Ye Olde Chosun reports that the plan to release a new 100,000 won banknote early next year has been suspended because — are you sitting down for this — the map on the back doesn’t have Dokdo.

The bill has Korean independence fighter Baekbeom Kim Gu on the front, and on the back is the Daedongyeojido , an 1861 map of Korea by Joseon-era cartographer Kim Jeong-ho.

The problem, however, is that the map did not mark Dokdo, and for the last three months, people have been arguing over whether to draw the islets in. The Foreign Ministry is taking the position that drawing in Dokdo on a map that didn’t originally have it could spark questions about authenticity, but others are arguing that — taking into consideration public sentiment — the islets must be drawn. Still others called for another map — only this time, one that includes Dokdo — be used, or another pattern all together be adopted. These latter suggestions, however, were not adopted.

Some conservative groups, too, object to having Kim Gu’s face on the front, suggesting instead that late President Park Chung-hee be used.

At any rate, a Cheong Wa Dae official said that it has asked the Bank of Korea to provisionally suspend plans to issue the new 100,000 won banknote until a final decision about the bill design is reached.

Which sucks, of course — given the way the exchange rate is going, we might need 100,000 won banknotes to buy a can of coffee soon.

But fear not — the 50,000 won bill will reportedly be issued as scheduled.