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Naomi Lakritz: Feminism should mean thinking for yourself | The Province
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Naomi Lakritz: Feminism should mean thinking for yourself

lakritzcrop Naomi Lakritz: Feminism should mean thinking for yourself

I must have been absent the day the sisterhood held a meeting and decided all women must think alike, or risk being condemned as traitors to their gender. Looks like federal Status of Women Minister Rona Ambrose didn’t get the memo, either.

Ambrose was among 91 MPs who voted last week in favour of MP Stephen Wentworth’s private member’s bill, which would have launched a debate on when an unborn baby ought to be designated a human being. It’s actually a bit comical to think of parliamentarians sitting around discussing the finer points of embryology, so one would hope they planned to hear from medical experts if the debate ever got off the ground. Otherwise, they might be tempted to decide that life begins when a person is old enough to vote.

The Twitterverse and the Facebook-verse are shrill places to be these days, what with all the voices calling for Ambrose to resign. The National Post reports that a petition with more than 6,000 signatures is circulating that demands that Ambrose step down. These people want her to resign for the sin of holding an opinion that differs from their own. Rona, really, how could you have missed the memo that said you’re not supposed to have a mind of your own?

But wait, isn’t that what women fought for in the heady days of their battle for equality? The right to say what you mean, to think for yourself, to march to the beat of a different drummer? Or are you free to do so only if what you’re thinking is the approved gestalt?

The Twitterati should save their 140-character darts for politicians who truly should resign.

People are entitled to their dissenting, civilly expressed opinions. Good on Ambrose for expressing hers. People like NDP deputy leader Libby Davies need a refresher course on how debate and dissent are essential to the health of a democracy. Instead, Davies accused Ambrose of betraying women by voting in favour of Wentworth’s bill.

I didn’t ask Davies to speak on my behalf, and I don’t feel betrayed in any way, so I don’t appreciate being lumped into the grey bloc conveniently labelled “Canadian women.” Same goes for Kathleen Finlay, writing in the Huffington Post, that Ambrose’s new title should be “minister in charge of turning back the clock.” Finlay calls herself a “women’s advocate.” Hmm. I don’t recall voting for her to advocate for me. I’m sure I would have recognized her name if I’d seen it before on some ballot.

Meanwhile, Davies yammered away, saying, “As the minister responsible for the status of women, I think there’s a very clear expectation that she will uphold the rights of women in this country. She showed that she wasn’t prepared to do that . . . by the way she voted.”

Ambrose didn’t show anything of the kind. It doesn’t seem to occur to Davies, or to others calling for Ambrose’s resignation, that you can express a view that is unpopular with the sisterhood, without unaligning yourself with everything else they hold dear.

Ambrose hasn’t stopped upholding Canadian women’s rights. Her support for a bill that is concerned with fetal life does not mean she doesn’t support equal pay for equal work, or the right of working moms to quality daycare, or the upcoming International Day of the Girl on Oct. 11, or Ottawa’s National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, or any other initiative to make women’s lives better. It simply means she has serious concerns about the life of the unborn, such as, possibly, whether hundreds of thousands of feeling little beings are being slaughtered each year in Canada and their deaths dismissed as just the disposal of so many amorphous clumps of cells.

Or, she may be concerned that without an abortion law, the procedure is legal in Canada for the entire nine months. Maybe she thinks abortion should not be a nine-month-long open season, but have legal limits placed on it as most western countries have done.

Nearly 25 years ago, when the Supreme Court ruled on Dr. Henry Morgentaler’s challenge to the country’s abortion laws, Madam Justice Bertha Wilson supported abortion rights, but thought they should be limited to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Would Davies, Finlay and the others argue that Wilson’s support for limits meant she was not a feminist, even though by rising to the pinnacle of her legal career in her appointment to the Supreme Court, she had achieved the height of feminist success?

When Rona Ambrose voted in favour of Stephen Wentworth’s bill, she did so in a free vote. She stood up for her principles. She did not assume the phoney mantle that people like Davies and the rest love to wrap themselves in ? of presuming to speak for Canadian women.

Unafraid, Ambrose spoke for herself. That, to me, is the most basic definition of a feminist.

Naomi Lakritz is a columnist with the Calgary Herald.



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