한국   대만   중국   일본 
?????? ?????????, ????????? ??????, ?????, ≪?????≫ ????., 1989, 390 ??: - ?????? ??????????? ?????????????? =Herald of the Social Sciences
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?????? ?????????, ????????? ??????, ?????, ≪?????≫ ????., 1989, 390 ??:

????????, ?. ?. (1990) ?????? ?????????, ????????? ??????, ?????, ≪?????≫ ????., 1989, 390 ??:. ?????? ??????????? ??????????????, № 5 . pp. 86-89. ISSN 0320-8117

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Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Размик Маркосян, Араратский диалект. Razmik Markosian, Dialect оf Ararat.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Погосян А. М., Pоghоsian A . M.
Subjects: P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
ID Code: 3544
Deposited By: sci info
Deposited On: 01 Nov 2012 12:06
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2014 07:10

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