About this website

Denna sida pa svenska

Karolinska Institutet’s vision is to be one of the world's leading universities within the field of medicine. Linked to this vision is a vision for the university's online presence: KI's online services will be strategically important instruments for achieving KI's goals and for the university's future development.

The KI website will

  • contribute to increasing knowledge of and reinforcing positive attitudes towards KI.
  • strengthen KI's relationship and communication with its prioritised stakeholders.
  • create a distinctive image of KI as an international medical university.
  • create a distinctive image of the medical field and encourage people to take an interest in research and science.

We welcome your comments

We are constantly working to improve our website. If you have any ideas or questions regarding the content of a certain page on the website, you are to contact the content administrator (indicated at the bottom of every page), according to the formula name.surname@ki.se.

For comments or general questions regarding the website, please contact webbteamet@ki.se .


All websites marked with Karolinska Institutet's emblem and a ⓒ symbol are protected by copyright. The copyright protection also covers images and graphical elements. The copyright to academic articles, theses and research projects listed in databases are concerned is owned by their respective authors.

Responsible publisher

Director of Communications: Christina Bostedt

Legal information

Information about the authority

Karolinska Institutet

Phone: +46-8-524 800 00 (switchboard)
Fax: +46 8 31 11 01
E-mail: info@ki.se
Address: Karolinska Institutet
SE-171 77 Stockholm
Visiting address: Solnavagen 1, Solna
Alfred Nobels Alle 8, Huddinge

Processing of personal data

This section provides information about how Karolinska Institutet processes personal data obtained through the website ki.se.

Personal data controller

Karolinska Institutet is the personal data controller for the processing of personal data on the website ki.se. Information on how to contact us can be found under the heading “ Contact ”.

Purposes of processing

Karolinska Institutet will process your personal data:

  • when you sign up for courses, conferences and other events organised by Karolinska Institutet
  • when you apply for a job via KI's job centre
  • when you order publications
  • when you sign up for newsletters

The principle of public access to official documents

Karolinska Institutet is a central government authority. This means that messages sent to us become public documents, which may come to be shared with others in accordance with the principle of public access to official documents.

The right to request information

In accordance with Section 26 of the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204), you are entitled to request information once per calendar year about the data being processed at Karolinska Institutet that concerns you, regardless of whether these data have been obtained through the website or otherwise. If you want this kind of information, you need to submit a signed, written request to us. Pursuant to the Personal Data Act, the request must be submitted on paper and may not be sent via e-mail.

Section 26 of the Personal Data Act at Rattsnatet

Submit your application to:

Registry Office

Phone: +46 8 524 865 95
Fax: +46 8 31 11 01
E-mail: registrator@ki.se
Address: Karolinska Institutet
SE-171 77 Stockholm
Visiting address: Nobels vag 5, Solna

Opening hours:

Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 3.30 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

If any data concerning you is incorrect or incomplete, you may request that it be rectified, changed or removed.


The KI website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on the visitor's computer that can be used to monitor the visitor's activity on the website.

There are two types of cookie:

  • a permanent cookie remains on the visitor's computer for a set period of time.
  • a session cookie is stored temporarily in the computer's memory while the visitor is on a website. Session cookies disappear when you close your browser.

Karolinska Institutet uses cookies to give the visitor access to certain functions, for example to adapt the website. Other functions that utilise cookies include webmail, the timetable site, Ladok online and ordering the prospectus.

None of the visitor's personal information such as e-mail or name will be saved.

If you do not accept the use of cookies, you can turn them off in your browser's security settings. You can also set the browser to ask you every time the website attempts to put a cookie on your computer. Through the browser, you can also erase previously stored cookies; please refer to the browser's help pages for more information.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority, which is the supervisory authority for this field, provides further information about cookies on its website, www.pts.se .

Technical information

The KI website has been built in accordance with web standards. This means that HTML 5 has been used to structure its contents, and that style templates (CSS, cascading style sheets) have been used to govern how the content is presented. The publication system used is an open source system called Drupal 7.

Web browser

The website is best viewed in newer browsers that support the above-mentioned standards. Older versions do not fully support these web standards. They will display the same contents, but with certain discrepancies in the layout.

ki.se has been adapted to be viewed equally well on a regular computer as on a mobile phone or tablet. As long as you have a newer browser, the website should function.

More information about the various browsers is available on their respective publisher's website.


Karolinska Institutet strives to make the information on its website accessible to as many people as possible. To support us in these efforts, we have developed the website in accordance with the guidelines provided in WCAG 2.0. The standards supported by the website ki.se are HTML 5 and CSS 2 and 3.

All web editors publishing content on ki.se are trained specialists who are familiar with issues concerning accessibility.

We have adaptations in our system that support editors' efforts to make the site more accessible. The fact that we use relative measurements makes it possible to apply individual browser settings.