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Christmas in America: Over the Top, Close to the Heart

Credit Jesse Rieser

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The Future of Digital Photography

Credit Columbia Vision Laboratory/Columbia University

Photography Without a Lens? Future of Images May Lie in Data

The camera as we know it is changing: We are already seeing elements of computational photography, which relies on the idea that if you can capture visual data instead of a true image, the picture can be reconstructed with software. Read more »

Budapest. Sept. 5, 2015. A Syrian father, center, slept with his son and other family members on the floor of a bus driving from Budapest to Vienna. Credit Mauricio Lima for The New York Times

The Year in Pictures: How We Made the Cut

New York Times editors pore over tens of thousands of the year’s images to come up with the best and strongest collection. Read more »

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Japanese-Americans Imprisoned, but Unbowed, During World War II

Credit Dorothea Lange, Courtesy of the Library of Congress

Japanese-Americans Imprisoned, but Unbowed, During World War II

A photojournalist’s discovery that his father was among thousands of Japanese-Americans confined to internment camps during World War II led him to seek out survivors who had been photographed by Dorothea Lange. Read more »