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Trademark rules - Raspberry Pi
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Trademark rules

We’ve had quite a lot of email from users wondering whether they can use our logo and the words “Raspberry Pi” in a number of different applications ? on football shirts, on homebrew cases, on websites and so on.

We need to make sure that we protect the unique identity of the Raspberry Pi Foundation (our “brand”) and to ensure that when people see the Raspberry Pi name or logo, they know it is being used for genuine products or services. We want to help you to make fair use of our name and logo so we have prepared some guidelines which explain which kinds of uses are acceptable.

We own the following trade marks:

1. The words “Raspberry Pi” We will refer to this as the “Raspberry Pi Word Mark”
2. Raspi_Colour_R We will refer to this as the “Raspberry Pi Logo”

We will refer to these marks together as the “Raspberry Pi Marks” .

1. When can I use the Raspberry Pi Word Mark?

You may only use the Raspberry Pi Word Mark:

(i) to refer to or describe genuine Raspberry Pi products or services; or

(ii) to state or indicate that another product is compatible with, works with or can be used with our products.

2. When can I use the Raspberry Pi Logo?

You may only use the Raspberry Pi Logo in connection with the sale or distribution of genuine Raspberry Pi products or services.

If you use the Raspberry Pi Logo in this way on a website, the logo must link to our website at

3. When can’t I use the Raspberry Pi Marks?

You may not:

(i) use the Raspberry Pi Marks as part of your company name, company logo or product name;

(ii) use the Raspberry Pi Word Mark as part of the domain name for your website;

(iii) use the Raspberry Pi Marks in a way that creates a false impression that your product or business endorsed, sponsored or associated with Raspberry Pi or Raspberry Pi products or services;

(iv) manufacture, sell or give away any items of merchandise bearing the Raspberry Pi marks, such as T-shirts, caps, pens, stickers, mugs etc. (unless you have a separate express written trade mark licence from us);

(v) use the Raspberry Pi Marks in a way that shows Raspberry Pi or its products or services in a false or derogatory light;

(vi) use the Raspberry Pi Marks in connection with fake or counterfeit products;

(vii) use the Raspberry Pi Marks to state a product is compatible with a Raspberry Pi product when it is not;

(viii) use a name or logo which are so similar to the Raspberry Pi Marks which may confuse or mislead people into thinking that your business, products or services originate from or are associated with Raspberry Pi;

(ix) use the Raspberry Pi Marks or a name or logo which is similar to them in a way that will take advantage of our brand or our reputation;

(x) use the Raspberry Pi Marks or a name or logo which are similar to them in a way that will damage our brand or reputation; or

(xi) try to pass-off your business, products or services as associated with Raspberry Pi and/or damage our goodwill in any way.

4. What other restrictions apply to use of the Raspberry Pi Marks?

Your use of the Raspberry Pi Marks must also comply with the following rules:

(i) Any use of the Raspberry Pi Marks must be accompanied by the acknowledgement “Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation”.

(ii) Where you are using the Raspberry Pi Word Mark to state or indicate that another product is compatible with, works with or can be used with our products, you must use it with a referential phrase such as “runs on,” “for use with,” “for,” or “compatible with”.

(iii) The Raspberry Pi Marks must appear less prominently than the product name and your brand/business name (if applicable).

(iv) If you are using the Raspberry Pi Marks commercially (that is, you charge for products or services) the Raspberry Pi Foundation would appreciate a charitable donation and reserves the right to charge a royalty, or impose further conditions.

5. Can we apply for protection for names, logos or designs which incorporate any of the Raspberry Pi Marks?

The Raspberry Pi Marks are our property. You may not apply to register the Raspberry Pi Marks, whether by themselves or in combination with other words, images or devices as trade marks, designs or copyright works or any similar or analogous rights anywhere in the world.

6. Can we use other aspects of your trading style?

You may not use our slogans or tag lines (e.g. “take a byte!”) or our distinctive packaging, website design, logos, or other aspects of the “get-up” which we may use from time to time. This includes using anything which is confusingly similar.

By making any use of the Raspberry Pi Marks, you acknowledge that we are the sole owner of the Raspberry Pi Marks and you do not have and will not seek to assert any rights or interest whatsoever in the Raspberry Pi Marks or the goodwill in them.

We reserve all of our rights, including the right to take steps to stop any use of the Raspberry Pi Marks which does not comply with the rules set out above or which otherwise violate, diminish or adversely affect our rights. You acknowledge that you will stop or take down your use of the Raspberry Pi marks if we ask you to do so.

If you have any further questions, please contact .