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Zaorálek concedes Prague may be outvoted soon on quota issue

The Czech Republic is one of a small number of member states holding out against European Union plans for a quota system to share refugees around the bloc. The country’s foreign minister, Lubomir Zaoralek, plays down talk of Brussels withdrawing funds from states that refuse to accept set numbers of migrants ? but concedes that Prague may be outvoted over the matter in the not too distant future.


Immigrant crisis sparks some rifts…

While the immigrant crisis has opened up a wide rift between the Czech Republic and other Central European states on…


Vi?egrad group blocks EU agreement on…

EU interior ministers on Monday failed to reach agreement on mandatory quotas for the redistribution of 120,000…


NATO Secretary General: Our role is to…

The migrant crisis, the changing security environment and NATO’s role in addressing the challenges of the present day…


Czech political spectrum united in…

Politicians from across the Czech political spectrum have reaffirmed their opposition to a revised plan unveiled by…


Czech foreign minister urges Iran to…

On a four day visit to Iran, Czech Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek on Monday met with Iranian President Hassan…


?EZ backs down over high-powered…

Czech energy group ?EZ has an interesting publicity stunt in which it gives a statistic for the week. It’s usually some…


ANO leader Andrej Babi? faces problems…

It’s probably been a week to write off for ANO leader Andrej Babi?. He has had to intervene in the crisis surrounding…


Zeman to attend military parade on…

Czech President Milo? Zeman will next week make his second visit to China in less than a year. He is the only European…


Power battle at Prague city hall…

Prague’s mayor Adriana Krna?ova appears to have clung onto power for the moment after a tumultuous week or two in…


Czech prime minister calling for joint…

Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka has called for the EU to take join action in protecting the alliance’s outer…


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Zaoralek concedes Prague may be...

The Czech Republic is one of a small number of member states holding out against European Union plans for...


Immigrant crisis sparks some rifts...

While the immigrant crisis has opened up a wide rift between the Czech Republic and other Central...


Vi?egrad group blocks EU agreement on...

EU interior ministers on Monday failed to reach agreement on mandatory quotas for the redistribution of...


NATO Secretary General: Our role is...

The migrant crisis, the changing security environment and NATO’s role in addressing the challenges of the...

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