Lee Kuan Yew buttfucking Margaret Thatcher

Lee Kuan Yew buttfucking Margaret Thatcher

This is a picture of Lee Kuan Yew buttfucking Margaret Thatcher. I made it. I have no frame of reference, but it is perhaps the 1 st ever satirically sexual image of a political leader, in Singapore I encourage more fellow Singaporeans who have any artistic abilities, even if it is initially limited (as you can see, in my usage of paint.net), whether it be writing, drawings, videos, to satirize and make fun of, the once supposedly great dictator, Lee Kuan Yew, or any other subject matter or political leader which you once thought should have been kept taboo. And you can send it to me at brainandbutter@gmail.com, I would really be interested to see it. And if you feel like you are alone on this and everyone seems to be against you, overcome it, and you will be one of the first, and exceptionally unique, and you should be proud of that.

And as more and more people indulge in this endeavor, it encourages more citizens to be able to openly criticize and make fun of their political leaders which in turn, leads to citizens to participate in an actual critical analysis and discussions of what they are talking about, not restricted to purely one-sided biased pandering formed by the social conditioning of the government, going to a funeral, and paying respects to a guy you hardly know.

And we would have contributed to removing the awful and ineffective censorship laws, the ridiculous sedition act, and people will not be afraid of getting sued just because they criticized the government, opening up a larger avenue for positive change to occur in our country. All of this, just from more pictures of Lee Kuan Yew buttfucking Margaret Thatcher, have fun!

If you enjoy my content and wish to show some more support and love, you can pledge some money?to my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/amosyee

Check out my video ‘Lee Kuan Yew is Finally Dead!’ here: ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD4y3U4TfeY ?And if you want to follow my content, please subscribe!

Lee Kuan Yew buttfucking Margaret Thatcher

Revealing The True Nature Of Christopher Toh

Since I’m going to meet my dear cousin Christopher Toh tomorrow for Chinese New ?Year, I think it is quite appropriate to repost this post, that was originally on Facebook, now it’s also on my blog. Christopher Toh is my cousin who lied to me, claiming?that I am immediately obliged to enlist in National Service once I decide to drop out out of school, which caused me to be quite worried for a few days until I eventually found out the truth.

Hello there, I am Amos Yee and I had just completed my O levels this year. I had relatively good results, an L1R5 of 11, but decided to drop out of school because I wanted to pursue my work in film. My cousin, implored me not to do so and threatened me with the fact that if I did, I would be immediately sent to National Service even before age 18. Need less to say I was a little fearful, I didn’t have sleepless nights or had troubles eating or anything like that, but it was enough for me to feel a little out of sorts for a couple of days. I was too young to go to National service, and if I had to be enlisted in less than a year, it would ruin all my plans in lieu of work in film and my Youtube account .

Admittedly I was gullible enough to not check for more reliable information after hearing the news, though before meeting him, I did check the Wikipedia article of the National service and it said there was only compulsory enlistment above 18 years old and those below 16 were voluntary.

However Christopher said that the information in Wikipedia was false and outdated, and what he was saying was the new information and truth. I believed him becase he was once in National Service and said he had crossed-referred to his friends who enlisted before 18 and his sergeant for the information that is reliable at the present time. I was disturbed for a couple of days with that realization, and I asked my other family members if it was true, which they said they were unclear of that . So I genuinely thought that dropping out of school was the exception to the norm, and that the information of people who were in national service was outmoded, and did not apply now .

As the days went by, I became progressively disturbed, but also increasingly skeptical, so I finally took the time to find the hotline number, and called the people from the national service, to ensure the reliability of Christopher’s statement. Thus, they revealed to me that what Christopher said was untrue, and that it was definitely not compulsory for people to enlist into National Service before 18, despite discontinuing from school. Therefore, from what Christopher had said, I had become distressed and worried, for absolutely nothing.

