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Palestine from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini [Electronic resources] ???? ????
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Palestine from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini [Electronic resources] - ???? ????

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The economy during the Shahs rule in the clutches of the Zionists

A great danger exists for Islam, the independence and very existence of the country because of this bill which was perhaps devised by the Jewish spies and Zionists with the aim of destroying the countrys independence and disrupting its economy. In the opinion of Mr. Alams government, this bill is still in force and the government sees itself entitled to act upon it, even though it goes against both sharia and constitutional laws and against the sensibilities of a nation of twenty million people in Iran, indeed of all Muslims . . .

In accordance with the religious duty I have to the Iranian nation and the Muslims of the world, I announce that a danger exists. The noble Quran and Islam are in danger, the independence of the country and its economy are in the clutches of the Zionists who in Iran are manifest in the form of the Bahai party, and in no time at all, if the Muslims maintain their lethal silence, they will, with the help of their agents, seize all the economic institutions of this country and the presence of the Muslim nation in all the countrys affairs will be eliminated. The Iranian television has become a base for Jewish spies, and the government is aware of this and supports it. The Muslim nation will not be silent until this danger is removed, and if anyone is silent, then he will be responsible before God the Almighty and will be condemned to ruin in this world.

Imams reply to questions put to him by merchants and guilds of Qum, dated March 1963 (Isfand 1341 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 34.

Iran under the heel of the Zionists

I know that no officer with a conscience approves of these crimes and acts of brutality, and I am aware of and deplore the pressures to which they are subject. I extend a fraternal hand to them in the hope of obtaining the salvation of Islam and Iran. I know that their hearts are troubled by this subordination to Israel, and that they do not wish Iran to be trampled by the boots of the Jews. I declare to the heads of the Muslim states, whether Arab or non-Arab: the ulama of Islam, the religious leaders and pious people of Iran, together with its noble army, are the brothers of the Muslim states and share their losses and their gains. They abhor and are disgusted with the treaty with Israel, the enemy of Islam and Iran. I say this quite clearly; if they wish, let the agents of Israel come put an end to my life.

Imams message dated 2 May 1963 (12 Urdibihisht 1342 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, pp. 47-48.

The penetration of Israels agents into all the countrys affairs

The gentlemen must realise that the danger to Islam today is no less than that once presented by the Bani Umayyad. This tyrannical regime is co-operating fully with Israel and its agents (the misguided and misguiding Bahai sect). The propaganda organs have been placed into their hands and they enjoy extensive influence in the court. In the army, the Ministry of Education and other ministries, positions have been opened for them and they have been given sensitive jobs. Point out the danger of Israel and its agents to the people. In the mourning ceremonies, remind them of the calamities which have befallen Islam, the religious centres and the supporters of the divine law. Express your aversion to the treacherous governments act of sending a few thousand enemies of Islam, the nation and the motherland to London to participate in an anti-Islamic and anti-people meeting and for giving them the financial assistance needed for their trip.

Imams message dated 18 May 1963 (28 Urdibihisht 1342 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 52.

The ban on criticism of Israel

I was informed today that a number of preachers were taken to the offices of the security organisation (SAVAK) and were told that they could speak about anything they liked other than three subjects: they were not to say anything bad about the Shah; not to attack Israel; and not to say that Islam is endangered. The problem is that if we dont concern ourselves with these three subjects then what else is there to talk about? All of our difficulties without exception stem from these three issues.

Imams remarks dated 3 June 1963 (13 Khurdad 1342 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 56.

Is the Shah an Israeli?

What exactly is the relationship between the Shah and Israel which causes the secret service to tell us neither to speak of Israel nor of the Shah? What is the connection between the two? Can it be that the Shah is an Israeli? Does the secret service believe him to be Jewish? Surely this cannot be so; he professes to be a Muslim. He who claims to be a Muslim, according to the laws of Islam, is thereby a Muslim. The connection between ourselves and Israel . . . perhaps this concerns some kind of confidential matter. Maybe there is truth in what they say about certain organisations wanting to destroy the Shah. Dont you consider it a probability? If so then resolve the matter in some way. Somehow inform this man of these issues; it may cause him to wake up and become somewhat aware of the situation.

