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IBM Corp. Makes Partnership with SK Holdings C&C; to Enter Korean Market

By May 10, 2016 at 10:20 am
IBM (Photo : Getty Images/Mark Renders )

U.S. based tech company IBM Corp. is striking a deal with SK Holdings C&C in order to enter the South Korean market. 

IBM reported on Monday that their alliance with SK Holdings C&C will provide a Korean-language edition of IBM's article intelligence (AI) program by the first half of next year. IBM Watson will also work with SK to have infrastructure in South Korea and also promotional projects to market the service to Koreans.  

"We plan to lend support to help South Korea lead global services by establishing a sound industrial environment for artificial intelligence," said Park Jung-ho, who leads SK Holdings C&C.

"The South Korean marketplace is moving quickly to embrace the disruptive opportunities from next generation technology," David Kenny added, overseer of IBM Watson.

"Our strategic alliance with SK Holdings C&C will put cognitive services in the hands of more businesses and developers, allowing them to apply Watson within their organizations to help transform entire industries and professions," Kenny continued to say. 

IBM and SK are also preparing to establish a fund made up of billions of won in order to support the growth of the AI industry in South Korea. 

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