Christopher Toh lied to me, and his lie caused me to slip into an emotional turmoil for several days. I suspected he did it deliberately because I confronted him with a phone call and he said ‘so what if I lied to you?’, and then proceeded to cut the line before I had finished responding to him. Another indication of him lying is probably the irony when he boasted about the reliability of his army friends whom arrived before age 18. I smelled something that he pulled out his ass, and it ain’t pretty.
This is a person, who is willing to resort to manipulation and lies to get people to follow his way (in this case, persuading me to continue school) and caused me fear and emotional harm in the process.

I heard that Christopher is currently studying in a university to attempt to attain a degree in sociology, the art of helping people. He wants to use those skills in university to help the pour, the handicapped, basically, the ones that are emotionally unstable. I suggest that if this the kind of person that intends to help people, you either humiliate him into not doing so, or keep any one of his ‘clients’ as far away from him as possible, because if he is capable of causing such emotional harm to a normal person, who knows what will happen with someone with an actual emotional problem.

Please share this message to anyone who’s ever interacted with Christopher Toh and anyone who would ever will interact with Christopher Toh, and even the people who are just spectators, who treasure the commonly overlooked value we call ‘justice’ so that you can prevent yourself and others from ever being manipulated by this wretched person, and prevent these type of people, from ever being present in our world.

Best Wishes
Amos Yee

There are 4 things that you can learn from this:

1.?There are some contexts where it is appropriate to lie, but when you lie in the wrong context, that is a very significant problem.

2.?When you claim that you are saying something out of care, make sure that what you actually say and do is indicative of that care, otherwise it’s very evident to everyone with a brain that you’re the opposite of what you claim

3.?When somebody fucks with you, don’t mourn your sorrow, cower in a corner and contemplate suicide. Talk about it, reveal your experience and your problems, and if you have the chance(which seeing the abundance of social networking sites available, you probably will), find various ways to publicly humiliate him, so he can never dare to fuck with you again, and you can encourage other people to do the same.

4.?Don’t fuck with Amos Yee.

Revealing The True Nature Of Christopher Toh

Lamentation Of The Flu

I have been bedridden (Room-ridden?) for several days, it’s probably a flu, it causes me to become very lethargic, though I felt the sickness was not serious enough to compel?me to go to a Doctor, so I didn’t. The flu is?probably caused by over-exerting myself both in work and in social activites.

I cant seem to get any work done on videos because everytime I do, I am struck with a headache that most likely delays a full recovery. Somehow after a long time I have still not yet recovered, maybe this is the long-term effects of the lack of exercise and fast-food being in majority of my diet. I did take some daily pills I received before from a doctor try to heal my ailment, I use it every time before I go to sleep because it induces drowsiness, but there doesn’t seem to be a significant effect so I’m becoming skeptical.

I managed to catch up on some movies I wanted to watch, but sometimes after over-exposure to the screen, I gain another headache and become even more sick… I’m also unable to participate in the usual heated Facebook debates because that too also causes me a headache.

I’m getting nervous that I haven’t gotten any work done and have postponed numerous projects for quite some time. And being restricted to only a few activities does make you moody. I’m contemplating if I should see a doctor tomorrow when the clinic opens, I probably should….

If I ever recover, I’ll have to better balance out work and rest, and finally take note of that factor that I’ve overlooked in my life, which is health. I hope I recover soon, there is a significant deprivation of logic and reason to the world,without me being around.

And I hope this sickness never happens again because of the stupidity I inflicted upon myself because I was too negligent to bother about my health.

This is a rather melodramatic lamentation of a flu.

Lamentation Of The Flu

My Blessings To My Friends, To Their First Day Of School In Junior College

Hello. I hope my fellow peers had a good first day of school. I’m just being the disappoint that I am.. you know… being the school dropout and all.. I’m just at home relaxing, reading, writing, creating art, exploring new things and what the world has to offer.. you know… nothing special.

But you guys… god damn., with your uniforms, and bagpacks and plastic-covered textbooks. I see a group of you guys walking together along the sidewalks as I was in my pyjamas buying Char Kway Teow. Jesus christ…. you guys intimidate me. Lee Hsien Loong has been at the balcony of the Istana, staring out into the horizon, chanting the National Anthem all day long. Even when dear Lee Kuan Yew is old and sterile, he can’t help but conjure up the last jizz in his pants in excitement, at the sight of you young little patriots, participating together, as one united people, in their first day of school.