Imams remarks dated 3 June 1963 (13 Khurdad 1342 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 57.

The close friendship which exists between the Shahs regime and Israel

And even more regrettable is the control Israel and its agents exercise in many of this countrys sensitive matters and the grip they have on the countrys economic institutions with the help of the government and the agents of the tyrannical regime. Israel is in a state of war with the Muslim governments, yet the Iranian government treats it as a close friend and provides it with all kinds of propaganda apparatus and facilitates the import of its goods in every way.

I have repeatedly warned of the danger, danger for the holy religion, danger for the independence of the country, danger for the economy of the country. I deplore the term "the infidels are one nation" which has been put on the peoples lips by these organisations. It is contradictory to the text of the word of God and is used to support Israel and its agents. It is a premise leading to the recognition of Israel and is used in support of Israels agents and the misguided, deviating (Bahai) sect.

Imams warning to the Iranian nation on the countrys independence, dated 7 April 1964 (18 Farvardin 1343 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 62.

Other examples of the relationship between Israel and the Shahs regime

The objective is Islam, it is the countrys independence, it is the driving away of Israels agents, it is the unification of Islamic countries. The entire countrys economy now lies in Israels hands; that is to say it has been seized by Israeli agents. Hence, most of the major factories and enterprises are run by them: the television, the Arj factory, Pepsi Cola etc.

Two of the aeroplanes that were to take the pilgrims to Mecca belonged to Israeli airlines. The Saudi government protested and the regime was forced to back down. Today, even eggs are imported from Israel. Make firm your ranks. These are the agents of imperialism, the roots of imperialism must be deracinated.

Imams remarks dated 10 April 1964 (21 Farvardin 1343 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 64.

The plans of the Shahs regime devised by the Israelis

With this ominous plan of theirs (distancing the people from the clergy) they wish to make the public detest us so that gradually they (the people) obey their overlords. If only it were just a matter of obeying the overlords, they mean to make us subject to Israel too . . .

What we object to is all forms of corruption. We believe that your reform programmes are in fact devised by Israel and it is to Israel that you turn for help and advice whenever you want to draw up a plan. You bring military advisers from Israel into this country. You send students from our country to Israel. If only they were sent elsewhere, to America or even to England for example. But no, you send them to Israel! These are the kinds of issues we dispute.

We argue that all the Muslim countries have formed a united front on one side, in opposition to infidelity and Israel, whilst you and the Turkish government are stationed on the other side in support of Israel. We hold that this is ill-advised. Dont go against the sensibilities of the Muslim peoples so, for I swear by God this is to your detriment. All of the Muslims on one side and Iran on the other! If this is to be the case, then the nation of Iran will become reproachable and our Sunni brothers will think that Shiites are Jew worshippers . . . If so then come and explain to us in what way this can be said to constitute reaction. You who boast a history of two-and-a-half millennia of sovereign rule and endlessly crow about those rotten bones which have decomposed and are no more and which you now want to dig up from beneath the soil to use in your confrontation with Islam, have you now at this late hour joined forces with Israel against the precepts of Islam and against the Muslims?! We are the ones who advocate your non-involvement with Israel, yet you now try to accuse us of collaboration with others and of being involved with so-and-so. The Devil take this reasoning! . . . How can you call a country which is totally dependent upon foreign trade for its every need, developed? You bring specialists to Iran from Israel and send people to Israel to "learn something." Only this year you sent people there from Qum in order to "learn something." What do they have to learn from the Jews, the art of cheating, deceiving and betraying? We believe that sending them there will result in nothing but ruin, and in ten, twenty or thirty years time you will see that we were right. Send them and see if you gain anything other than ruin.

Imams speech dated 15 May 1964 (25 Urdibihisht 1343 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 77.

