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Real Housewives of Melbourne Season 3 Week 6 Recap | Keeping It Real | Jewish Journal
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Real Housewives of Melbourne Season 3 Week 6 Recap

by  Ilana Angel

4 days ago

Typos are generously priovided by Grey Goose.

We are still in Byron Bay, enjoying Gamble and Rick’s wedding reception. Gamble has changed into her party dress and the festivities have begun. We cut to Chyka and Susie talking about Marcello, the lovely gay man who hit on Susie to get a jump on his 15 minutes of fame. Chyka coaches Susie on a text to send, insisting she not send an emoji. Bravo Chyka. Emojis are for kids.Susie is painfully boring. 

Over to Lydia, Jackie and Pettifleur, who are talking to Janet and her ex Brian. They are asking completely ridiculous and sexually inappropriate questions. This is stupid. Brian is sexual, he got a hand job by a hooker/masseuse while on vacation with Janet. We’ve heard this story far too often for it to still be interesting. Jackie calls Brian a liar and it is rude. I go back and forth about Jackie, and am not sure about her right now.

Gina let’s Gamble know she is leaving for a moment to say goodbye to her son. Really? Her kids only came to watch Celebrity Apprentice with their mom. Who comes to a wedding and leaves during the reception? I call bullshit. Gina planned her Celebrity Apprentice party, and I personally think that is fine. It is the lying about it that is stupid. Gamble wouldn’t have cared and actually would’ve been happy for Gina, it is the lying that’s hurtful.

Jackie and Janet have a hard on for Gina. It is quite funny really. Poor Gina. She looks like a tool, which is a shame. For someone so bright, she’s handled this quite poorly. Bless her. Gamble’s friend Bodie has confirmed there was a viewing party, and Alin, the dressmaker/party planner/ my boyfriend, has also confirmed he was invited but did not attend. Gina is now lying to Gamble straight in her face. Yikes. Not cool, but certainly very good TV.

Important to note that after the wedding episode, Gina gave an interview saying she was instructed by producers to read texts about herself on camera. Fascinating that Gina would bite the hand that feeds her and throw the producers under the bus for scripting something. The only reason Gina was even on Celebrity Apprentice was because of the Real Housewives and she now looks like not only a liar, but an ungrateful and selfish bitch.

Gamble is pissed at Gina, but doesn’t want to get into it at her wedding. Janet is digging and it is hilarious. The sky opens and a torrential downpour begins. Everyone takes cover at the dinner table and the speeches begin. I was honored to sit next to Gamble’s mom Jeniffer at dinner. She is the best dinner partner in the world and I had the best time. The speeches were amazing and I can promise you from Luke to Tempest, we were all crying.

In watching Luke, Rick, and Gamble say their speeches again, I am crying! This is a wonderful family and I am thrilled for them that they’re together. It was amazing to be with Gamble on her wedding day and it will forever be one of the happiest trips of my entire life. Jump to Janet, now questioning Gina directly about her Celebrity Apprentice party. Gina is sticking to her lie, Janet and Chyka are supporting Gamble, and it is quite riveting.

Gina says it was her kids who wanted to watch Celebrity Apprentice, which I’m sure they did, but she is digging herself into a hole that is already deep. They wrap up the wedding with Gina telling everyone to go fuck themselves, while Gamble and Rick dance and enjoy what was the best wedding ever. Mazel Tov to the newlyweds. I love them dearly and wish them health and happiness always. Now we move on to our regularly scheduled programming.

We are back in Melbourne and Janet is having a drink with Jackie. Lots of talk about Jackie being pregnant, which she denies, but her boobs do look quite full. They speak of the wedding, Jackie tries to hook Janet up with the waiter, and I’m back to loving Jackie. Talk of course turns to Gina and her lying. I don’t know why they have such a hard on for Gina. Could be jealousy, could simply be them being sick of Gina’s shit. Whatever. Gina is Queen.

Cut to Susie, who’s on a driving lesson with her son. They are lovely, but Susie is not interesting and we’re not invested in her enough to care about any of this. She is going on a date with the lovely gay man from Byron and I could not possibly care any less about any of it. I like her, but she has no storyline and it all looks a little desperate. There was simply no reason to add another girl and we can only hope she manages to get interesting.

Jump to Gina, who is visiting her ailing father. He is adorable and she clearly loves him, but it seems strange to go from her lying to her being so loving to her dad. In the end this scene made me cry and my heart breaks for Gina and her family. My father passed away at 63 from cancer and I would have given anything to have him longer. I hope Gina is able to spend more time with her dad, it was special, but didn’t need the autobiography plug.

Cut to Chyka and Bruce, whose daughter Chessie has come to let them know she is bored at university and is dropping out. She is a pretty girl, but seems a little entitled and rude. She is certain she wants to drop out of school, but has no idea what she wants to do. Parenthood is rough and I think Chyka and Bruce handled it well. There would have been a lot more screaming were that conversation being had in my house. Chessie go off easy if you ask me!

Janet and Susie are going on a double date. Janet is with the painfully boring Chris, and Susie is with the fame whore Marcello. Oh. My. God. I just can’t. Marcello is a bore, lying about what he does, and is clearly hitting on Chris. Janet suggests Chris medicate and seriously, I love Janet. The conversation with Marcello is ridiculous and Susie is not into him at all. Marcello is high, checking out Susie’s boobs, while fantasizing about making out with Chris.

The dinner is dragging on and on and on and on. I’m done. Susie is trying to signal to Janet she wants to go, but Janet is so fascinated by Marcello’s talk of seeking a sexual partner, she’s not paying attention. Marcello is not into Susie, Chris gets it, and I am still wondering why Susie was added to the cast. I hope Marcello and Chris live happily ever after. That was stupid. Time to go to Gina’s house for a birthday party for her son. Another party?

Gina used her son’s birthday as an excuse to bail on Gamble’s party, yet here she is throwing another party? Gina is cooking, we meet her mom, who looks like her sister, and there are a lot of people there, including an odd selection in terms of the housewives, as she has clearly only invited the ones who have not called her a lair.  Dinner is served and assistant Josh is there to help. If you don’t follow Josh on Twitter, you really should. He’s really fun there.

Everyone is having dinner, but Gina, Lydia, and PF manage to go into the kitchen to talk about the wedding and Gamble being upset with Gina. Lydia asks about the Celebrity Apprentice party, and PF agrees Gina should not have lied about it. Gina is defending herself, but still lying, Gina is managing to turn it on Gamble by suggesting that if Gamble is mad, it is because she is not a good friend. Really? Dear Lord Gina. Stop. Just stop already.

Gina is mad Gamble hasn’t come to speak with her about being upset. Well, maybe it is because she is on her honeymoon? Oy vey with this bullshit. Gina and Gamble are Lucy and Ethel and this needs to be sorted. I refuse to have them not be friends. Not on my watch. This too shall pass. Next week Jackie will cement her place in my heart by saying “bye Felicia” to PF. Perfection. I lvoed Oz, love this show, and love Gamble for keeping it real.

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Ilana Angel writes two blogs for KEEPING THE FAITH is about her worldview as a single Jewish mother, and KEEPING IT REAL is all about reality television....

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