during this period. And to cover up for Kris during the concerts. He also didn’t express that he hopes that SM will give me a new contract or to persuade him to come back.. Exo might need to go with 11 members for the concert…

        • meow

          May 18, 2014 at 9:32 pm

          Give him* a new contract.

        • ry

          May 19, 2014 at 12:15 am

          lol babe we only know he filed for lawsuit. i’m just guessing his objectives. we wouldn’t know whether he wants a new contract or he wants to leave, i’m just saying it doesn’t make sense for him to want to leave and choose such a dumb time to make himself look even more selfish so i’m crossing out leaving. he’s probably just cornering sm for a new contract. it is entirely up to sm to decide if they want him to leave or give him the new contract. (assuming he wins the lawsuit). of course this lawsuit has taken a toll on the other members, that i do not deny. but i think it cannot be helped. one way or another, this lawsuit will have an effect on everyone. doesn’t matter when he files. anyway, precisely because filing the lawsuit at this time will be a disadvantage to SM and exo members, thus it will MAKE MORE SENSE for SM to give in and let him get a new contract so the concert can go on per normal. but as usual SM proceeds on like “okay let’s go ahead with the concert without you kris who cares we have the power you don’t” then possibly craftily tries to portray kris as a betrayer. tell me why kris is a betrayer for fighting for his own rights. a betrayer is one who leaves the group for his own solo career. not one who just files for a lawsuit to be treated as a human not an object. idk, think of this as employee vs company. employee is treated as a machine employee gets fed up and files for lawsuit strategically. also, i would like to point out that SM didn’t even let the boys take a break despite this situation, making them continue to perform like as though nth is wrong despite knowing how upset the members were=> this should be a red flag alr. if they can alr decide to proceed on with the concert without giving fucks about kris absence at the expense of making OT11 practice new formations alr kind of show what kind of company sm is don’t you think?? idk, i would have expect SM to settle it fast before deciding to proceed with the concert. kris isn’t the one causing OT11 to practise new formation. it’s SM’s decision to carry on with the concert without kris that’s causing them to practise the new formation. excuse me, sm could have just delayed the concert and wait for the lawsuit to be settled. idk just my pov. SM is rich enough to afford a postpone of concert if you ask me. they’re just making idols work and work and work. not even taking into consideration how the boys are feeling with regards to kris’s absence.

          • Chloe

            May 19, 2014 at 12:24 am


            Now, i’m not about to say this is what is ACTUALLY happening right now, but it seems like a pretty good guess.
            If i had to guess, i would say he’s planning on leaving – well, it’s how i feel after reading this at least. He hired the same lawyer Han Geng used, right? And if i’m not mistaken, he filed for contract termination. Now, that obviously doesn’t mean that’s what Kris is planning on doing and after reading so many news articles i honestly don’t remember what has been said and what lawsuit he’s gone for, although i’ve read the word ‘nullify’ a lot, which would be termination of the contract.
            It really sucks, and nobody can be sure what comes next yet, but i wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a new EXO with 11 members. I’ll support all of EXO though, Kris included, whatever happens.

          • ry

            May 19, 2014 at 12:36 am

            hey sorry LOL i replied you on another of your post. but i’ll just paste my reply here again haha sorry. >> i know i read that website before. but i would just like to point out that of course kris has to be quiet about this whole situation. when you use the law to settle things, you’re not allowed to tell the public about your opinions anymore. and because it’s alr stated that this will be settled privately, so yeah he’s not allowed to talk about it. also, i’m not trusting any website regarding whether it’s a contract termination or revision. and for all we know nullification could be different from termination. nullification would mean to deem the contract content as INVALID. termination would mean to end the damn contract. all these terminologies we wouldn’t really be too clear about it except lawyers themselves. so i’m trusting the words of JYJ’s previous lawyer and here’s what he said

            *i’m not sure if it’s termination or nullification. so many websites are posting different terms and it could be due to translation inaccuracy not sure. but i’m just hoping it will go as JYJ previous lawyer said.