School… the institution of learning and enjoyment, the institution that sadly I am deprived of, with friends that you will have a genuinely happy and merry time with, friendships that are close and you will definitely maintain all throughout your lives, teachers who are extremely passionate and enlightening in their craft of teaching, keeping you at the edge of your seats during lesson time all day long, and a syllables that you are reeling in anticipation to learn. What could be more exciting than exploring the intriguing realms of statistics and economics? I wish I could learn those subjects but alas… I am only interested in the boring subjects like movies… and music…. science and evolution, the source of our creation and existence…. ahhh….Why am I such a mundane person? Unlike me, you guys are blessed with a completely relevant and engaging education, that you should always appreciate. I am sure, that you will maintain a ceaseless, unmitigated passion for learning, until the day you graduate.

My fellow friends, you guys are truly the influential people, that have brought us into the new millennium. Fuck Bill Gates, fuck Mark Zuckerberg, fucking school dropouts, what have they done but created things that we use and enjoy every day. But you guys.. you guys actually attend schools… you guys are actually going to have jobs like…. working in an office all your life, being paid minimum wage, that….. takes character.

My fellow peers, you are absolutely strong, and independently-minded people, with absolute control of your lives. What will our nation do without you? What will Singapore do without you? From the bottom of my dark black heart, I think I represent every Singaporean when I say…. we love you.

Majulah Singapura…. majulah singapura…….

My Blessings To My Friends, To Their First Day Of School In Junior College

Amos Yee’s Resume

So there was a time, where I wanted to apply for a job as a tutor in a tuition centre, and my Mother told me that the employer would expect a resume if I did. So I went to a website with a ?‘professional resume maker’, where they had?some preconceived format and even sentences thrown in which I meticulously picked out and manipulated,(I don’t think my syntax had ever been so rambunctious) and this is what I came up with:
Amos Yee

Cell: 91866915 Email: brainandbutter@gmail.com

Professional Summary

Teacher?with a strong commitment to student growth, development and academic success. Background in?English?and?Maths?instruction. Education Instructor skilled in evaluating the needs of each student and tailoring lesson planning and classroom instruction to encourage academic success. Teacher?who applies an extensive background in education to help students achieve lasting success in the classroom and the work place.? Optimistic and friendly.Teacher?adept at working with those dedicated to lifelong learning. Offers course instruction that expands individual skill sets while cultivating interpersonal communication.


  • Motivational techniques
  • In-depth knowledge of English and Maths
  • Tolerant
  • Charismatic
  • Job training expertise
  • Able to distinct between a peacock and a goose.
  • Ability to edit, produce and film videos for educational purposes.
  • Effective in communication of concepts/ability to teach
  • Articulate, a great orator
  • Humorous
  • Imaginative.
  • Competency in creating unique and inventive educational tools.

Work History

Teacher 11/2014-Current


  • Employed a variety of assessment tools and strategies to improve instruction methods.
  • Instructed students on a variety of skills, including?Effective Memorisation techniques,?The correct studying method?and?how to select the perfect assessment book
  • Assigned lessons and corrected homework.
  • Advised students on course selection, progress toward graduation and career decisions.
  • Created curriculum and planned course content and methods of instruction.


High School Diploma: 2014

Zhonghua Secondary School ? Serangoon Avenue 3

Nominated for a Humanities Scholarship

Top of the class in secondary 3 and 4

As for E maths, A maths, Chemistry and English

Amos Yee’s Resume

Script For ‘Homosexuality In Singapore’

I would acknowledge that ‘Homosexuality In Singapore’ my most recent and popular video, has the best written script in my videos by far. So here it is, I am releasing it to the public. Read it, share it, study it for your compositions

Homosexuality in Singapore By Amos Yee

(Title card)

Today we’re going to talk about a significant flaw that has plagued not only our nation but also significant parts of the world. The lack of acceptance of Homosexuality. Our nation, it’s people and the Government, is part of something ?very wretched, making these group of people ?feel insecure about themselves, and alienated because of their sexual orientation

Before we begin I would just like to state that there is absolutely no biasness involved in the making of this video. I’m not gay, I am perfectly straight. Regardless though, the injustice that is faced by this group of people, even though they’re part of a minority, is very evident to me.