The quintessential Iran-Israel farm

Now, as I am sitting here speaking to you, many of the good farmlands of Iran are in the hands of Israel! People have written to me from Ilam and told me that the good farmlands of this place have been given to Israel for farming sugar beets, and at the side of the road, these people who say we have nothing to do with Israel have placed a sign which reads: the quintessential Iran-Israel farm. In an Israeli newspaper which was given to me recently, there was something written about the Israeli ambassador in Tehran! (And the gentlemen say that we have nothing to do with Israel!) A couple of days ago on 7 September (16 Shahrivar AHS) in the Darvaz-i Doulat district of Tehran, the Jews created such a hullabaloo. Four or five hundred thieving Jews gathered together, and all that their speeches boiled down to was a eulogy to one and a tirade against another, and then they proclaimed that greatness belongs to the Jews, the Jews are chosen by God, we are a people who should govern, we are against dictatorship, we are against Hitlerism, and so on and so forth. This was the content of their speeches. These people come with the full knowledge of our government and openly say these things . . . It's wrong for a country to rely on the Jews. Is this that we say now very bad? Of course it's a bitter pill to swallow, it's bitter for you. Nevertheless, it is disastrous for an Islamic country, for Muslims, to rely on, to have relations or make agreements with a government which is now the enemy of Islam, which opposes Islam and has usurped Palestine.

Imams remarks dated 9 September 1964 (18 Shahrivar 1343 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 95.

The reforms of the Shahs regime have created a market for Israel

Today, Irans economy is in the hands of America and Israel. Its market is now out of the control of the Iranians and Muslims. The dust of bankruptcy and poverty has settled on the faces of the merchants and farmers. The reforms of the gentlemen have created a black market for America and Israel and there is no one who can help this poor nation.

Imams message on the occasion of the ratification of the Capitulation Bill, dated 26 October 1964 (4 Aban 1343 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 112.

Imams warning to the Shah

Do not conclude a treaty of brotherhood with Israel, the enemy of Islam and the Muslims, which had turned more than a million defenceless Muslims into refugees. Do not offend the sensibilities of the Muslims. Do not permit Israel and its treacherous agents to penetrate further the bazaar of the Muslims; do not endanger the economy of the country for the sake of Israel and its agents . . . Submission to the demands of the pseudo-state of Israel and endangering the economy of this country are a sign of weakness, servility and treachery to Islam and the Muslims.

Open letter to Prime Minister Hoveyda dated 16 April 1967 (27 Farvardin 1342 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 134.

The Shahs Phantoms at the disposal of the Israeli military

Our wretched people subsist in conditions of poverty and hunger, while the taxes that the ruling class extorts from them are squandered. They buy Phantom jets so that pilots from Israel and its agents can come and train in them in our country. So extensive is the influence of Israel in our country - Israel, which is in a state of war with the Muslims, so that those who support it are likewise in a state of war with the Muslims - and so great is the support the regime gives it, that Israeli soldiers come to our country for training! Our country has become a base for them! The markets of our country are also in their hands. If matters go on this way, and the Muslims continue to be apathetic, their markets will be lost to them.

The book Islamic Government, p. 167.

Traces of Israels crime must not be erased

They set fire to the al-Aqsa mosque. We cry out: "Leave the al-Aqsa mosque half-burned to the ground; do not erase all traces of the crime!" But the Shahs regime opens an account, sets up a fund, and starts collecting money from the people supposedly to rebuild the mosque, but really to fill the pockets of our rulers while also covering up the crime committed by Israel.

The book Islamic Government, p. 38.

Iran: a military base for Israel

Israel, the universally recognised enemy of Islam and the Muslims, at war with the Muslim peoples for years, has, with the assistance of the despicable government of Iran, penetrated all the economic, military and political affairs of the country. It must be said that Iran has become a military base for Israel, which means, by extension, for America.

Imams message dated 8 February 1971 (19 Bahman 1349 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 157.

The invitation to Israeli experts for help with the monarchical celebrations

While these tragic circumstances and conditions prevail around the country, millions of tumans are to be spent celebrating in honour of the monarchy. According to reports, 80 million tumans are to be spent on Tehran alone, preparing the city for the festivities. Experts have been invited from Israel to take care of the arrangements for the celebrations; from Israel, that country which is the enemy of Islam, which is at present at war with Islam, which destroyed the al-Aqsa mosque - a crime which some people sought to cover up. In addition, according to the world's major radio stations, Iranian oil tankers are on their way to Israel filled with Iranian oil for a country which is at war with the Muslims! These are the actions of the kings that we have to hold festivals for!

