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Your Members in the European Parliament
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Your Members in the European Parliament

There are 73 UK MEPs. They are elected in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Other EU member states elect MEPs from their countries. Elections take place every five years.  The next elections will be in 2019.

The UK is divided into twelve electoral regions made up of the nations and regions of the UK. Each region has between three and ten MEPs and each MEP in a region represents each person living there: Eastern - 7, East Midlands - 5, London - 8, North East - 3, North West - 8, South East - 10, South West - 6, West Midlands - 7, Yorkshire and Humber - 6, Wales - 4, Scotland - 6, Northern Ireland - 3.

For example, if you live in Cambridge, all seven Eastern region MEPs represent you and you can contact any or all of them. If you are not sure, please phone us on 020 7227 4300.