In Singapore, there is a penal code 377A, (Show image) that claims that if any male gay engage in sex, they will be charged up to a jail sentence of 2 years. This penal code not only restricts them to have sex, and thus love freely. It also restricts them from setting up avenues to educate the public on the true nature of homosexuality, organisations for these gays to engage in social activites together, and being accepted in public sectors of work in risk of being fired. It’s categorised as an outrage in decency therefore, both the government and the people, should deem that act as indecent.

Now this law has social implications that extends far beyond just restricting them from having sex. These group of people, being deprived of the normal biological rights that are granted to normal human beings, leads majority of the public to view them as unnatural,? and express this obvious disapproval of them.? This leads to these people, feeling hurt, clearly distinct from others and the pain of unacceptance, throughout their youth and possibly the rest of their lives.

There are no statistics on how many gay people there are in Singapore or what percentage of the population they constitute. We are a highly industralised nation, where statistics of literacy, and population growth are everywhere and easy to receive, and yet there are absolutely no statistics on homosexuals or an attempt to receive this information, which can really tell people just how important the need for the public is to not discriminate against these people. That indicates just how unconcerned the Singapore Government is about these group of people.

And if you look closely, the law is also inconsistent, the penal code only applies to male gays and doesn’t apply to lesbians. If you have a law that restricts gay sex, why does it only apply to Males? Why doesn’t it apply to females too? I brought this up not because I want lesbian sex to be banned too. I’m just bringing it up to point out how this penal code is characterized by a lack of logic, lack of factual evidence, ignorance and stupidity, and it should be abolished, because every homosexual should have the right to have sex.

It has been discovered, with modern science, by numerous experts and scientists,? and was even mentioned in the National Geographic. That the normal social perception, that the sexual orientation of these homosexuals are dictated solely by social influences, by parents or by siblings, is completely false. Their sexual orientation, their liking of the same sex, is not dictated by external influences or the conditioning of society, it’s dictated by their genes. These homosexuals are just like all of us, where their liking of a specific sex is simply biological, is out their control, and has been with them ever since they were born.

The perception of the gay community? is that these people are very sexually promiscuous, and will make you feel very uncomfortable, is also inane. They’re as sexually promiscuous as any normal human being. I had the prerogative of attending a coffee session organized by Singapore Gay Confessions to interact with the Gay community for the first time in my life. None of them tried to get under my pants or make me like males. They acted like any heterosexual in Singapore. In fact, initially when I had a glance at some of them, I thought from the way they dressed and talked, that some others were straight too. But no they were all gay, I was the only straight guy there, I was their first straight ally. Most of them, pretty much all of them from the few I’ve meet, were very nice and friendly people. They made me feel, very comfortable.

Now people might think, so what if we make it illegal for them to have sex, they’re still able to live and benefit our society, they’re not even able to make babies anyways, so it doesn’t harm them at all. It does. I have already claimed aforementioned social disadvantages that they suffer before, but solely pertaining to sex. It’s our basic biological desire to fuck, and there’s absolutely no shame in that. It’s characteristic of the human species, and the freedom to culminate your love with someone in the act of sexual intercourse, is very important, regardless of whether or not you intend to reproduce. And I’m sure that it’s very sad, and rarely, does someone have sex not because they love someone, but because “They really want to procreate!”. You should not and there is no reason to restrict homosexuals from doing so, in fact it’s considered by me to be absolutely deplorable to do such a thing.

The discrimination brought upon by this law that plagues every homosexuals ‘life, has caused them compared to heterosexuals, to have a higher risk of suffering from depression, anxiety, self-harm and even suicide. Because of this unethical law, because of stupidity, and ignorance. Because of their sexual orientation which they can’t even control? They have to be placed in a hostile environment, and suffer pain and sadness.? And you think, there isn’t any harm at all?

