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March 10, 2014
Santa Monica Airport (Photo: Barry Ambrose)
Bizav boosters should aggressively rebut critics. Two recent cases from the Los Angeles area highlight the dangers of not aggressively firing back at general aviation critics, especially those in government.
April 5, 2012
The 2012 Abace event in Shanghai revealed the promise of the Chinese market.
Last week in Shanghai marked the beginning of a new era in business aviation. It also represented a major expansion of AIN Publications’ continuing quest to serve the industry and those who employ it around the world.
April 5, 2012
Abace 2012 visitors line up to view a Cessna Grand Caravan on display. (Photo: Matt Thurber)
This year’s Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition (ABACE) has been a real eye-opener for a Westerner whose last visit to China was in 2003. Shanghai, where Abace 2012 is being held (it ends on March 29) at host airport Hongqiao International, is a beautiful and huge city.
December 19, 2011
Alec Baldwin by David Shankbone
Oh, Alec! You’ve gone and done it now. When you got kicked off that American Airlines flight on December 6 because you didn’t want to turn off your phone and stop playing Words With Friends and got mad at the flight attendant and slammed the bathroom door, well, you exposed the airlines’ dirty little secret, didn’t you?
February 1, 2011
The new year brings with it some good news for all of us in the business aviation arena.


“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. ”

-the late Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, Inc.