          • Chloe

            May 19, 2014 at 3:27 am

            Obviously at the moment none of us can be sure what’s going to happen. I’m just saying that this website has a good theory and, in my opinion, i think Kris is planning on leaving altogether.

      • EunLoveForever

        May 19, 2014 at 1:37 am

        Euww If I am SME, I would just let the 11 perform without Kris. I would never prepare a new contract for him.Can u imagine Kris comeback with a new contract and dance with the other 11 like nothing happen? I think Kris did at this at this particularly “wrong time” because he just wants to give up his idol life. He dont want to do the concert. SM will get mad, EXO will get mad. They wont ask him to comeback. If he speaks,no one hear.So he took this dramatic act and leave it to the law firm. (as u did yours, this is my guess why he left)

        • xoxo

          May 20, 2014 at 12:26 am

          Sm wont give kris a renew just wont admitted what they do..if they giving a new contract than what kris say(filled in the lawsuit was true).and where is the picture of kris in canada when he must be at korea for wolf making?and the video too..which one actually?

    • ry

      May 18, 2014 at 1:30 pm

      because i feel that kris doesn’t want to leave Exo but he wants SM to treat him like a proper human being not a money making machine. if he really did want to leave exo he could have filed the lawsuit any time after promotions/ concert. also, if you want to leave exo, you would have just filed after promotion so as to avoid letting people call you selfish. don’t’ you think? why would a person who want to leave deliberately choose such a bad timing just so the public could EASILY point out he is selfish. nobody is that stupid to go things in disfavour of himself out of selfish reason. only a courageous person is foolish/ brave enough to let the public hate him to fight for what is right. so the fact that he is filing a lawsuit in the middle of promotion is just to corner sm (at the risk of letting people think he is selfish) so my point is, he strategically planned this wrong timing so that HOPEFULLY sm will just give him a new contract and he will not have to leave exo. as long as the public supports him, i think sm will be more pressured to give him a new contract.

    • Christina

      May 18, 2014 at 5:19 pm

      Maybe he was sick those three months, who knows, but company didn’t want to make noise because of fans spite against company’s bad treatment to members. Don’t forget, that for staff it is just a business, and like all businessman they want to take a maximum from deal. They look on boys like on commodity and don’t care about their feelings.

    • Cat

      May 20, 2014 at 6:04 pm

      Yes you are quite right in that Kris has tried to leave Exo at least 2 other times in the past. So clearly he wasn’t happy at other times, so I wasn’t too shocked at this third incident…thought obviously he got proper legal backing this time isn’t of just hiding. Kris did what he had to do for himself, his health and I guess for his career goals too. Exo will be fine without him, they will still work hard and do their best as always. Kris will also be fine without Exo, I am sure a big weight has been lifted off his shoulders now this is a more final departure for him. Legal council will have told him to keep it quite and yes the timing of it could have been better but we don’t know all the details and since it is going to be dealt with in a more private manner I doubt we will ever know the details in full. We need to just wish Kris and Exo the best. I don’t hate Kris or Exo for this, they all have my support. As for SM…ok let’s not go their about them, we don’t know what is true and what isn’t true. It would be foolish to slander them without being privy to the details of their contracts with their Idols. All this will settle down in time and things will get back to normality.

  8. ana garza

    May 18, 2014 at 1:10 pm

    Why people only see kris side of the story? The rest of EXO M are suffering too not only by what kris is doing, but also the way sm and the fans are reacting. They didn’t know that kris was going to do this or at least not now. They thought he was with his family or personal time and let him be and they continued to work for their concert. Fans are giving them a hard time by only supporting kris and making them feel afraid by how they will go on without kris, they are not being selfish because kris decided to do this and decided the moment to do it, exactly after their comeback and near the concert it can be seen as he decided this to give himself more spotlight and support from people.