So with all this evidence and rationality in place, why do we have a law that oppresses homosexuals and why does majority of the world deem homosexuality as unnatural?? Well the main reason, is social conditioning. Because of conditioning of religion, which majority of the people in the world still have. You want to follow the word of God, therefore if your bible says that homosexual sex is detestable, you should follow it. That is also the book that said that the world is flat, and that parents should stone their kids if they disobey, but that’s a video for another day.

Because of the people around you, whom for a long time, expressed disgust when they hear about homosexuals which caused you to do the same, and your parents, whom never bothered to validate what they claim ,tell you the lies that their parents spread to them, and then telling you that homosexuals based on their own decision, chose to like the same gender, and that it is wrong to do that. And you’re going to let that influence your decisions. To make these group of people suffer throughout their childhoods,? throughout their lives for their sexual orientation which they had no control over, because of these fake and ridiculous claims?

Our Government, Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Hsien Loong , these people with positions of power, especially with how our government works, they have tremendous amounts of influence to the people, much more than I do.? Lee Kuan Yew even knows the science, and predicted that in the future, society will accept homosexuals. They not only have the influence, but the ability, to change these laws and benefit the lives of these group of people . But they, in the fear of not wanting to stir up public controversy, opposition and having these arbitrary claims that they will hurt our national security, postpone influencing the false mindset of the public and changing these laws, causing more generations of homosexuals to be treated in this cold and horrid fashion. That, in my opinion, is extremely irresponsible of the government to the welfare of these people.

We’re not going to let archaic ideas of past generations? influence our views on homosexuals. We’re not going to let stupid and ignorant people create a false mindset to the public about homosexuals. We’re not going make these group of people feel insecure about themselves because of their sexual orientation. We’re going to grant these people the basic human rights that they deserve.We’re going to abolish Penal? Code 377A.

As history has told us, every revolution has caused acts of violence. But as history has also told us, never follow patterns, unique methods and ideas, are the key to influence. We’re not going to engage in any forms of violence or riots. The pen is mightier than the sword, and with the advent of the internet and a plentiful supply of digital communication, now is the time where we’re most likely able to cause influence and proliferate ideas in an effective and non-violent way.? We will be people characteristic of the 21 st century, and use words and ideas, instead of guns.

So how do we get the message across to cure both the country and the world of its hostility towards Homosexuality? By sharing the proofs of evidence, by sharing the hardship that homosexuals face, by sharing this video, sharing and adding on to the argument to liberate homosexuals whether it be through videos, word of mouth, literature or art. To influence the Government to abolish the penal code. Never overlook the influence that can be brought upon by a single person. You neither need a surplus of intelligence and resources., you just need the balls, and the logic.

Both you and I can and will be part of a revolution, and this time not for something evil or manipulative, but for something noble, for these gays to stop feeling insecure about their sexual orientation, to be granted the basic human rights that we have, so that they can lead more joyful, happier lives.? Not only for the millions now, but for unborn millions to come.

Thank you

Do this whole thing in one swoop?

Script For ‘Homosexuality In Singapore’

My Last Day Of School

I had the opportunity to be greeted with a conversation with the principal, the minute I stepped into school. It was of course regarding the previous post remarking on the various facets of school, experienced by me. I never conversed with the new principal that had just come in this year, but now I did. I’m glad I soaked up another facet of the school experience. It’s ironic that no one in the school who is considered a model student ever had a conversation with the principal, and it is the critical, naughty, rebellious ones that do. It’s rather odd that he seems to prefer acknowledging bad rather than good.