Imams remarks dated 27 May 1971 (6 Khurdad 1350 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 168.

Measures taken by the Shah to open the way for Israel

Illegal imprisonment, contrary to both the law of the land and sharia law, is the revenge which this imperialist-placed regime is taking on Islam and its adherents . . .

You must go to the barracks, the theological schools must be dishonoured, and as soon as one is accused, imprisonment, exile or execution must follow so that the way is made ever more open for the masters of the left and right and their henchmen, among them Israel! . . . The Shahs regime has been given the mission to hand over that which is held sacrosanct in the country to Israel and its mentors . . .

Imams message to the Iranian nation, dated 11 September 1972 (20 Shahrivar 1351 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, pp. 189-190.

The Shahs regime: the agent for crushing opposition to the occupiers of Palestine

At this present time, we are confronted with the heavy blows which are inflicted ever more increasingly day by day on Islam, and with the problems and disorganisation which beset the Islamic nations more than ever before. On one side there is the story of Palestine and the al-Aqsa mosque, the displacement of the innocent people of that land and the support given the occupying Jews by the great imperialist governments - and with the perpetuation of this germ of corruption, God forbid, a great danger lies ahead for all the Islamic countries, in particular the Arab governments . . .

Today there are broader and more extensive plans in the making which reveal the true face of the agents of imperialism and the nature of their mission, plans through which they mean to destroy the strongholds of anti-imperialism and turn them instead into fortresses in the service of Zionism and its servants. Plans through which they mean to push aside the learned ulama, the respected preachers and those in the service of Islam and put pseudo-clergymen and agents of the corrupt organisations in their place at the altars and pulpits of Islam and the exalted Messenger, may the peace of God be upon him and his descendants . . .

Granting immunity to American military personnel and their dependants, shattering the countrys prestige, destroying its judicial independence and putting the American and Zionist pillagers in control of all military, commercial, industrial and agricultural affairs and of its markets, are some of the other portentous consequences of this "honourable" revolution of the tyrannical regime . . .

I dont know if all these weapons have been purchased to drive out the overlords and the imperialists or not, for the regime itself has been put in place by them, has turned Iran into a military base for them and has given them a free hand in all the military, political and economic affairs of the country. Or have they in fact been purchased to carry out the raptorial plans of America who may now have changed its policy, because its economy is weak, to one of strengthening its bases in Iran and crushing the defenceless nation of Iran and other freedom-seeking nations in the region that are struggling against the occupiers of Palestine and other plundering foreigners, using their own power and wealth.

Imam Khomeinis message dated March 1973 (Farvardin 1352 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, pp. 200-202.

Disclosure of the Shahs collaboration with Israel

At this time, when the flames of war between the Muslims and the Zionist infidels are blazing and the people of Islam have taken their lives in their hands and are making sacrifices on the battlefields to get what is rightfully theirs from the usurper Israel, the Iranian government have, on the orders of the Shah, initiated celebrations throughout the country on the anniversary of the two-and-a-half-millennia of monarchy festival, a festival for bloodthirsty kings, the likes of whom we are seeing today. The Muslims wallow in blood for the glory and greatness of Islam and the freedom of Palestine, while the Shah of Iran sets festivities and merry-making in motion for the vulgar, imperial regime.

At the same time as the great Islamic and Arab nation is defending the honour of Islam and the Muslims, the Islamic girls schools in Iran are attacked on the orders of this nefarious man and the girls are stripped of their veils and shown great disrespect. At a time when the enemies of Islam are threatening the Islamic countries and zealous men with a sense of honour bravely rise up in their defence and to defend their rights, the Shah of Iran, by creating spectacles across Iran, has brought about a big show, and, in the name of the ulama of Islam, has had congratulatory telegrams sent to himself signed with the signatures of court-affiliated, pseudo-clergymen created by the Endowment and Security organisations.

