Revealing The True Nature Of Christopher Toh

Since I’m going to meet my dear cousin Christopher Toh tomorrow for Chinese New ?Year, I think it is quite appropriate to repost this post, that was originally on Facebook, now it’s also on my blog. Christopher Toh is my cousin who lied to me, claiming?that I am immediately obliged to enlist in National Service once I decide to drop out out of school, which caused me to be quite worried for a few days until I eventually found out the truth.

Hello there, I am Amos Yee and I had just completed my O levels this year. I had relatively good results, an L1R5 of 11, but decided to drop out of school because I wanted to pursue my work in film. My cousin, implored me not to do so and threatened me with the fact that if I did, I would be immediately sent to National Service even before age 18. Need less to say I was a little fearful, I didn’t have sleepless nights or had troubles eating or anything like that, but it was enough for me to feel a little out of sorts for a couple of days. I was too young to go to National service, and if I had to be enlisted in less than a year, it would ruin all my plans in lieu of work in film and my Youtube account .

Admittedly I was gullible enough to not check for more reliable information after hearing the news, though before meeting him, I did check the Wikipedia article of the National service and it said there was only compulsory enlistment above 18 years old and those below 16 were voluntary.

However Christopher said that the information in Wikipedia was false and outdated, and what he was saying was the new information and truth. I believed him becase he was once in National Service and said he had crossed-referred to his friends who enlisted before 18 and his sergeant for the information that is reliable at the present time. I was disturbed for a couple of days with that realization, and I asked my other family members if it was true, which they said they were unclear of that . So I genuinely thought that dropping out of school was the exception to the norm, and that the information of people who were in national service was outmoded, and did not apply now .

As the days went by, I became progressively disturbed, but also increasingly skeptical, so I finally took the time to find the hotline number, and called the people from the national service, to ensure the reliability of Christopher’s statement. Thus, they revealed to me that what Christopher said was untrue, and that it was definitely not compulsory for people to enlist into National Service before 18, despite discontinuing from school. Therefore, from what Christopher had said, I had become distressed and worried, for absolutely nothing.

Christopher Toh lied to me, and his lie caused me to slip into an emotional turmoil for several days. I suspected he did it deliberately because I confronted him with a phone call and he said ‘so what if I lied to you?’, and then proceeded to cut the line before I had finished responding to him. Another indication of him lying is probably the irony when he boasted about the reliability of his army friends whom arrived before age 18. I smelled something that he pulled out his ass, and it ain’t pretty.
This is a person, who is willing to resort to manipulation and lies to get people to follow his way (in this case, persuading me to continue school) and caused me fear and emotional harm in the process.

I heard that Christopher is currently studying in a university to attempt to attain a degree in sociology, the art of helping people. He wants to use those skills in university to help the pour, the handicapped, basically, the ones that are emotionally unstable. I suggest that if this the kind of person that intends to help people, you either humiliate him into not doing so, or keep any one of his ‘clients’ as far away from him as possible, because if he is capable of causing such emotional harm to a normal person, who knows what will happen with someone with an actual emotional problem.

Please share this message to anyone who’s ever interacted with Christopher Toh and anyone who would ever will interact with Christopher Toh, and even the people who are just spectators, who treasure the commonly overlooked value we call ‘justice’ so that you can prevent yourself and others from ever being manipulated by this wretched person, and prevent these type of people, from ever being present in our world.

Best Wishes
Amos Yee

There are 4 things that you can learn from this:

1.?There are some contexts where it is appropriate to lie, but when you lie in the wrong context, that is a very significant problem.

2.?When you claim that you are saying something out of care, make sure that what you actually say and do is indicative of that care, otherwise it’s very evident to everyone with a brain that you’re the opposite of what you claim

3.?When somebody fucks with you, don’t mourn your sorrow, cower in a corner and contemplate suicide. Talk about it, reveal your experience and your problems, and if you have the chance(which seeing the abundance of social networking sites available, you probably will), find various ways to publicly humiliate him, so he can never dare to fuck with you again, and you can encourage other people to do the same.

4.?Don’t fuck with Amos Yee.

Revealing The True Nature Of Christopher Toh