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Permissions to Use HUP Material | Harvard University Press
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Permissions to Use HUP Material

HUP authors: For help on how to obtain permission to reproduce verse, prose, art, maps, etc. in your own work, please refer to our manuscript preparation guidelines .

Please be sure the material you are requesting was published by Harvard University Press.

Other departments in the Harvard University community publish their own material (e.g., Harvard Business Publishing and Harvard Magazine ) and have their own procedures. Please contact these entities directly.

If the title page of the Harvard University Press book you are inquiring about specifies that it is “Distributed by Harvard University Press” on behalf of an academic department at Harvard University, please direct your permissions inquiry to that department.

Due to the high volume of inquiries we receive each day, all correspondence is reviewed, researched, and responded to in the order received.

We cannot at this time provide “quotes” or cost estimates for your proposed use of our material and can consider requests for permission only in cases where full publication details are available for review. We recommend that you apply only when you are reasonably certain that our material is needed. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a standard fee schedule as each book and each proposed use is carefully reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Alternative Formats for Use by Those with Print-Related Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act mandates that higher education institutions provide individuals with print-related disabilities access to educational materials in a format that facilitates learning. To support these institutions, Harvard University Press has partnered with Bookshare to create and distribute alternative formats of HUP books. Other nonprofits, including Learning Ally , can also prepare alternative formats upon request. Please note that we ourselves do not create or maintain these alternative format versions; any requests to download or use these files should be directed to Bookshare or Learning Ally.

For individuals that would rely upon the accessibility features of a consumer eBook-reading device, all HUP eBooks have Text-to-Speech enabled. HUP eBooks are available for sale at independent booksellers , Amazon , Barnes & Noble , Google Play , Kobo , De Gruyter , and other popular eBook retailers.

If none of these options meets your institution’s needs, Harvard University Press has no objection to your producing a suitable version of one of our works, provided that (1) all copyright information, as it appears in the front pages of our book, is included in your alternative format version, and (2) the use of said version is restricted to individuals registered with your institution as having a print-related disability. In the event your institution decides to create its own file, please know that the Permissions Department is unable to furnish print copies for this purpose.

Classroom Uses (Course Packets and Electronic Reserve)

Harvard University Press receives a high volume of requests to use material in a teaching environment, and we have also maintained a longstanding relationship with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) . To ensure that classroom use requests are handled promptly and efficiently, as of July 28, 2014, we require that you apply directly to the CCC for such permissions. We are confident that the CCC will provide excellent service, and we will be working with them to make sure that this change in our procedures results in convenience and efficiency for everyone.

General Reproduction of Quotes, Excerpts, or Other Portions or Elements

If you are an author or a publisher seeking to reproduce material from a Harvard University Press book, please check that you’ve verified the following:

  • For excerpts, passages, and portions: That the page numbers you provide in your request are from a Harvard University Press edition of the book (as opposed to an edition by another publisher). Sending a request with incorrect or missing pagination may result in a delay in responding to your request.
  • Please also ensure that any desired quotations or excerpts have not been incorporated into our text from other sources, as permission should be sought directly from these sources, rather than Harvard University Press.
  • For figures, tables, maps, or illustrations: That the elements you want are, in fact, content that is original to the Harvard University Press volume. These elements frequently come from another source, such as an individual photographer, research institution, or another publication. There will usually be a credit line on the same page, or in a list elsewhere in the book. If a figure, table, etc. belongs to another source, please contact that individual or institution directly.
  • For all content: That your use of our material is verbatim, as it is our general policy not to authorize adaptations, modifications, redrawing, paraphrasing, or other changes to our content, and we require that any deletions in text or discontinuous passages be indicated by ellipses.

Once you have verified the above items, please apply for permission to reprint or reuse HUP material using the form below:

Permission to Reproduce Material »

Other Requests

If, after reviewing our submission forms, you find that your inquiry does not fall within the categories above, please send a letter with as much detail as possible regarding our content and the context in which it will be used, by mail to:

Permissions & Copyright Department
Harvard University Press
79 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-1499, USA

Payment Information

All permissions payments must be made by check drawn on a U.S. bank or by international money order in U.S. dollars; must be made payable to “Harvard University Press”; and must be mailed to the above address. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept payment via electronic bank transfer, credit card, or wire, and we do not issue separate payment invoices.

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