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Hermann Minkowski | biography - German mathematician |
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Hermann Minkowski

German mathematician
Hermann Minkowski German mathematician

June 22, 1864

Aleksotas , Lithuania


January 12, 1909

Gottingen , Germany

Hermann Minkowski ,   (born June 22, 1864 , Aleksotas, Russian Empire [now in Kaunas , Lithuania]?died Jan. 12, 1909 , Gottingen, Germany ), German mathematician who developed the geometrical theory of numbers and who made numerous contributions to number theory , mathematical physics , and the theory of relativity . His idea of combining the three dimensions of physical space with that of time into a four-dimensional “Minkowski space”? space-time ?laid the mathematical foundations for Albert Einstein ’s special theory of relativity .

The son of German parents living in Russia, Minkowski returned to Germany with them in 1872 and spent his youth in the royal Prussian city of Konigsberg. A gifted prodigy, he began his studies at the University of Konigsberg and the University of Berlin at age 15. Three years later he was awarded the “Grand Prix des Sciences Mathematiques” by the French Academy of Sciences for his paper on the representation of numbers as a sum of five squares. During his teenage years in Konigsberg he met and befriended another young mathematical prodigy, David Hilbert , with whom he worked closely both at Konigsberg and later at the University of Gottingen .

After earning his doctorate in 1885, Minkowski taught mathematics at the Universities of Bonn (1885?94), Konigsberg (1894?96), Zurich (1896?1902), and Gottingen (1902?09). Together with Hilbert, he pursued research on the electron theory of the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz and its modification in Einstein’s special theory of relativity. In Raum und Zeit (1907; “Space and Time”) Minkowski gave his famous four-dimensional geometry based on the group of Lorentz transformations of special relativity theory. His major work in number theory was Geometrie der Zahlen (1896; “Geometry of Numbers”). His works were collected in David Hilbert (ed.), Gesammelte Abhandlungen , 2 vol. (1911; “Collected Papers”).

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