  9. ana garza

    May 18, 2014 at 1:11 pm

    I’m not against kris but support Exo m and understand that they are also victims of this problem between kris and sm

  10. Galaxy_Girl00

    May 18, 2014 at 3:31 pm

    The exo members may feel betrayed by Kris but they do have to think about Kris…I mean Kris is going up against SMent by himself no exo members to help him at all. I am kind of sad that Tao would say they will move on without him. . .I thought Tao was the closest with Kris. You would think that they would all support Kris but I misread that. But again we don’t know at all what happens in SMent behind closed doors do we? Only the closest to EXO will know. But anyways I guess I will support Kris where ever he goes whether it is his fault or not. He will always be my ultimate bias forever, I will support exo too also if they move on without Kris. But my love for exo won’t be the same at all. Also if SMent has the guts to replace Kris that just shows SMent really doesn’t care about the idols and only about money. I hope their stocks keep on dropping as I have seen since this situation has started. And with those IG updates and the EXO members “speaking up” I don’t think I will ever believe what comes out of their mouths when clearly they would have been forced to say these things. Just my opinion…lol YEP ??

    • Chloe

      May 18, 2014 at 6:16 pm

      I think that it’s difficult for them to accept him just yet. Like you said, we can’t really be sure what’s happening behind closed doors, but i do believe in what has been said that the members were taken completely by surprise with the news and with no time to really talk to Kris, only time to redo all of the performances for their concerts since he left them in the lurch, they’re bound to be angry and i doubt they can accept it right now. I know i wouldn’t be able to.
      I will support Kris no matter what path he goes down, but i also stand by EXO, however they may end up 100%. And i honestly, in my opinion, think it’s wrong to say that you hope their stocks keep dropping. Sure, some may find that good because it might teach SM a lesson? I don’t know. All i know is that if their stocks continue to drop, the other 11 members will be effected by it and they’ve done nothing wrong, nothing to deserve that.
      I find it wrong of Kris to do what he did (well, in the sense that i don’t feel he could’ve thought much about the other EXO members) but i can see why he did it and why he chose now, even though it sucks.

  11. Chloe

    May 18, 2014 at 6:20 pm

    I think this is only really based on assumption. Just a theory. But i have seen this link going around and after reading it, i could understand how it could make sense. So, if some people are still confused about why Kris might have chosen now and done this so out of the blue, this is a THEORY that i feel makes sense:
    Please keep in mind though that, like i said, this might not be what he’s actually planning. It might not be the truth at all, but it’s an interesting theory none-the-less.

    • ry

      May 19, 2014 at 12:33 am

      i know i read that website before. but i would just like to point out that of course kris has to be quiet about this whole situation. when you use the law to settle things, you’re not allowed to tell the public about your opinions anymore. and because it’s alr stated that this will be settled privately, so yeah he’s not allowed to talk about it. also, i’m not trusting any website regarding whether it’s a contract termination or revision. and for all we know nullification could be different from termination. nullification would mean to deem the contract content as INVALID. termination would mean to end the damn contract. all these terminologies we wouldn’t really be too clear about it except lawyers themselves. so i’m trusting the words of JYJ’s previous lawyer and here’s what he said

  12. izz rara

    May 18, 2014 at 8:04 pm

    Omg I can’t believe that suho and tao would say that what happened to we r one we r exo, SM really don’t care about the singers they only care about the money

    • kpopfanatic

      October 12, 2014 at 1:22 pm

      Dont you think the SM staff could have told them to say that? The exo members all have a close bond with each other. It hurts to see each other speak of them like that.

    • arosequartz

      November 20, 2015 at 8:44 am

      I know, I was shocked too. But then I remembered reading recently that Exo K was treated better then Exo M. Perhaps they didn’t know how badly Exo M was being treated. Exo K got the upper hand, Exo M didn’t. Yet on the other hand, SM probably made them say that.

  13. meow

    May 18, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    Kris is the brave one yeah… to stand up against SM basically on his own.. SM’s bad actions will be exposed even more, but it’s sad that no one is really doing anything or can do anything to make things better for the artists. Seriously Tao and Suho just jump out and being “heros” during this difficult time. Especially Tao he is always fighting for attention.