Under these circumstances, when the Muslims are making sacrifices for the freedom of Palestine and their lands, the Shah sends large numbers of prominent ulama, scholars and teachers of the theological centres, along with many other Iranian intellectuals, into exile or throws them into jail and subjects them to the most barbaric forms of torture. One could say that these scenes they make and these arrests are simply to keep the Iranian nation preoccupied with their own problems and their minds off the Islamic nations war with Israel. It is out of fear of the broadening of the struggle, the creation of a consensus among all the classes of society and the expression of support by the Muslim nation of Iran for the just war of the Arab people that the Shah has resorted to these illegal and unwarranted imprisonments and expulsions of ulama and intellectuals. He fears lest they should protest as to why the regime in Iran remains indifferent towards such a vital issue with which the Muslims are now confronted, and why, when nearly all the Muslim governments and many of the non-Muslim governments are supporting the Arabs at war, the Iranian government and the despicable Shah, out of obedience to America and to display even more subservience, remain apparently mute on the issue but in reality side with Israel.

It is this Shah of Iran who has given the Israelis a free hand throughout Iran, who has endangered the economy of Iran and who, according to reports in some of the foreign newspapers, sends Iranian officers to Israel for training. It is this Shah who has handed over Iranian oil to the enemies of Islam and humanity to be used in the war with the brave Muslims and Arabs and who, through the recent ignominious agreement and the increase in the production of oil, has risen up to fight against the oil-producing countries who wish to use the oil weapon against America. It is this plundering, this purchase of billions of dollars worth of weapons and this continuous, back-breaking expenditure on celebrations by the Shah which cause living expenses to rise, which bring about a dizzying rise in the price of goods and which threaten Iran with famine. I am afraid that the billion dollar weapons he has bought from his world-devouring masters, dragging Iran into bankruptcy in the process, will now be sent to Israel. I fear that with the ammunition that has been procured at the cost of famine, hunger and the blood of the deprived people of Iran, the Iranian army will be forced to train their sights on the zealous hearts of the combatants of Islam.

I sense danger for the Islamic world because of this unquestioning obedience to America. It is now up to the honourable nation of Iran to stop this tyrant from carrying out these crimes and to the army of Iran and the men of position to humiliate themselves no longer and to instead seek a solution for the independence of their motherland.

It is the duty of the brave nation of Iran to block the interests of America and Israel in Iran and to attack them, even though this may result in their destruction. It is the duty of the learned ulama and the preachers to bring the crimes of Israel to the notice of the people in the mosques and religious circles. The learned ulama and noble nation of Iran should not keep silent on this matter. It is imperative that they persuade the Shah through whatever means possible to join the ranks of the Muslims and to refrain from committing further treason against the Quran and its followers. Publicise the crimes of this bloodthirsty afreet more, so that its hidden face may be better revealed. And if the Jews of Iran are busy securing help for Israel (which they are and most certainly they receive help from the Shah), it is incumbent on the nation of Iran to prevent this and to start a relief fund for the fighters who spend their days in fire and blood, and to stop at nothing in their efforts to help. I personally have repeatedly pointed out the danger of Israel and its agents, at the head of whom is the Shah of Iran. As long as the nation of Islam does not pull this germ of corruption out by its roots, its future will be bleak, and as long as Iran is in the grip of this heinous family, she will never look upon the face of freedom.

I ask of God the Exalted to assist the Muslims and render helpless Israel and its black agents.

Ruhullah al-Musavi al-Khomeini

Imams message dated 14 September 1973 (23 Shahrivar 1352 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 206.

I am afraid that Israel will implement its plans

We were witness to how the Iranian government, on the orders of the Shah, officially recognised Israel at a time when the Muslims were at war with these infidels, and how the ulama opposed this act. We were witness to the aid given to Israel by this black-hearted man while Israel was making Muslims homeless and shedding their blood. Oil, arms and other aid, the funds for which were secured through the blood and toil of the Iranian nation, were put at their disposal . . .

Because I consider the Lebanese situation important and follow it devotedly, I fear that, just as Iran was made into an American colony through the cunning of the evil agents of the embassy, the same thing will also happen in Lebanon and Israel will implement its plans in the region with complete peace of mind. You must keep watch on the operations of the Iranian embassy with the utmost vigilance, and prevent their tricks from succeeding.

Imams reply to a letter, 4 November 1977 (13 Aban 1356 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 1, p. 248.

