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Weight-loss surgery may not increase health costs for diabetes


(Reuters Health) - Weight loss surgery may be a cost-effective way of lowering blood sugar for many diabetics, not just those who are severely obese, a Swedish study suggests.

UK regulator suspends sale of Silimed's silicone implants

- UK's health regulator suspended the sales of silicone implants made by Brazil's Silimed and recommended that none of the devices be implanted until further advice.

Brazil 8:12pm EDT

Clinton plan to cut health costs includes tax credits, more sick visits

DES MOINES, Iowa - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton unveiled a plan on Wednesday to lower out-of-pocket health costs, including expanded coverage of sick visits to the doctor and tax credits for those with substantial medical bills.

Politics , U.S. , 5:43pm EDT

Telehealth visits may be an option after surgery

(Reuters Health) - People may happily, and safely, forgo in-person doctors' visits after surgery by opting instead for talking with their surgeons by phone or video, suggests a small study of U.S. veterans.

4:20pm EDT

Chicago-area district clears three school buildings due to Legionella

CHICAGO - Three school buildings in suburban Chicago were closed and students sent home on Wednesday after annual air quality testing of cooling towers found higher-than-normal levels of the bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease, a school official said.

U.S. 3:35pm EDT

Scientists say car emissions rigging raises health concerns

LONDON, - Volkswagen's admission that it rigged car emission tests has prompted environmental and health experts to ask whether such deception could have hampered progress in reducing death and disease from air pollution.

Environment , 3:21pm EDT

To eat less, consider smaller plates and packages

(Reuters Health) - Adults consume more food when it comes in bigger packages or is served on larger plates, a review of past research has found.

2:48pm EDT

Non-antibotic drug shows promise in deadly C. difficile infections

CHICAGO - A non-antibiotic drug already tested in people for other uses may be active in treating Clostridium difficile, a superbug that preys on people whose protective gut bacteria have been wiped out by antibiotics.

4:07pm EDT

Getting active after a cancer diagnosis may extend life

(Reuters Health) - For people diagnosed with cancer, the risk of cancer death falls as physical activity rises, according to a new analysis of more than 70 existing studies.

2:20pm EDT

Obesity during pregnancy tied to heart problems for mom later

(Reuters Health) - Women who are obese during pregnancy may die earlier or have an increased risk of heart problems later in life, according to a new study in the U.K.

1:18pm EDT