  14. Myst Mayden

    May 18, 2014 at 11:07 pm

    It’s so funny when the first person we all blame is the person who filed the lawsuit. Allhe ever wanted along with JYJ and all the other idols was to have better contract conditions and equally shared finances between each member, so why is that so hard for SME to change? They’re suppose to be taking care of their idols, not using them as their personal money makers, now I know when idols always say “we’ll work harder” .

    I understand that the other members are angry and hurt right now, but PLEASE, I find it hard to believe that Kris never spoke about this to anyone, just like JYJ, Yunho said that he had no idea that the other 3 were filing a lawsuit same as SUJU with Han Geng. I remember Shindong say in an interview talk about how hurt they were that he never came to talk to them about it, I wonder why. If the only person he felt he could trust out of them to discuss what he was going to do was Siwon, then what does that show you about the trust he had for some.

    I find it hard to believe that the rest of the members didn’t know how Kris was feeling leading up to this lawsuit, come on you must be blind or you don’t give a crap cause all your thinking about is yourself.

    until SME changes their contract conditions and stops ripping the idols off, of what they’re truly meant to be recieving , then this here lawsuit will not be the last we will see from this company. Lee Soo Man, if you value your company, you better do something about your CEO before you end up with nothing.

    As for the rest of SM idols, I hope after you’s place judgement on your fellow idols who filed lawsuits against SM never find themselves in the same situation as those you back stabbed, because if you do, remember how you treated your fellow family members and hope like hell they have a forgiving heart, because the hardest thing for any idol is, being hated by their fans and having guys they spent years with and who we’re their only family turn on them.

  15. one_nee

    May 19, 2014 at 12:37 am

    actually i’m still cant believe that the same thing happened just like deja vu. just like when it happened to HAnGeng n JYJ, it was so hard to believe that their members dont know abt what HanGeng or JYJ or Kris was thinking to left SM. i mean, come on, those 3 groups always mentioned how close they were to each other, how they could know what the other was thinking just by looking at their face. how come they dont know? as for Geng n Kris, they are foreigner. the lawsuit happened in Korea, thus they must be talked abt this to other people before. before the lawsuit happened, HanGeng’s side explained that he were denied of their right to health treatment and asked more than once to be allowed to rest n go home to their parents in China, but SM denied. and the same also happened to Kris. both even have a proof of medical certification for their condition. for HanGeng, he got a severe kidney condition. i mean, during his sickness, visits to hospital, denied to have sick leaves, i read Kris also several time were run away before, and he also denied of sick leave. how come no one pay attention to their poor condition and stress that they were shock when these two want to left SM? didnt they said they were/are close? is that even possible that both of them never even mentioned to ANYONE that they were tired and cant go on? i mean, even us, an employee could see if one of our collegues might resign from the office when we saw how stress he/she is at work, we can sense that he/she could resign anytime soon, rite? JYJ side also the same, the other members also said they dont know n shock abt the lawsuit. but later than SM’s side admitted that JYJ had several times met with the company to talked abt their problems (and that there were screencaps of a document that signed by JYJ to go on with Avex after the lawsuit with SM in which was shown to the court in Japan, in which in the original document made by Avex, there were 5 names put in the contract, not 3). thats why for me, its hard to believe that no one in their groups aware that their member/s was/were planning to leave.

