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C-14 Information and Labs
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Radiocarbon-Related Information Sources

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Introductions to Radiocarbon Dating

  • "Death Starts the Stop-Watch"
    A brief museum-like display, in English and German
  • WebInfo - Radiocarbon Dating
    A compendium of online information on the theory and practice of radiocarbon dating, with references to published material.
  • See RADIOCARBON LABS section below. Check links followed by (*I*), the INFO symbol.
    (Most of the labs also provide detailed technical information about their specific dating techniques.)

Internet Discussion List


Active Radiocarbon Labs & Lab Codes

Computer Programs

  • Marine Reservoir Correction . Developed by the 14CHRONO group (Queen's University Belfast, UK). Radiocarbon ages of samples formed in the ocean, such as shells, fish, marine mammals etc., are generally several hundred years older than their terrestrial counterparts. This apparent age difference is due to the large carbon reservoir of the oceans. A correction is necessary in order to compare marine and terrestrial samples, but because of complexities in ocean circulation the actual correction varies with location. This regional difference from the average global marine reservoir correction is designated ΔR (Stuiver and Braziunas, 1993) As a first approximation, ΔR is assumed to be a constant for a given region and is calculated from the difference in 14C years of known age marine samples and the marine model age for that calendar age. The marine reservoir correction database presented here is intended for use with radiocarbon calibration programs such as CALIB (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993) or OxCal (Bronk Ramsey 1995) using the 2004 marine calibration dataset.
  • Fairbanks Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Age Program developed by Richard Fairbanks, Naomi Naik and Li Cao at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory for use with the Fairbanks Radiocarbon Calibration Program.
    Users can view and make maps and compute estimates for the Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Age of the surface ocean based on model and measured radiocarbon reservoir age estimates. The program operates on the Google Earth and Google Map application engines and features overlay data sets particularly useful for interpreting the radiocarbon reservoir age estimates. The program is accessible using a wide range of browsers and computer platforms.
  • BCal: Online Bayesian radiocarbon calibration tool. Developed at the Department of Probability & Statistics, University of Sheffield (UK), this allows users to obtain calibrated dates on data sets entered via a Web browser.
  • CalPal: Cologne Radiocarbon CALibration and PALaeoclimate Package. Designed for research on glacial C-14 age conversion (PC-WIN). By Bernhard Weninger and Olaf Jöris.
    *Only calibration using IntCal is standardized and internationally accepted.
  • WinCal25: The Groningen Calibration Program: By J. van der Plicht, for Windows, upgraded with latest calibration data set (intcal04). WinCal25 is a Windows remake of the CAL25 DOS program. It has the same functionality as CAL25 but with a new user interface..
  • CALIB 6.0 : by M. Stuiver, P.J. Reimer, and R.W. Reimer, is an online radiocarbon calibration program. Downloadable versions are also available for Windows and Mac OSX.

  • CaliBomb : by P.J.Reimer and R.W.Reimer is an online calibration program for post-nuclear weapons testing C-14 samples.
  • Metabase: laboratory data management software system that can be used by LSC labs
  • OxCal v4 by Christopher Bronk Ramsey. This is an online radiocarbon calibration program with downloadable versions for Windows and Mac platforms. The program can be used for calibration of dates using the IntCal curves or post-bomb data. Comparisons can also be made to any user-supplied data-set. The package also allows Bayesian analysis of sequences, phases, tree-ring sequences, age-depth models etc. There is an online manual.
  • Fairbanks calibration program by Richard G. Fairbanks. As described in: "Marine Radiocarbon Calibration Curve Spanning 0 to 50,000 Years B.P. Based on Paired 230Th/234U/238U and 14C Dates on Pristine Corals," by Richard G. Fairbanks, Richard A. Mortlock, Tzu-Chien Chiu, Li Cao, Alexey Kaplan, Thomas P. Guilderson, Todd W. Fairbanks and Arthur L. Bloom, 2005. Quaternary Science Reviews 24:1781-1796.

Radiocarbon Databases and Searchable Indexes

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