The Shah recognised Israel from the beginning

In fact this wretch (the Shah) recognised Israel twenty years ago. I was in Qum at the time. He gave his recognition to a government of infidels - and Jewish infidels at that - thereby affronting Islam, the Quran, the Muslim governments and the entire Muslim people. The name of Israel was not openly mentioned at first, but later it was. Indeed, this person was a servant from the very beginning, as he himself later made clear.

Imams speech dated 18 February 1978 (29 Bahman 1356 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 2, p. 32.

The reason for the opposition to the Shah

Question: Is the Shahs pro-Israeli policy one of the reasons for your opposition to the regime?

Reply: Yes, for Israel has occupied the land of a Muslim people and has perpetrated numerous crimes. The Shahs action of maintaining political relations with Israel and giving it economic aid goes against the interests of Islam and Muslims.

Imams interview with the Le Monde newspaper, 6 May 1978 (16 Urdibihisht 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 2, p. 48.

In the name of nationalising resources, the Shah handed them over to the Zionists

On the other front however, the regime has handed wherever and whatever is of value over to large American, Zionist or British companies; and they have done so in the name of nationalisation. They have handed over our forests, pastures, water sources, rivers, subterranean waters and so on . . . It is said that the Umran Plain, situated on the outskirts of Qazvin, is the best place for cultivation. They have forced the people there to migrate elsewhere and have handed this land over to the Jews, the Zionists. Yes, they have given it to the Jews who are now using it to their own ends, American and Zionist companies reaping the benefits. These pieces of land, which are second to none, are now theirs to farm and cultivate.

Imams speech dated 31 May 1978 (10 Khurdad 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 2, p. 69.

The Shahs support for Israel: the reason for the peoples uprising

Question: What is your opinion of the Palestinian peoples struggle? Taking into consideration the fact that more than half of Israels oil is supplied by Iran, what measures should be taken by Iran on this matter?

Reply: One of the reasons for the uprising of the Muslim people of Iran against the Shah is the unsparing support he gives the usurper Israel. He provides Israels oil and has turned Iran into a market for Israeli goods; in addition he offers other kinds of support expressed in the spirit of his words if not in the letter, while at the same time he merely condemns Israel in an attempt to deceive world opinion. Neither the Muslim nation of Iran nor any Muslim, nor, in principle, any freedom-seeker, officially recognises Israel, and we will always be the supporters of our Palestinian and Arab brothers.

Imams interviews with the Middle East News Bulletin, 17 November 1978 (26 Aban 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 3, p. 178.

Israel, the Shahs advocate

Now, however, he (the Shah) imports everything from abroad. And whatever is brought into the country comes either from Israel . . . Israel the enemy of Islam! God only knows what treason this man has committed against Islam. Israel is the enemy of Islam, it is currently at war with the Muslims. From the very beginning this regime gave it official recognition. Twenty-five or thirty years ago when it was actually at war with the Muslims, these people officially recognised Israel! Then however, they did not make this known to the public. And today, as the end draws nigh, you can all see how one of Muhammad Riza Khan's strongest advocates, one of the keenest proponents for the continuation of his rule, is Israel. For the Israelis argue that if he goes they will lose their supply of oil, because this regime is supplying Israel with its oil. In other words, they give the oil of a Muslim land to the enemy of Muslims to help it wage war against the Muslims! This is the kind of traitor this wretch is! He sends our oil to them in their tankers, he gets it to them by their own means, to the Israelis who with this oil wage war against the Muslims and who have usurped the Muslims' land, destroying everything they have. Look what they have done to Palestine, look how they have usurped Beit ul-Moqaddas (Jerusalem). This is just one of the treacherous acts this man has committed against Islam and the Muslims. Within Iran itself he has betrayed the Muslims for the sake of the Israelis. As I have been told, the best land of Iran has been given to the Israelis. The best land of Iran has been handed over to these Israeli Jews for them to work on and reap the benefit of.

Imams remarks dated 25 November 1978 (4 Azar 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 3, pp. 253-254.

The Shahs long-standing co-operation with Israel

Question: We know that by establishing close relations with Iran and by assisting the Iranian regime, international Zionism has always managed to keep Iran apart from the Arabs in their struggle against Israel. What is your view on this?