    yes, i know, this could be SM’s play, as the same things of these ‘members dont know and in shock’ have been played for 3 times already, with the exact words and story. SM really need to made up a new lies to brief their artists during this kind of situation. What i want to say, based on my experience as fan during HanGeng and JYJ lawsuit, dont really believe what you heard. yes, SM could told Kris’ members to said those harsh words. and yes, the members possibly really felt betrayed. Maybe they have talked abt this each time Kris felt like giving up, they supported him n told him to hang on (he was said to run away several times). maybe they felt betrayed that at the end, Kris is giving up. But Kris is human, a foreigner that has to work in a foreign country far away from his parents, and he is still very young too. being a celeb is hard, being extremely popular celeb who has to work in a foreign country with a foreignlanguange and work ethics even harder. so, for EXO fans, just remember there always 2 sides in a coin. i believe both parties, Kris and EXO are hurting. They are your artists, but they are also human. Tao and Suho maybe closed to Kris and Suho is EXO leader, but they also human who has their own problems to face with this hard situation. But, just pray for the best, beside Kris might had a chance to stay if just SM changed some point in his contract. and please, dont bash, it just my 2 cents.

  16. one_nee

    May 19, 2014 at 12:47 am

    actually i’m still cant believe that the same thing happened just
    like deja vu. just like when it happened to HAnGeng n JYJ, it was so
    hard to believe that their members dont know abt what HanGeng or JYJ or
    Kris was thinking to left SM. i mean, come on, those 3 groups always
    mentioned how close they were to each other, how they could know what
    the other was thinking just by looking at their face. how come they dont
    know? as for Geng n Kris, they are foreigner. the lawsuit happened in
    Korea, thus they must be talked abt this to other people before. before
    the lawsuit happened, HanGeng’s side explained that he were denied of
    their right to health treatment and asked more than once to be allowed
    to rest n go home to their parents in China, but SM denied. and the same
    also happened to Kris. both even have a proof of medical certification
    for their condition. for HanGeng, he got a severe kidney condition. i
    mean, during his sickness, visits to hospital, denied to have sick
    leaves, i read Kris also several time were run away before, and he also
    denied of sick leave. how come no one pay attention to their poor
    condition and stress that they were shock when these two want to left
    SM? didnt they said they were/are close? is that even possible that both
    of them never even mentioned to ANYONE that they were tired and cant go
    on? i mean, even us, an employee could see if one of our collegues
    might resign from the office when we saw how stress he/she is at work,
    we can sense that he/she could resign anytime soon, rite? JYJ side also
    the same, the other members also said they dont know n shock abt the
    lawsuit. but later than SM’s side admitted that JYJ had several times
    met with the company to talked abt their problems (and that there were
    screencaps of a document that signed by JYJ to go on with Avex after the
    lawsuit with SM in which was shown to the court in Japan, in which in
    the original document made by Avex, there were 5 names put in the
    contract, not 3). thats why for me, its hard to believe that no one in
    their groups aware that their member/s was/were planning to leave.

    yes,i know, this could be SM’s play, as the same things of these ‘members
    dont know and in shock’ have been played for 3 times already, with the
    exact words and story. SM really need to made up a new lies to brief
    their artists during this kind of situation. What i want to say, based
    on my experience as fan during HanGeng and JYJ lawsuit, dont really
    believe what you heard. yes, SM could told Kris’ members to said those
    harsh words. and yes, the members possibly really felt betrayed. Maybe
    they have talked abt this each time Kris felt like giving up, they
    supported him n told him to hang on (he was said to run away several
    times). maybe they felt betrayed that at the end, Kris is giving up. But
    Kris is human, a foreigner that has to work in a foreign country far
    away from his parents, and he is still very young too. being a celeb is
    hard, being extremely popular celeb who has to work in a foreign country
    with a foreignlanguange and work ethics even harder. so, for EXO fans,
    just remember there always 2 sides in a coin. i believe both parties,
    Kris and EXO are hurting. They are your artists, but they are also
    human. Tao and Suho maybe closed to Kris and Suho is EXO leader, but
    they also human who has their own problems to face with this hard
    situation. and all of them are very young men, and just been 2 years in
    the Ent. world that not always beautiful as rainbows. But, just pray for
    the best, beside Kris might had a chance to stay if just SM changed
    some point in his contract. and please, dont bash, it just my 2 cents.