We conversed for about 20 minutes, where most of it were repetitions of questions that I had answered, where he just could not comprehend what my answer was. For example, he asked why I still came for the prom when I was so negative and unappreciative of the school, I answered that I wasn’t celebrating how great the school was, but the things I have learnt from it, being in this environment which was very hostile to me. He didn’t quite comprehend it so he asked the question another 3 or 4 times. He even said that because I am so unappreciative of the efforts of the school, next time he might be considering not even holding or organising a large-scale prom in the future. I said you’re going to let one student’s opinion be representative of the whole student population and be petty enough to deprive something that they might enjoy because of me? I hope he doesn’t close down the school after reading this recent post. What was contradictory was that he said that everyone was entitled to their opinion, then proceeded to demand an apology from me, to the school, for writing my opinions. I of course refused. No way in hell was I going to discredit any of the 4000 words that I had written, and no way in hell would anyone believe me even if I did. Not today, and not again.

He did however point out something partially valid, that my piece of criticism was not balanced. And I sort of agree, it was purely biased because the bad outweighed the good, so much so that I did not mention any few tidbits of good that I had experienced, such as having a considerably influential, nice and at moments, an effective Malay teacher during my Secondary 2. Yeah, it was quite one-sided, but does being biased make one wrong? Not necessarily. There’s no way that anyone can say anything good about validating the existence of religion, after they understand the whole scenario. So it was biased, but it was the true feelings which I had experienced, and I would rather be honest than be balanced, and plus it was much more fun to write. He did urge me to write something balanced next time, and I could see he was a true advocator of that, having purely positive pandering of students, covering the walls of the school and in every yearbook. And then when someone like me writes something negative, you then say I should be balanced. Actually, since the school has published everything that is positive for several years, and I wrote a long post that is purely negative, I have actually helped garnered a balanced view of the school haven’t I?

Oh yeah, also the discipline master had a laptop, but the principal asked him to print out the 4000 word writing, which he did, on paper, and passed it to him. Is he in the 18th century? He didn’t do much with it, he just held it with his left hand and pointed at it with his right index finger occasionally when he tried to make a point.

Overall, he was just trying to say that he was disappointed with what I wrote. Yup, I never would have guessed. I never would have guessed that you, who spent majority of your life conforming to a flawed educational system and advocating the archaic values representative of it, to gain a position of power, and then seeing a criticism of the thing that you so treasure, would engender some form of distasteful feelings

Of course he could do nothing about what I had wrote because it was the last day of school, and so he left me, saying he was still ‘gracious’ enough to let me continue with the prom, and letting me off scot-free, the way it should be.

Thank you for not terrorizing me with the vice prinicipal, he did give a deep stare as I passed by him on the way to the principal’s office, but at least I did not hear him talk.

Apparently many people were horrified by what I had wrote, so much so that parents from the alumni, students from the cohort and people from my class all forwarded the post to the principal, demanding that he did something about it. But he didn’t, and he couldn’t, sucks for them.

I went to the auditorium, and there was a lot of waiting for things to start, so I went to a ‘secret spot’ in the school beside the school hall that my friend had been talking about, which was relatively cool. After that we proceeded to participate in a ‘march’ where all the students walked on a red carpet together, where all these people from the alumni whom we had no idea about, cheered for us. We sat down on these big restaurant tables, which seemed really out of place in the school hall, and saw a dance performance which was quite decent, and a DJ who had a horrible sense of humor, grouping us into groups ‘A’ and ‘B’, and making us participate in the riveting and exciting game of guess the number, it seemed more like a camp than a prom. Needless to say, me, my friends, and from the looks of it everyone else, was bored.

After about 30 minutes, the mundanity was unbearable, so I left early.

My friends are still in the prom, whom had spent hundreds of dollars on suits (I wore the school uniform), and had the mindset that they did not want to waste their money. Unfortunately, in my opinion, they’ve wasted their money already, it’s better not to waste time too. But I think I’m gonna watch interstellar with them later, at 9pm, after their prom is over.

Maybe something interesting would happen in the prom later, but I think I felt it wasn’t worth enduring another few hours of table games. So I left, and am now, being your humble narrator and spending my time writing this blog post.

I took a picture a minute before I left, not of me, or of anyone, but of an idea, a rather simple idea, but one where people who not only possess the logic, but the daring, can express

Goodbye school. Goodbye Zhonghua. Welcome life.

My Last Day Of School