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Two Feng Shui Tips for homes to improve T-intersection Feng Shui chi.
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T for Two – Two Feng Shui Tips for T-Intersections

by Linda Lenore on October 25, 2011



Recently I've had several people, especially real estate agents, contact me about the Feng Shui implications occurring from T-intersections. I thought I'd give you a couple of quick Feng Shui tips for homes regarding these challenging issues.

Top of T-intersection - Bad Feng Shui chi

Top of T-intersection - Bad Feng Shui chi

Let me start by explaining what a T-intersection is.

A T-intersection issue happens when a street dead ends and there is a house located straight ahead. This is known as a house at the "top of the T" - not a desirable situation, especially if you are trying to sell this house to an Asian buyer. This is a house of "Bad Feng Shui" since there is too much energy coming directly at the house. The Feng Shui chi will be too harsh, attacking the house and the occupants.

To give you a practical example of this, just think if this house is at the bottom of a hill. What if the brakes fail on a vehicle? This was the case in Kansas many years ago where a big rig truck's brakes failed allowing it to slam into an apartment building killing several people.

This may sound extreme, but it's not. In fact, in a location about 5 miles from my home I have seen a house smashed by various vehicles seven times.

Building a fence between the T-intersection of the streets and the house was the solution constructed by this family to offset the bad Feng Shui chi.

Building a fence between the T-intersection of the streets and the house was the solution constructed by this family to offset the bad Feng Shui chi.

Even if a car never actually hits the dwelling, the house is constantly "attacked" by the lights from the headlamps of the car. At the very least, this is annoying. It makes the occupants feel as though they are living in a "gold fish bowl" where people can see into their house each night unless the drapes are closed.

How can you fix this problem according to Feng Shui trainings? We want to create a barrier between the road and the house. This can be done in several different ways using Feng Shui landscaping. Let me list two.

First, a fence could be built at the edge of the sidewalk between the road and the house. We could soften the affect through the addition of plants on both sides of the fence. Adding boulders, large rocks or statuary would also be beneficial to improve the Feng Shui design.

T-intersection house changed by creating a wall forming a courtyard.

T-intersection house changed by creating a wall forming a courtyard.

Second, we could build a wall between the road and the house. This technique can be very effective plus be a beautiful design feature creating a courtyard affect for a house. This works very well in Spanish, Italian and Mediterranean interior design?style homes.

These are two possible solutions to change the bad Feng Shui chi of houses at the top of the T-intersections by changing the Feng Shui orientation through formation Feng Shui landscaping.

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