  17. Jeremi Beloso

    May 19, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    No one should be mad at anyone.. maybe SM. But, let’s all face it, without SM, EXO or some other kpop idols wouldn’t be around. SM was the reason why they’re well-known. However, it’s true that they should treat the idols and actors at a righteous way.
    With the other EXO members, they didn’t do anything wrong. Whether the company made them say those things or not, they still have every right to feel angry and betrayed. Put yourselves in their shoes. After years of working hard together to achieve their goal – having their solo concert – this incident happened. Kris didn’t say anything to them before he filed the lawsuit, which is his big mistake. I’m not saying that Kris shouldn’t have filed that lawsuit, because it’s his decision. There’s nothing we can do about it but to support him. The real reason could be a really personal one, however, he could have at least talked to the members before leaving. He just left them, his brothers, and that will definitely frustrate them, but that doesn’t mean they’re not hurt. EXO isn’t selfish, the show must go on. That’s how it is for them. They’re badly hurt, but they have to keep going. It’s not about their reputation, it’s about their life. This is their life now, this is how it’s gonna be for them until they retire. They chose it. We can’t really blame (and hate) anyone (but SM in most parts), it’s Kris’s choice to do this, but he didn’t tell the other members, that’s why they acted that way. So no one’s to blame (except maybe the company)

  18. Inggggy

    May 19, 2014 at 8:44 pm

    I actually want Kris to win this because its happened before that the members are treated unfairly. And if he has enough evidence to prove it then go and live a better life than being controlled like a puppet.

  19. Myst Mayden

    May 20, 2014 at 9:24 am

    Any future SM trainee’s out their, before you or parents sign anything, make sure you have someone that understands what’s written in it so they can explain to what you don’t understand. If you can, ask for a copy of your contract you signed as evidence later if you feel something has changed without your knowledge. That should be for any entertainment companies, but only SM is always being sued over these ‘Slave Contracts’.

    To the Kris bashers out there, unless you know what was written in his or the other members contracts, then sit down and hush, your just attacking him because so done said this and that and because he’s left his brothers hanging.

    Wake up, theirs 11 of them left, if they’re so concerned now, did any of them sit down and asked him what’s up? Do they even take time out just to sit and discuss anything apart from fans, music etc? Did he even feel there was anyone in the group he could trust to discuss this with who wouldn’t try and stop him? Did he have someone like Han Geng did with Siwon who he knew wouldn’t judge him. For now i’ll just say No after reading what some of the members are saying.

  20. Dwika Noviana Putri

    May 20, 2014 at 11:58 am


  21. waly1215

    May 20, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    Again. Fck SM.

  22. Chanyeol

    May 21, 2014 at 12:20 am

    Oh really? One of my friend told me that the staff took the members’ mobile phones and unfollow Kris on social networks (except for Baekhuyn, who was suprisingly smart, said that he forgot the phone at home, and that the reason he is still follow Kris on social networks). So, personally, I think SM. Ent told Tao and Suho to say all that stuff. I’ll never belive that they could be so cruel to our poor duizhang!!! He is a human, and he has the right to live like ONE!!! I don’t know what is his decision, but I’ll always support him. Somebody may think he is a selfish guy, but hey, he is just trying to thinking for himself. He has been trying so much for a long time. Please, show him your support. It’ll be a big help to Kris and the other members.
    Saranghae Kris.

  23. jonah

    May 21, 2014 at 4:31 pm

    Really?In my own understanding, Kris was just came to point that he could no longer handle the hardships anymore that he experiences under SM Ent. I think there is really something wrong with that company’s way they handle their artists. It’s true that the company control their artists, it’s the artists’ decision how to respond to the management rules. For the other artists that always think their dreams, living and family, they need to take it all challenges in their work no matter how hard it is. But to Kris’ condition, it is already his health. Giving up on EXO is the consequence of thinking his health first above all others. Still, we support Kris wherever he goes. I love Kris as much as I love EXO. Even w/out Kris, I still support EXO, always. Fighting!