Reply: One of the reasons why we have been placed in a position of opposition to the Shah is the help he gives Israel. I have repeatedly stated that the Shah has co-operated with Israel from its inception, and when the war between Israel and the Muslims reached its zenith, the Shah unlawfully gave the oil of the Muslims to Israel. This matter is itself amongst the reasons why I oppose the Shah.

The Muslim nation of Iran has never supported Israel and because of this it has been exposed to the oppression and aggression of the Shahs regime.

Imams interview with Amal, 7 December 1978 (16 Azar 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 4, p. 30.

The media groups of the Shahs regime: defenders of Israel

Question: As you know, the Islamic revolution in Palestine began on 1 January 1956, and after the defeat of 1967, became more powerful and widespread. Did this news reach the people of Iran, and if so, through what means?

Reply: Yes, the news reached them through the same means as it reaches people in other countries. However, the Shahs regime tried to report the news of the Muslims war with the infidel in a way that was favourable to the infidel, as it has always done, and as usual it presented the Arabs as a handful of people who do not fully understand matters. The regime is one of the biggest supporters of Israel. The Iranian radio, indeed all the means of communication collectively, whether those controlled by the regime or those which operated under pressure from the regime, worked to the advantage of Israel. We were the ones who from the very beginning opposed all the programmes and still do.

Imams interview with a reporter from the Palestinian Vafa news agency, 15 December 1978 (24 Azar 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 22, p. 152.

The supply of oil to Israel during the period of the national strikes

Apparently some of the ulama from Qum went to Abadan to study the situation there, and it was said that these 600,000 barrels of oil which are being exported are being sent to Israel. Some of the workers did not go on strike, and now 600,000 barrels are being sent abroad out of a total of some ten million barrels that were exported previously. The regime deceived these workers by telling them that this oil was to be used for the running of the country! They said it was for us! And so the poor workers carried on working. However, now it is clear, from what is being said, that this oil is going to Israel. It is illegal, it is sinful (haram), for this group of people, who have disregarded the strike by others and have been deceived by the government into believing the oil is for domestic consumption, to refuse to join the strike when they know that this oil is destined for Israel, the enemy of the Quran and Islam. They will have to answer to God and the nation. All of them (the oil workers) should go on strike, so that not even one drop of oil leaves the country. The nation of Iran is ready to suffer from the cold as long as Israel, which is harming Islam so, which is killing the Muslims so, doesnt have its oil . . .

Imams remarks dated 16 December 1978 (25 Azar 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 4, pp. 77-78.

Israel, a partner in the Shahs crimes

Question: If you cut your relations with Israel for being a country which oppresses the people, do you not think that for the same reason you will

cut relations with some of the Western governments too?

Reply: We oppose any country that carries out oppression whether it be in the West or the East. Israel has usurped the rights of the Arab people and we will stand in opposition to it. Israel is the biggest supporter of the Shah and is responsible for setting up SAVAK. For this reason, Israel is a partner in the crimes of SAVAK and the Shah.

Imams interview with an American university professor, 28 December 1978 (7 Dey 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 4, p.104.

Israeli soldiers in the service of the Shahs regime

I have been told that these massacres which have taken place were carried out by soldiers from Israel, but I do not have concrete proof of this. A few days ago someone - I can't remember his name - came here and told me that when he and a few others were travelling to Abadan, they stopped along the way to ask for directions and saw a soldier standing nearby. They called him over to them and realised that he didn't understand Persian, so one of the group spoke to him in Arabic and they learned that he was an Arab from Israel! The man himself admitted that he had been brought to Iran from Israel. A truck stood nearby full of his colleagues.

These people have used Israeli soldiers to kill the people of our nation

Imams remarks dated 14 January 1979 (24 Dey 1357 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 4, p. 225.

Israeli torturers in the service of the Shah

We were ruled by beasts who, in line with their oppressive and tyrannical nature, destroyed our youths as they languished in their prisons, torturing and killing them in the most horrendous of manners. Torturers were even brought in from Israel to teach the techniques of torture.

Imams address to a gathering of foreign ambassadors and diplomats, 11 February 1981 (22 Bahman 1359 AHS). Sahifa-yi Nur, Vol. 14, p. 67.

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