  24. E.J'sBlackHole

    May 25, 2014 at 3:44 pm

    I won’t root to anyone here cuz I love them all. I just hope that they won’t hate each other. Kris, I wish you get better soon and be healthy forever. EXO, I will still love you although it saddens me that I can’t see Kris among another members in show. I LOVE YOU GUYS T-T

  25. th

    May 27, 2014 at 6:04 pm

    I had a feeling that SM does not pay too much attention to their artist, especially after the lawsuits relating to the same topics. When i think of Sm I always wondered if the president knows what each artist is doing or if he watches over them, but then again is it possible when they release so many groups and put so many members into one. I was wondering how are they able to keep track of everyone if they have a korean and mandarin version. It made me wonder even more with kpop star when the three companies join forces to find new artist. As of now I realized that no one chose SM, well I can’t say no one cause I’m unsure about those below top 3, but it is true that the top 3 kpop stars in season 1 and 2 chooses JYP and Yg over SM. Season 2 winners Akdong musician explained why and it is great to hear the opinions from a group who did not know about the top three companies until they studied about them before the show. In Akdong musicians case they chose yg because he did not force them to do a certain genre, they said that he allowed them freedom to sing what they wanted that matches with their personality, while the other entertainments try and change their interest. I also realized something about the difference between artist from each company, and that is living situation. I’m not sure if this is still current, but I saw that SNSD is still all living under one roof and sharing the same rooms, even after being together for years, while in 2ne1 and Big bangs case they have dorms and their own homes, not just with their parents, but their own individual homes, and 2ne1 Minzy;s mom also mention how Minzy used her money to buy a house for her mom, which made other surprise that at 19 she was able to do so. And it was also seen on 2ne1tv that the members had two separate dorms with two members living in 1 dorm and having their own bedroom, it was also seen in win who is next that the trainees had a dorm in which not all of them are packed into one room. And also with Yg and JYP they have less artist and although they have less artist they are still catching up with SM and as we see in videos the presidents in JYP and Yg are really involved with their artist, and they also give their artist vacations and breaks. So basically what I’m saying is that this has been my thoughts, i always wondered why SM does not just focus on the artist they already have.

  26. IsupportKrisOfeXo

    June 27, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    I also think the same….. I think that sm must have forced suho and Tao to say that stupid blunt talk in front of the TV… I’ll support Kris. No matter what, coz ‘slave contracts need to be stopped.

  27. Parker

    August 4, 2014 at 5:05 pm

    You also have to take into account all of the older generation kpop groups who said SM treated them horribly. H.O.T may have not sued SM, but Moon Hee Jun (from H.O.T) talked about how horrible they were treated almost 20 years later.

  28. mikedo2007

    October 1, 2014 at 7:36 pm

    Seeing how Jessica got booted out of SNSD, I wonder who in SNSD will end up putting lawsuit against SM.

    • Alexdhamp

      October 6, 2014 at 5:46 pm

      Sica should be the one to do so.

  29. emilly9991

    October 20, 2015 at 1:38 am

    guys, SM Entertaintment is a BIG company. A big company who has a lot of money and knows a lot of people.

    Now, let’s just be real. the bond you make with you’re friends that has been with you for several years since trainee days are REAL. But, all people have minds to consider.

    1. EXO have never contacted their parents for a long time, and SM could use that as a threat. If they speak ANYTHING about the truth behind Kris, they could hurt their families. And they wouldn’t even know.

    2. If EXO did have the guts to say anything, who knows what they could do to them?. They are a very powerful company. They could hurt Suho/Tao and say they got a broken leg from practice and we will all believe it. We’re just fans. we won’t know what’s really happening.

    3. Even all that, even though they lied and said Luhan, or Kris or even Tao was a traitor or some shit, we all know deep down their bonding won’t fade. IF you see them saying something like that in an interview, look into their eyes. IS IT REALLY THE TRUTH?.

    4. THEY. ARE. TRAINED. ARTIST. they are trained to deal with this and trained to act in a situation like this. They are trained to fake a smile. a really CONVINCING smile.

What are your thoughts on this?